[Prison] Reward hitting z9

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Push, Aug 20, 2021.

  1. Push

    Apr 19, 2020
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    It would be nice to see some kind of reward for the first player to hit z9, even if it wasn't anything big I know at least a mythical key would be appreciated. Any reward would make players more inclined to grind early in the season for a chance at the reward., maybe even have rewards for 2nd and 3rd.
    Even if it's not something buycraft related it would be cool to have a special in game item for hitting z9, even if its just cosmetic. (rare item would be interesting for the eco as there really isn't any rare items in prison)
    boomrabbits_, 89p and BlockyBeach like this.
  2. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    Hey Push.

    I totally agree that there should be a cosmetic reward for reaching Z9, here was my idea:

    The first three people to reach Z9 get a subtle tag before their name when they talk in chat. For example, if I was the first to reach Z9 out of anyone on the server, I get a #1 tag (#1 [Z9] [SrMod] 89p: Hello!). The same will apply to the second and third people who get Z9, although it would be in a different colour. The tag would then remain for the duration of the season!​

    I’ve forwarded this idea above, however due to character limitations it may not be possible to implement. Feel free to leave any other ideas you have (cosmetic most likely) and I’ll be sure to forward them :)
  3. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Character limitations???? I've seen servers where the prefixes take up a full 2 lines of chat before their name is even shown

    Also who tf is hitting z9 already when we're not even 12 hours into the release

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