Non-Op Prison

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Emmie, Aug 30, 2021.


Do you want a non-OP prison server

  1. Yes

    2 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
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  1. Emmie

    Aug 22, 2021
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    I'd love for there to be a non-op prison with actual prison-like gameplay.

    I personally think OP prison and retro-style non-op prison are two very different game modes. I don't like that you have tons of space in your Pmine and pickaxes that don't break with efficiency to the point it instabreaks blocks and grinding feels really unrewarding as money is kinda irrelevant since all you need is blocks broken to prestige and you can in theory just wait for profit shops to come around to make money that way. Your Pmine is useless since there's always a better one with better bonuses.
    I'm not saying that I don't like MCC-Prison, I would just like a non-op version of the prison game mode that i have spent hours and hours playing.

    My suggestion is a new server. A prison #3 (or #2 if you don't fix #2 lol) where you need to craft your own pickaxes that actually break and make enchantment tables relevant. Where you earn your XP. Have an actual cell with limited space for storage and where you could raise cattle without spawners (which is just a passive income that only benefits those with alt accounts that afk all day) and maybe make it cost a little to access so having that space feels earned.

    I hate the Dmine cause those without it can't cheat the intended line of progression. i want a server where you have to grind your way up instead of jumping to V rank after 30minutes of mining in a Dmine. I want PvP areas where you build your own armor and don't have gapples. I do however want the MCC-feel to remain like the custom enchants and tokens and head shops and quality of life perks that donating gives you such as /fly /seen /ptime /enderchest and such but not the x2.5 multiplier that economically segregates the rookies and donators.

    Honestly, if equality between rookies and donators is too much to ask for, then please seriously consider a non-op prison server because I would and hopefully others would enjoy that really much.
    BlockyBeach and DarkBeastPro like this.
  2. TurtleSoup123

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Good Evening,

    I can see where you're coming from with this idea, and to be honest, prison two was as close to what your describing as I have seen with prison on mcc. Note I wasn't around for the earlier seasons. Prison 2 was definitely harder to be good at than prison 1. The two economies were so different it was like playing a different subserver. Last season they still had upgradable pickaxes with crazy efficiency which I understand can be annoying, but in my opinion, I would rather be able to break blocks with ease rather than wait extra time with lower or non efficient pickaxes.

    I honestly loved prison 2, but understood why it was removed this season. The economy of any subserver varies on the amount of players it has. Since prison 1 was so popular, money was easier to make, and you were seeing a lot of players in high prestige's. Prison 2 averaged like 20 people, and money was not so easy to make. Player base in a subserver is huge, and feedback is always taken when doing an update so large. People (not all) in this community like the system that has been going on and don't like to downgrade or switch. A retro prison would attract some players, but it wouldn't keep up with MCCs modern prison subserver.

    Now I would like to talk to you about private mines. I for one, am not the biggest fan of, but see why they're so popular and fun to play around with. You talked about too much space in your private mine, but you do have to take in the fact that plotworld was removed. Without plots, where are people going to place spawners? If you're going to take out plotworld, the pmine space needs to become bigger, which it did.

    Lastly, I would like to talk about the DMine. I understand your frustration with rookies and donators being so far apart in chance to be successful, and I agree with you, but rookies can easily be successful with dedication and work. I think Dmine should be updated, but it would probably not be implemented. So here's the plan: Seperate into a couple of DMines, so not every donator rank has this one DMine. The higher tiered one should be what it is now, and a lower tiered one should be "lower tiered". Not really sure what that would look like but that's my general idea.

    Hope these thoughts helped and hopefully you enjoy the rest of your day/night.
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  3. Zac25zac

    Sep 14, 2019
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    With the release of Prison Season X, many people were upset with the removal of the plot world. I personally like the merge with pmines and plots. I feel that the size of the pmines is good where it starts and like that you can upgrade it if you please. Some people like to build a lot and it gives them the space to, you can also build another border around to make it smaller if you would like that. I like having high-efficiency levels to the point where it insta-mines even though it can be annoying if you accidentally break blocks around your plot. I also like having the pickaxe be unbreakable. These things don't seem "OP" to me as they start bare and you upgrade them yourself. I would find it annoying to have to keep recrafting pickaxes and reenchanting them each time they break.

    I agree with the fact that a little mining at the dmine can shoot you straight up to V at the very beginning. Like TurtleSoup123 said above me I think from Coal -> Lapis there should be one dmine and Emerald -> Immortal there should be another. I would also like to keep the multiplier for having certain ranks. While this does make it so much easier for ranked players to gain more money quicker, I feel with the right amount of grinding they can easily have the same amount of success!

    These are just my opinions and I don't find Prison to be an OP Prison server and the economy seems just fine. I've played on OP Prison servers before and the economy is very different as things go easily into the billions at the very start of a season. Again, this is just how I feel, and I hope these opinions helped. Have a good rest of your day!
  4. Emmie

    Aug 22, 2021
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    First of all, you don't know how popular a retro prison server would be. And even with a smaller player base I would still love the see a retro prison server and even if it would have a smaller economy that would just mean that you wouldn't make a passive income and more grinding would be incentivized.

    As for spawners, I don't think I emphasized how much I hate them. They make you a passive income (which I think is bad in itself) and only benefit those with another Minecraft account that afk's all day and night. Everyone can't afford an alt and it just makes the server, even more, pay to win.

    making multiple dmines would worsen the problem and not make it better. This would mean that those who pay more IRL money for ranks will have an even greater advantage. The inequality is really sickening.

    just please make a retro-style non-op server despite a speculated low player base (which I think is wrong but whatever)
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  5. Emmie

    Aug 22, 2021
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    instabeaking blocks and unbreakable pickaxes is literally OP prison stuff. I respect that you like playing OP-prison, I'm just saying that I don't

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