Prison Season X | Feedback Wanted!

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by 89p, Aug 21, 2021.

  1. xpuma1x

    Jul 23, 2019
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    where is the current graph of what blocks /cash / spawneramount is possible per prestige level?
    has this changed compared to previous season or is this still up-to-date?


    Also its kinda weird we have been told u didnt need any prestige for the Pmine but you still need to be prestiged once in order to open up the mine, which i dont like..
    BeckyV likes this.
  2. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    ok here's my feedback:

    the new season is super pog. one thing I would like to see though is a message in chat that happens whenever you log on and there are boosters active. It could be something simple like "There Are ___ Boosters Active". I usually don't know that boosters are active when i log on until someone says in chat to /tip, so this could be helpful so people would know if a booster is active, so they can tip to say thanks. I know there's already a message at spawn above the ranks thing, but most people don't even go over there. They log on, then go directly to the mines, so this would be helpful because it would notify them no matter where they are.

    Nonetheless, great job on the new reset
  3. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    I believe prestige perks & prices have not been changed this season.

    You are given a pmine before prestiging becuase plots were removed - pmines will act as your “plot” for the season. The actual mine aspect will remain as a prestige requirement to add an extra incentive to prestiging.
  4. Thomxs

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Please allow anvils to be used at plots its so annoying getting my xp stolen when i splash it at spawn aswell as having to /p h to keep getting my armour from my plot. Heard alot of people want it back aswell
    Droozi, luvhly, Niz and 2 others like this.
  5. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    This is not intentional - This is a bug which will be fixed ASAP.
    _N3bv1a_, BlockyBeach and luvbri like this.
  6. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Markey and the gang, how's it going?

    I haven't played too much of this season as I've been on & off but I don't really have any complaints rather than just some things I like :D.

    Firstly, the merging of plots and private mines was one that I was a bit cautious about at first as I'm not too sure what alternative Immortals will have as they no longer can obtain that 4th plot, but from first looks I think it's a very nice touch which makes MCC take a step in the right direction. Yeah, everything gets cluttered into one place now, but upon upgrading the size of your area you can make do with a lot more space than you'd get from those 4 old plots.

    I haven't had the privilege to use the PMD or wheel yet, but they look very very exciting and have seen very good feedback from it which is always great to see within this community, very flashy.

    Overall, very good update. Best we've had for a while, love that the QA team & Markey have been listening to the community and giving us very interesting and interactive activities. Thank you for that, and good luck to all Prison participants this season.

    Also RIP P2. :(
    AlexMarkey, Deesal and BlockyBeach like this.
  7. Thomxs

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Alot of original players / known pvpers aswell as new players from last season have complaints about durability on armour being worse for some reason breaking far faster then normal which makes it alot more difficult to fight. Not sure if its true or maybe its a glitch but ive also seen this happen to my armour and im writing this post as ive been messaged by 6 pvpers in the last hour about it. Also regarding my first post on page one which was ignored even tho it has the most likes on the forums :( would anything be able to be dont with that because ive also heard alot of complaints about it - SH0TS
    89p, Droozi, kttiy and 8 others like this.
  8. ltself

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Decent update, however the PVP as Thomxs needs to be adjusted. Armour breaks so fast making PVP not as clean.
    Thomxs likes this.
  9. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    Thank you for letting us know, we will look into this as well as your other reply.
    BlockyBeach and Thomxs like this.
  10. kttiy

    May 11, 2020
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    This is a super long read, I’m really sorry, I know I could’ve gotten straight to the point much faster but that's not who I am. Also please excuse any mistakes etc. I don't want to reread what i just wrote.

    I have been playing MCC for almost seven years now, and throughout that time I have seen many changes to the server. I joined for block hunt, but I stayed for Prison. I joined prison in 2014, which was the year it was released and I believed it was a perfect server to play with the inclusion of plots instead of prison cells, no free world and basic ranking up system (A-Z). Obviously the server is completely different to how it was when it was first added to MCC but I thought I should add to this thread some feedback from this new season.

    Season 7 was the season in which I joined back full time, it was a great thing to see for me with the inclusion of many new things, my favourite thing being the idea of spawners. I played in the magma spawner season (unsure which number) but there was no limit on spawners and were easily accessible. Since mining used to be the only way to rank up this was a great way to make extra money. It was quite a challenge to get from A-Z just from mining, but some players reached Z which is why Z1-Z9 was added. I think its great that there are now requirements to prestige making it more of a challenge to get to Z9.

    The main thing on everyones mind at the moment is of course the removal of plot world, I must say when I first found out that plot world was being removed I was quite frustrated as I spent most of my time building on prison. If you ever saw me on prison I focused on building on my plots and for my friends, some of my builds were even moved to the plot world spawn, which felt like an achievement for me, I love that people can see my builds I was proud of. The reason why I enjoy building on prison is because of the limited resources and the more natural sense of building instead of world edit. But joining the server now I can see why pmine was incorporated, I believe combining the pmine and plotworld is a great idea but I wish it was more flexible. Some players like myself do not want our own mine, we wish to build bases, or sell shops etc. I enjoy the inclusion of being able to now build on top of the mine and other permanent structures but this doesn’t fix the problem for those who do not wish to have a mine, it makes it difficult if we build on top of the mine as we have to cover a large area to block of the structures. I have a few ideas for this fix. Maybe implementing a choice between a blank plot or a pmine, although this may be a bit of struggle to include it does allow players to choose between these two options, it will also allow ranks to have their multiple plots back (I will get into ranks later). Another idea would be bringing back plots, not plotworld as such but just plots, like the floating ones we have currently. I always enjoyed the plotworld as I could combine my plots together to build huge structures, but with the increase in size for the pmine I believe the only thing about plotworld that would be missed is the easy ability to see other players plots and being able to claim plots next to friends. Pmine of course would stay the same but you can also have a plot. Especially because since you need to reach prestige 1 to build the private mine, some players do not reach this level therefore never have a mine built. Pmines should be optional to all players and not given exclusively. This again would also give back donators their extra plots. I also wish there wasn’t a void below the pmine as if you do decide to build it is extremely difficult especially with blocks dropping into the void. Maybe filling in the pmine like how the old plots were would fix this issue.

    I enjoy the upgradeable size of the pmine though I think this is amazing for players that do wish to build on their mine and want more space, they can section off parts of the island for different builds eg. Sell shop, spawners, storage etc. Although this is smart I think if the server was ever to implement plots I think that they plots should return to the original size (32x32?) I personally really enjoy the smaller plots. If players wish to have a larger plot they can upgrade the size. It would be great if the size of the mine itself was also bigger as some players enjoy this more than the smaller mines. Another note would be to change the colour of the /pmine chat as the colour is exactly the same as guild chat and ally chat, this is a small fix so I know it can be achieved.

    I can’t personally say I am a pvp player but many players play just for the pvp. But there are a few issues that have surfaced. Some players have noticed that armour strength now decreases at a much faster rate which is frustrating for them especially when they have claimed their kit for the day. I must also add, the map is nice but the cactus’ are very annoying as you can die by standing next to them, it is frustrating as it ups your pvp deaths even though a player didn’t kill you, I think this is a bit silly, maybe we can have friendly cacti.

    Like I stated earlier the inclusion of spawners is amazing, but the one thing I am worried about this season also kind of links to the plot world. As we all know spawners can be very laggy, has there been tests ran for the mines with maximum amount of spawners? I know there are commands to hide the spawners but for players like me with awful connection spawner lag creates a huge issue for my computer, it may make it difficult for some players to mine in other private mines. This is why I enjoyed having seperate plots as we could seperate the purposes eg. One plot for a shop, one plot for storage, one plot for the spawners etc. I know walking through plot world standing at a plot where all 4 corners have spawners it is extremely laggy so I would really hope this is not an issue. I understand this may be just be a personal issue but I’m sure having maximum spawners and players mining will have some sort of consequence.

    I know myself and many other players would absolutely love for the addition of chunk loaders (like in sky block) to be added which would make life 100% easier for players who AFK their spawners 24/7. There is no point of having spawners if they do not spawn without someone standing near them, I understand this may be an unfair advantage for some players but I believe if it was an OP item it would be a great help to those that do love the spawner aspect of the game.

    Many players are extremely frustrated with the immortal rank no longer having a second perk, I know I personally dislike the fact that there was no extra perk added for this season, I feel it is kind of useless upgrading to immortal. Players with alts would purchase immortal so they can have 4 plots which means more spawner space. I really hope the admins/owners are looking into what can be added as an extra perk this season. Perhaps next season immortals do not need to prestige to have a private mine? Or maybe have more than one mine? Maybe a monthly booster reward too? We would really like something for this season to be added in, otherwise we need to wait 4-8 months for us to receive our extra perk. Or if it is decided in the end to bring back plots of some sort that would solve the issue of the missing extra perk. Please kindly remove beacons from ancient keys too as it is super unfair to receive a beacon once a month if you’re unlucky like some players, especially if that is the only reward this season. I believe more players would purchase immortal if it was more enticing. I know there are other sub servers that people play which immortal may be a bit more valuable but for prison it isn’t worth it.

    Also please please please! I beg stop resetting seasons so early, season 1 ran for 2 years? And yet many players still played. It is so frustrating watching your hard grind get reset after 4 months. I know some players had reached Z9 fast but it doesn’t allow other players that are a bit slower get a chance to get close to the end rank. Some rookies don’t even get a chance to get past certain prestiges.

    I also wish some items were more accessible to everyone. Backpacks seem to be super rare and appreciate in price super fast as they are very sought after. I also dislike that the voting villager harasses people to vote, even if they have already voted, maybe we can opt to get a reminder.

    But other than a few notes I think the addition of the new items is great and lots of peoples expectations were met with this new season. I enjoy the server being both OP and OG at the same time, I like the simplicity and the extra features that differ mcc from other Minecraft prison servers.
  11. _N3bv1a_

    Mar 15, 2021
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    From what I have seen so far, I very much enjoy this season. But I only have 2 things that I somewhat dislike. 1. Being that there isn't really anywhere to warp to other than spawn and people's pmines. Previous seasons I felt like there was more that could be seen and honestly I miss that. 2. Is what some others are saying, merging the pmines and plots. There are some ups and downs imo so I'll just list a down side and hopefully they can be checked out. I miss having the free space around plots, I feel like the pmines atm kinda keep you contained via exploring and I'm not quite a fan of it.
  12. Deesal

    Apr 21, 2020
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    I was going to make a little note about this also, the key rates seem incredibly bad for backpacks. I know the rates of keys were adjusted as I was told to help sell wands become more obtainable and of course the removal of apple pickers helped that, but it seems like backpacks are now a Legendary item if anything?

    I personally opened 19 myths and mostly got beacons, then tokens and rename scrolls. Based off other people opening keys too, I can tell that the rate of backpacks dropping is significantly less and I have been fighting hard to buy any backpacks I can find at the moment and even though I have 12 at the moment, that cost me pretty much all of my money to get due to the inflation because of the lack of backpacks.

    I'm hoping there is some kind of revision to the key rates since I wouldn't recommend anyone opening keys at the moment with the drop rate for them.
    89p, kttiy and BlockyBeach like this.
  13. kttiy

    May 11, 2020
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    I agree with you, backpacks are impossible to find at the moment. They are really useful and I think they should be more accessible. Whereas rewards such as beacons and custom enchants can easily be purchased, 3x custom enchants are considered 'legendary' whereas you can purchase 3 custom enchants for 60 tokens. I think it's unfair for things such as mining backpacks to be a rare items as it is something you cannot easily obtain. I understand some of the other items being legendary such as perks and disguises but if I opened a key and received 3 custom enchants I would not think this is a legendary item I would think it's something I could get from a voting key. I hope they review what kind of items you can receive from keys especially if this is the only reward for immortals atm.
    BlockyBeach, Deesal and 89p like this.
  14. PurbleMist

    Feb 4, 2020
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    Mainly just going through the new/changed stuff and give some ideas of how they can be fixed or just complaining about them. It is a solid sized post but each thing I talk about is labeled. Will put edits or create another reply if I ever need to.

    PMD : Haven't used it since season start so my info might be outdated. It is just hot garbage. The only way you make any money out of this thing is with the lightning strike and maybe the bomb. The laser beam has 0 fortune on it so it is more efficient to spam out your bombs and lightning then just leave it by shifting. Which in return makes the time extension upgrade useless (which also is the most expensive upgrade out of the three.) My idea for fixing this is the beam take the properties of the pickaxe you have in your inventory. Even though it is hot garbage it is really fun to use which makes it disappointing to use knowing you are just wasting time using this thing or left 50+ seconds on it because you rather play efficiently and not actually able to use it.

    Wheel of Fortune : Honestly a great addition if the PMD was actually good to make you wanna log on daily but it does feel real shit when you get something like extra blocks when you already have 10mil blocks mined in your pmine or extra mob spawns when you don't have any spawners. A few ways I can think of to fix this.
    1. Instead of rolling for all 5 rewards + jackpot you choose 3 out of the 5 you want to roll for. This way if you have a maxed pick and maxed pmine you can choose both the mob ones and robot gems or if you don't have spawners choose blocks, pick xp, and robot gems.
    2. Change it to a six hour interval between spins and lower how many PMD tickets you can get from it. This would mainly just mitigate the pain of getting a bad roll and having to stick with it for 24 hours and make players want to play during that more limited time when they got something good.
    3. Just choose the buff you want and roll for jackpot and PMD tickets.
    Final thing might be nice if the jackpot took over another square each time you didn't get it and reset back to one square when you did.

    Merging of pMine and plots : I honestly am happy about the removal of plots they just never felt like prison. Thousands upon thousands of blocks of just free range to go around as you please. With the new pMine though builders no longer have much space to build unless they prestige. A simple fix to this would be decrease the price of expanding your pMine and give the first robot for free so you can start making gems without having to prestige. Another few things that may annoy some builders is not being able to change the blocks the important things in your pMine are made out, of all the bedrock that surrounds all of those things, and not being able to move them around the massive 256x256 maxed out pMine size. (Unless there is some way to do any of this and I just don't know it)
    Most people seem to have said everything else that seems important like spawner lag late game and spawners + shops lag. Still want to go further into spawners + shop lag. With plots we would just put them in two different plots away from each other or grab an alt account and use that accounts plot to make a shop. We do need some way to be able to make shops and lots of them without lagging our own pMine or having loads of alt accounts. So you need a way to make shops (and lots of them given some players made 8+ plots worth of shops when we had plots) if you just give us a new realm for every player to make a shop and don't allow us to make them outside that realm players will be angry that there isn't enough space or just grab more alts and do it like they do atm. So these would either need to be extremely large and only allow shops in some way or another or allow us to buy infinite of these at a cost and not going up in price because then players will just grab an alt.

    Crates :
    Vote Crate : Just shove Apple Pickers in the shop for like 30 tokens or something. This "Legendary" reward is the same feeling as getting 500 EXP or $50k. The only Legendary reward should be the Sell Wand. Secondly about the Vote Crate remove the Vote Pickaxes they might have been a solid reward before the Prison Pickaxe now it is just chucked out of our inventories the same second we get them. If you are gonna blast us with a message in chat to vote make it more worthwhile than some pickaxe xp, tokens, and money.

    Mythical Crate : From the few people I have talked to and the crates I opened you guys messed up the rates of this stuff. Lots of us opened 30+ keys and got no Sell Wands and either 1 roll of the Backpacks or none. You guys knew Sell Wands became a problem last season and then decided to make it worse? Maybe we just got bad RNG but seriously feels like something got messed up here and I am hoping on accident.
    Long term complaint I have had with them. If you want players to spend money and stick around don't try and make players spend more money by giving us horrible rewards like rename scrolls in hopes we spend more trying to get what we want. (seriously can we not just use the anvil to rename all our stuff instead of spending irl to do that???) giving us good rewards will make us feel more inclined to buy more keys if we play next season if not just buy more keys after getting a lot of good stuff instead of feeling like crap and wanting to quit.
    xpuma1x, _N3bv1a_, Deesal and 3 others like this.
  15. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Thank you for the feedback. Just to clarify a few things:
    # Key rates have not changed whatsoever between this season and last (If Sellwands are this big of an issue then im down to fix this up - Best approach seems to be tweaking the rarities of them). As for the PMD changes have been made since the start of the season (including some changes with todays daily reboot). The PMD is hardcoded at Fortune 9, alongside the beam being buffed drastically (it will now zap blocks in a much larger radius which from our debugging showed it to be significantly more OP than mining with a pickaxe)
    xpuma1x, PurbleMist and BlockyBeach like this.
  16. 110usd

    Dec 29, 2020
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    So far in the past week, this is the main thing I agree with. I think extending it down to y0 will make building chest rooms or private spawners, or just anything you want hidden from visitors. The pmine idea was well executed in my opinion and I like how it rounds everything in one place. Also, another thing I would suggest is the Wheel of Fortune cooldown. Maybe have it every 12 hours instead of 24? Other than that, everything else has been smooth in the past week for me.
    AlexMarkey and BlockyBeach like this.
  17. DaveDreaD

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Be nice to have a setting that allowed us to trust people to refuel our bots , but not give them access to the chests...kinda setting us up to be robbed.
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  18. JamesWellesley

    Jul 22, 2019
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    So far i think this has been a success however it may worth be looking into features such as:

    1 : Upgradeable spawners -> Level of spawners determines output.
    - So your high level spawners will start with a very low level but with tokens and/or money it can be upgraded. I feel it could add another aspect to the in-game economy.

    2 : Could also add spawn eggs to the /shop for pets. Not sure how'd that work with entity saving but its an idea.
    _N3bv1a_ and BlockyBeach like this.
  19. t4nw31x

    Aug 12, 2021
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    I do enjoy the new update and I feel like adding a feature where you can put multiple signs on chests down at one time would be a great addition. This would help save lots of time.

    I also feel as if pmine's are a better option than plots because you don't have to mine all the cobble out if you would like to build something underground (Farms, Grinders, etc.)

    I am having a lot of fun with the new update and I hope they add more features soon! - Verent
  20. Icyful

    Aug 7, 2019
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    bruh why u be removing plot worlds those were goated :(
    Rainbow_Pug_1000 likes this.

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