Mentee Program Discord | Updated Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by boomrabbits_, Aug 14, 2021.

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  1. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Mentee Program Discord - Updated Thread
    This is a remake of the Mentee Program Discord thread originally created by @Muel on April 29th, 2021. To avoid confusion, all the relevant information mention in the old MPD thread will also be mentioned here. As the Mentee Program Discord is now under new management, we’ve decided to recreate this thread:​

    The MPD is a staff-run discord that is unofficial, therefore sharing the link in-game or on other MCC platforms may result in punishment! The intention of this thread is to spread the word about this discord, so we can hopefully get it back to its original state. The purpose of this discord is to help grow the knowledge of players seeking to apply for staff, but do please note that joining the discord does not guarantee an increased acceptance rate or anything of the sort, it's simply to help improve your knowledge to better prepare you for staff. It also gives you a chance to interact and familiarize yourself with other mentees/staff. The community leadership tries their hardest to prepare mentees for staff by using many resources which the program provides. Since the MPD has been running, January 24th, 17 helper promotions have occurred and 14 of those were a mentee in the MPD. We’ve had roughly 100 promoted mentees overall since the MPD/SPD were a thing. With around 150 members at the moment, we invite you to join us!​

    The original Mentee Program Discord was run by @Muel and @89p. It was initially founded by @Muel and @Mauricioh. Since then, the discord has been transferred to myself. In August of last year, I stepped foot into the SPD where I became a mentee. Over that time, I had many mentors which guided me to finally achieve my dream of becoming a helper in January of 2021. When I got moderator in March of 2021, I applied and became an assistant in the MPD. Since then I’ve become the leader of the program!​

    The Mentee Program Discord helps future or current applicants improve their knowledge in several ways. We provide excellent resources to help you on your journey to staff, such as rule explanations, support simulations & more!

    Resources: All of the resources that we have to offer and an explanation for each!

    | Required Questions: A set of questions issued by your Community Mentor that are compulsory.
    | Optional Questions: Optional questions that are issued by Assistants or Community Mentors.
    | Extra Questions: Extra questions that can be requested from an Assistant or your Mentor.
    | Practice Interviews: A set of questions asked in a one-on-one voice call, typically with an assistant.
    | Simulated Scenarios: Scenarios created by Community Leadership to simulate #support.
    | Explanations: Explanations of rule updates, staff abilities and more to improve your knowledge.
    | Statistic Updates: Frequent stat updates to ensure you're on the right path.

    Mentee Program Awards: All awards that can be obtained and how to get them!

    | Top Chatreports: Obtain the most accepted chatreports in a month out of all of the mentees.
    | Top Forum Reports: Obtain the most accepted forum reports in a month out of all of the mentees.
    | Knowledge: Awarded by a Mentee's mentor for excellent knowledge.
    | Forums Activity: Having consistent activity on the forums, providing thoughtful insight to threads.
    | Interview: Scoring 100% on a Practice Interview
    | Event Winner: Winning a Mentee Event
    Mentee of the Month: A very special award which has some fantastic perks.

    | 1 month of Discord Nitro.
    | Mentee of the Month role.
    | A say in who is given Mentee of the Month next month.
    | Fully customizable Voice Channel.
    Community Mentor Leads: Manages the MPD and Leadership.
    | boomrabbits_ - Senior Moderator, AU

    Community Mentors: Mentors Community Mentees interested in applying for Staff.
    | mcrcus - Moderator, NA
    | ray01 - Moderator, NA

    Assistants: Assists Community Mentors and provides material for mentees.
    | Zac25zac - Moderator, NA
    | PacketOfRats - Moderator, AU
    | OverK2ll - Moderator, EU

    Last updated: May 12th, 2022
    mcrcus' Mentees: All Mentees that are under the supervision of mcrcus.
    | lavoova
    | kuieren
    | _Epicness
    | RatJansen
    | PootisMcPootbird
    | LeafyTiger24
    | Sniffes

    ray01's Mentees: All Mentees that are under the supervision of ray01.
    | NativeSun
    | TheRealKinito
    | 9518
    | AyYoPierre
    | ETBWaze
    | lostmyhrt
    | s0cial_

    Last updated: May 12th, 2022
    Recently Promoted: Ex-Community Mentees from 2021 that have now been promoted to Staff!
    | PacketOfRats: Promoted to Helper on 5th March, 2022.
    | Viizic: Promoted to Helper on 5th March, 2022.
    | OverK2ll: Promoted to Helper on 19th February, 2022.
    | Zac25zac: Promoted to Helper on 5th February, 2022.
    | 10sec: Promoted to Helper on 13th November, 2021.
    | ray01: Promoted to Helper on 2nd October, 2021.
    | LeafyTiger24: Promoted to Helper on 7th August, 2021.
    | ehoeian: Promoted to Helper on 26th June, 2021.
    | Zonafer: Promoted to Helper on 3rd April, 2021
    | iBrunoow: Promoted to Helper on 3rd April, 2021
    | jemelina: Promoted to Helper on 20th March, 2021.
    | lesbrihonest: Promoted to Helper on 20th March, 2021
    | Atohmic: Promoted to Helper on 6th March, 2021
    | Myko: Promoted to Helper on 20th February, 2021

    A lot more information regarding the discord and program can be found in the discord itself! :)

    Thread maintained by @boomrabbits_
    Thread re-designed by @89p
    Original thread by @Muel
    deleteduser, Xermes, Deesal and 8 others like this.
  2. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    The mentee program is also really good for those who want a taste of what being staff is like.
    boomrabbits_ likes this.
  3. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    As a former mentee, I can say that the MPD helped me so much in becoming staff and I learned loads about the server. The resources available in the MPD are amazing and I would completely recommend it to anyone who wants to become staff.
    luvbri, boomrabbits_ and BlockyBeach like this.
  4. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    Ok so judging from my 6 months+ of being there, its poggers. All the leadership are super helpful and strict (but not the bad kind, the type where you still have freedom, just guided in the right path.) Seeing all of your old mentee friends getting staff just makes you even more determined to catch up to them. One of the best parts is having a better direct contact with staff, so they can answer almost any question you have. The support sims are just as good, since you're actually able to help in "real" scenarios while also it being a learning opportunity to get more knowledge from. The awards are really cool, as it lets you know who's exceeding in that category, so you can go ask that person for advice on how to improve on it. (imagine not having Event Winner lol, couldnt be me or @LeafyTiger24)

    its awesome and i would reccomend it to anyone whos starting the path of wanting to get staff
    BlockyBeach, luvbri and LeafyTiger24 like this.
  5. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The MPD is an extraordinary way to learn and receive extraordinary results. If you're interested in becoming a staff member on our network, this is where you start.

    Every single helper promotion this year has been mentored and guided by our skilled team in the MPD and was promoted.
  6. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    I have been a mentee for roughly 5 months now, and, regardless if you are intending to apply or not, the MPD discord is a place where you can meet new people and have an enjoyable experience, thus why I would totally recommend joining and giving it a try.
    I have met some amazing people and made some good friends throughout this period of time, and this whole scenario made me grow as a person and definitely learn from my mistakes.

    I am grateful to everyone who's helped me, namely boom, 89p, bri, Sloth, Xermes, and all the assistants.

    Ly all xx
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