Prison Season X | Feedback Wanted!

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by 89p, Aug 21, 2021.

  1. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    Prison Season X Feedback
    We hope you’ve been enjoying Season 10.0 of Prison! The purpose of this thread is to gather feedback from the community to see where we can improve! Alex and the QA team will be frequently checking this thread. How are you finding the pmine updates? Do you like combat crystals? If there’s anything else you want to bring forward here is the place to do it!

    All constructive feedback is greatly appreciated and will not be ignored!
  2. ethan6000

    Mar 19, 2021
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    Feedback 1: add plots
    Feedback 2: pmines need unmerging from plots
    Feedback 3: give donors their multiple plots back/multiple pmines or something
  3. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Prison 2 server is down please fix :(
    But seriously, the new season seems ok, apart from the lag.
    Jorfie likes this.
  4. Thomxs

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Prison pvp needs to have some more structures or even increase the size of trees before the pvping starts later this week, there is no where to hide, run or pearl behind to escape or get out. Gangs will just 2v1 everyone. Thankyou - SH0TS
    Yukihira, Niz, BlockyBeach and 4 others like this.
  5. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Can you please elaborate on this / give us more information.
    Whilst yes the plotworld was merged with the private mine world, do note the following:

    # With the new setup, you can upgrade the size of your Private Mine (up to a maximum size of 256x256). This is the equivilant size of 25 plots.
    # The spawner limit on Private Mines is 4x as much (as a result of it all being merged into the 1 location).

    We are definitely open to feedback, but we need a greater understanding of everything before jumping at changes straight away.
  6. Droozi

    Jul 22, 2019
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  7. ethan6000

    Mar 19, 2021
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    First of all, the pmine and plot thing I don't personally like and neither do my friends. But I've seen almost everyone complain about it. And we can't set alias tp rename the pmine which is also stupid. And now instead of /p h, we always have to type /pmine go. And Immortals were able to get at least 4 plots for free, and now we need to get robot gems just to upgrade it. Trust me, I like the private mines in general, just not it being merged with plots.
    _N3bv1a_ likes this.
  8. whydidigetmuted

    Sep 25, 2020
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    Longer seasons would be nice. A better Mute/ban review. Better WARNINGS before you get a ridiculous 2 week mute over PETTY minimal chat that someone /chatreport abused, a better community system management would do, more active staff members that can deescalate situations instead of the same lazy excuse "most people don't listen anyways" so ima mute them like a pig, a more challenging survival experience, especially for a Prison, which is supposed to be hardcore... but instead of implementing that hardcore-ness, they made a UHC mini game separate from the server which is really disappointing. Theres no 3 second timer when you TP, meaning that people can escape easily in Warp PVP, and the warp PVP lacks so much parkour and platforms that it's almost impossible to lose a nerd when he starts hard chasing you, you should work on counter measures, finding rat loop holes for users who like to outsmart the apex. Using pots should be available but strictly prohibited to certain pots like no invisible pot unless you could make it very very Rare and only obtainable at warp Z for a very high price or something so everyone would want to Rank UP to achieve those vicious and deadly tools to wanting to further advance making the ranking system more like a trophy instead of just a letter to your name and access to the WARP, because I could honestly get diamond and gold blocks at Warp PVP at midnight and I'm all set... meaning that there's no challenge.
    _N3bv1a_ likes this.
  9. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Firstly you can use "/p" instead of "/pmine". After the upcoming reboot "/p h" will work as well. You can also set warps with custom names. For example you can do "/p setwarp shop" which then allows players to use "/p warp shop".
    PurbleMist, _N3bv1a_ and BlockyBeach like this.
  10. ethan6000

    Mar 19, 2021
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    What about the multiple plots or something. I also bought immortal for that. Is there something like that, that I don't know?
  11. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Heya 89p! As a prison sweat, I may as well give my feedback with this season so far!


    First of all, a major change this season. I personally, love the PMine idea, where everything is just in one place. With this being said, there are many issues regarding this. Some issues include major lag on the PMine itself when a user is mining, people could interact with your mobs and ruin the flow of your spawners, you only have 1 PMine to work with therefore you'll have to put everything onto it and the list goes on and on. It will also be a huge amount of work bringing back plots, as the prison season already got released, changing the change-log, alerting the community, etc. I see why plots are a good idea to bring back, as the community doesn't really like the change, so I would see why plots would be brought back. I'm personally neutral on the idea, there are good and bad to both scenarios. Imo, I see worse things with bringing back plots, but it's definitely up to you guys! (This feedback has already been forwarded to Vislo - May as well share it with the community as well)

    As mentioned in my above response, I really do enjoy PMines but this section is to talk about the PMine changes. I am in love with all the new PMine changes and it really gives prison a new aspect to mess around with. I also love how they brought all of the island features on skyblock onto PMines on prison, as it really gives us more QOL changes. I haven’t had a chance to test out the Prisoner of Mass Destruction but it looks awesome and a super unique concept which I cannot wait to try. This is the same with the brand new Fortune Wheel idea!

    From mob statues to teleport pads, to map changes and voting changes, there's so much to explore this season. I personally have most of these new items from opening keys, but I do have one issue with all these new items being added. Prison is beginning to feel more like skyblock, with the exception of floating islands being change to private mines. Overall, I do really like all of these new items, and gives me some more things to experiment with on my PMine!

    As I don't PVP, I'm not really going to feedback on Combat Crystals. I'm pretty excited to see what the PVP community thinks of this change though!


    From playing so far, I don't think there's much to change except with plots. This season was definitely organized better than previous seasons, especially with the lag issues, so I'm pretty happy with the state atm. Over the next few days, I'll definitely edit this part of the thread with changes that would only slightly improve the player experience, but atm there's none that I can think of on the spot.


    In summary, I believe this is one of the best prison seasons to come out so far, everything was done perfectly and is overall a huge boost to the server. There's definitely still quite a bit of work to be done with it. but I am happy with the state that it is right now. Im really excited to see how this season will go along and I'll definitely be grinding as much as I can!

    I hope you have a lovely day / night!
    DM me if you have any questions about this post (Mentioned in my signature)
    _N3bv1a_, luvbri, Xermes and 3 others like this.
  12. Kxrmaa__

    Apr 14, 2020
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    make pmines deeper so we can create easy chest storages for when we have our spawners placed, instead of having to build boxes around things or have things floating, other than that life is good
  13. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Not too sure what you mean by this - Do you mean make the terrain (when the pmine is created) go deeper (so its less of a floating island and instead more of a solid block of land that stretches down towards Y=0?)
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  14. PoloGoat

    Feb 19, 2020
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    Prison Season X Feedback: PMD/wheel of fortune
    I was honored to be the first person to test the new PMD (prisoner of mass destruction). I love the concept and I like how it makes mining less dry in a way. The PMD allows us players to strive for something other than upgrading the mining robots which is fun and more content is always great.
    I like the wheel of fortune and have no complaints about it. I also find it balanced and I like the feeling of excitement because who doesnt want to hit the jackpot. From my view nothing needs to be changed about the wheel of fortune.
    There is just one thing I would like to see and that is some sort of warning or reminder to use the PMD if you have the right mine set to your rank. My mine was on V but I was only in rank M so therefore I wasted a ticket because the PMD wouldn't allow me to break blocks due to the rank I was in. So yeah, a little reminder is requested for. I like the abilities and the regular beam of the PMD.

    Will do another post on it in a few weeks if I still play.
    / Polo
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  15. Kxrmaa__

    Apr 14, 2020
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    that is exactly what i mean
  16. Jorfie

    Aug 19, 2019
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    BlockyBeach likes this.
  17. Lizzy17love

    Nov 28, 2019
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    When will the reboot be? Also the thread I had made before will that be fixed? (being able to build on top or below the priv mine)
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  18. McCentrel

    Feb 28, 2020
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    _N3bv1a_ and Lizzy17love like this.
  19. Deesal

    Apr 21, 2020
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    From playing and grinding for the first 9 hrs of prison, there are some suggestions I wanted to forward your way.

    When doing /block, I was wondering if this would work with ores within the backpack as well, this would be very useful when there is not a x2 booster and would help with storing ores till the next booster.

    With the addition of queueable boosters, after examining chat when there were not many boosters on, I think adding a booster tipping section would be a good idea to add to the GUI and make it much easier for players who want to put on a booster for a certain pot of money. This would be good in my opinion underneath the Last Activated info on the booster info.

    Based on what I've seen and gathered off people, I think plots should be added purely for storage and decoration to satisfy the player base with the inability to place spawners/hoppers on them. This would allow players to freely make storage rooms, artistic plots and sell shops without having it cluster with spawners and pmine.

    Apart from the above, I'm still trying out the update and I do like Wheel of Fortune animation and the PMD, but I haven't played too much with the PMD yet to see if its valuable enough to use when upgraded enough so I will judge at a later date.

    Overall, I am enjoying the prison right now :)

    - Deesal
  20. OGPlay

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Changes: They need to add /p middle like last season for easy access for the middle. Also change /p expel to /p kick because that's way easier to type.
    BlockyBeach likes this.

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