Would u like to be staff on mccentral?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Yukihira, Aug 1, 2021.


Would u like to be staff in mccentral

  1. No

  2. Yes

  3. I just want the tag

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  1. Yukihira

    Jun 17, 2020
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    Lets discuss about staff,,,


    In the past, this was not a problem, however, the more time passes, the more it seems that the forum has been abandoned, making this requirement more difficult. Another requirement that is more difficult due to external problems is the 50/100 forum reports, before it was very easy due to the lack of anticheat, now without the skywars fly hackers it is more difficult. (This is good, because now who really want to be staff, will have to make a good effort into this).

    Staff team:
    I would say we have many good staffs, but we also have two face staff /abusers in there so yeah...

    Lack of helpers:
    Why there is more owners than helpers, wtf?

    Mccentral dying..

    Staff in here, for me it is a waste of time, i see many staff doing a great job but when i join minigames, take minutes to start a match so it looks like it's all in vain

    .Question to staff - Why u are staff at mccentral?
    .Question to non staff - Would u apply? (If yes) For the tag or u really wants to be a staff?

    I'll like everyone opinion, so Share It! :D
    #1 Yukihira, Aug 1, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2021
    JorjaoMilGrau likes this.
  2. LOUHT

    Aug 15, 2019
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    LOL... true. I mean why some staff people just DONT WORK?
    Yukihira likes this.
  3. Why did I apply for staff in the first place?

    Myself, I applied and got accepted as MCC back in 2019. I wanted to be part of MCC staff team to help out the community. I tend to enjoy helping, I never really aimed for the tag.
    The reason why I applied was simple: I wanted to have experience, as I've never been part of any big staff team before. I've learned how to teamwork better, and how to deal with some unfriendly people. Not only did I want to experience it, but I also wanted to help MCC. Back then, anti cheat wasn't the best, and a bunch of hackers were coming in. Since most of the staff members are from South and North America. They all tend to share pretty much similar timezones.
    AU timezone on the other hand had very little staff. This is why hackers tend to occur the most at around 3 - 6 (GMT+8). Fournetlly for me, I was in GMT+8 timezone. I was like an extra moderator for the AU timezone.

    My biggest goal was to help out the community itself and dedicate my time to it.
    Unfortunately, I wasn't a sub-server player, and I tended to just play minigames. Though minigames got too repeatable and I felt very bored. This is why 16 days into my moderator days, I resigned. I got pretty bored and thought I could've placed my time elsewhere.
    Why did I feel like that? Mainly because of how members were toxic to staff and always targeted them. That sucks a lot because you cannot play in peace, everyone would kill you for muting their friend "falsely", or banning them, etc. It can get pretty annoying.
    Did I enjoy being a staff member? Yes I did, it was fun and I gained new experiences.
    Did it get old quickly? Well yes, back then nothing new was occurring and it just felt very repeatable (was a minigame player.)

    Moderators are still helpers, just with more permissions (ban.)

    I'd say being a staff member is okay, but I wouldn't want to stay on the team for a year or so, maybe 6 months would be enough for me.

    ~Take care.
    Yukihira and BlockyBeach like this.
  4. Desiqn_

    Jan 11, 2020
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    Hey Ustema,

    I applied for staff at the start of January 2021. I was accepted on the 9th. I stayed in the staff team until the end of March and thoroughly enjoyed my time there. My reasoning for resigning was due to me not enjoying minecraft anymore after constantly playing the previous 5 months.

    The reason why I applied for staff was because I’ve been playing since 2017. I’ve messed around on the server being childish etc when I first joined. I’ve played numerous resets on prison and survival and felt that it was time to repay myself to the community in a way of redemption for messing around. Over the few resets I’ve helped people out such as newcomers to the server that have never played prison and helping people create plots on survival so their house doesn’t get destroyed in the resource world. If I was given the option and had the time I would come back to the staff team.

    When people say MCC is dying. Yes there is less players that what there used to be but also you have to think about people getting older so they don’t play minecraft anymore and with bedrock minecraft becoming more popular on Xbox and pc. More servers and users are changing to bedrock meaning there’s less players on Java. The server is quiet I admit around EU and AU mornings but this is due to Americans being asleep and predominately the player base is American. Having worked with the staff team and knowing nearly all of them who are currently on there I can say that they’re a good bunch of people and they do their job properly.

    As for requirements. Yes I get that there are no fly hackers or scaffolders in skywars anymore (that’s a good thing) but there are far more hacks than just them two. Sometimes you have to watch certain people in PvP because they may be using hidden hacks. A place where this is usually the case is KitPvp. KitPvp does have an anti cheat but it isn’t as good as the minigames one. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve seen players reporting hackers in the discord support channel so there still is hackers about if you’re struggling.

    Applying for staff isn’t meant to be quick. You have to learn the rules and the server. Study how people fight. If they look suspicious then record them and ask a staff member for opinions.

    People give a lot of stick to the staff team but behind the scenes they’re actually doing their job. They’re also humans like us so they have lives to live as well, they can’t just dedicate themselves to minecraft.

    As for your reference to there being more owners than helpers. When the applications team receive an application they not only check to see if the player has met requirements they also check on a lot of other points as well. A. Has the player been seen helping other players out. B. Making sure the player isn’t just applying for the tag. C. Is the player the right choice for staff, if they apply for staff and then act immature in game, bragging about applying for staff or just genuinely annoying other staff members. They’re not gonna be accepted because they wouldn’t be fit enough to be staff. It’s not just about meeting requirements it’s about a lot of other stuff as well. I believe there is a FAQ on applying.


    Harry / Desiqn_
  5. ltself

    Jul 27, 2019
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    I have been a part of the staff team on this server for 2 periods. My first period was back in 2018 for a few months where I wanted to help the community, especially with minigames and factions. I resigned the first time due to some abusive and negligent staff. My second period was last year for a longer period of time which was much better in regards to the behaviour of other staff. At that time I resigned due to how unmoderated and dead the server became. I originally had the plan on reapplying once minigames were revamped but in all honestly, I think they have failed with regathering a decent player base. I have played this server regularly since month 2 of this server opening and it is quite sad watching it fall apart.

    On a positive note, it felt nice being a part of a community not many people experience and to some degree, staff aren't appreciated as much as they should. Being an Australian staff member, it can get quite stressful when other time zones are inactive as there isn't much Australian staff to moderate an entire server. Staff should have the right to play just like anyone else and also have commitments in their life.

    All in all, this is my opinion about the state of the server, especially regarding staff. Community members are the most important in providing feedback and I give a warm invite for anyone to share their opinion.
    #5 ltself, Aug 1, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2021
  6. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey Ustema!
    I often see quite a few posts similar to this, so here's my general response.

    I (clearly) am a staff member myself. I decided to become a staff member so that I could help players and be a helpful community members. I also believed that banning hackers for the good of the players would be fun, which to me it most definitely is. Yes, there may be staff that do abusive things, and I'm not here to bore you with the useless "report a staff if they are abusing" thing, but almost all of the staff do their job correctly and don't receive much praise for it. I can assure you, the admins work as hard as they can to punish staff who/if they are doing the wrong thing, however a lot of the time there is a lack of evidence, or they actually haven't done anything wrong.

    Why don't we have helpers? That's pretty simple. Becoming a staff member is the hard part, but going from helper to mod should take no more than around 2-3 months, if that. Like you said, the requirements might be slightly harder to meet now that there is an anti cheat and less activity on the forums, however that is going to be beneficial for anyone looking to apply. If you are applying and can get 100 accepted forum reports and 20 forum posts, you're going to look even better as an applicant because it is harder to do now. I can tell you we aren't forgetting about how the requirements are harder to meet, and it certainly has been discussed whether to change them or not, but for now they are staying the way they are.

    We can't actually change the fact that in general there's not that many people applying. We can't promote random people and cross our fingers that they will do a good job, and we certainly can't accept random applications from people that have played the server for two days. There's nothing that can change the fact that people don't want to be staff, for whatever reason they have.

    In my time as a staff member I certainly have received a lot of abuse and hate from people, whether its about a punishment, about something I did, or even just me getting staff in the beginning. "you only got staff because you're a girl" is something I hear ALL. THE. TIME. which is completely not true. I put in a lot of effort to become a staff and so far it's all paid off! My point is, staff get abused so often, it definitely ruins the experience. You see players being toxic to staff in the discord almost every day, even when it's certainly uncalled for. I feel like this kind of behaviour is what starts to turn people away from the idea of being a staff member, because they don't want the community to be rude to them.

    Very sorry for yet another essay reply, just thought I'd give you my point of view as a current staff member!
    jemelina, luvbri, BlockyBeach and 2 others like this.
  7. Dionnysus

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Because it's not their job lol
    Xermes, BlockyBeach and Yukihira like this.
  8. Atohmic

    Jan 30, 2020
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    Hello Ustema, I applied for a couple reasons. I applied for the experience I started MCC in mid 2015 and I was always so interested in being staff. I wanted to help the community and just have fun and have a new experience in the community. In 2017 I was a main survival player I controlled the pvp there and had fun.

    Being staff to me was more about the rank, it was the journey of a staff member I heard about fun and some not as fun stories from ex-staff members and I wanted to have my own stories to think about so i decided I wanted staff.

    Getting staff was never easy it was never hard it just took time and effort now recently it is still hard but you can still get the forum reports that you need report the chat offences that you don't get to chatreport. If you just play minigames you wont find much so go play other sub servers and understand them. Now I will say the new anti-cheat does make it not as easy but that just proves what players wanted it for the rank or not.

    The MCC dying topic, I do agree there aren't as many players as it used to have. The owners are working on getting content changes out and change stuff to draw in new players. They do get a lot of new content stuff but players don't like it after a week or so the minigames revamp was good but in the eyes of players with how long it took it isn't good. Everyone has their own opinion but don't beg for something if your gonna hate on it also.

    If anyone has any questions ping me in the discord and DM me I don't answer my DMs unless I'm expecting them.
    10sec, BlockyBeach and Yukihira like this.
  9. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I myself have been staff twice on mcc. A total of roughly 7 months, divided between 2 terms - the first one lasting from the 13th of July, 2019 to the 18th of August, 2019 and the second one lasting from the 15th of December, 2019 to the 5th of May, 2020. Throughout those terms I went through 2 helper stages and 1 moderator stage. I was aiming for senior moderator, however, the lack of updates in the server (or should I say, the lack of effort put by the owners into the server) made me rethink my choice of moderating the server, hence I decided to leave. And so did most the competent staff. For reasons similar to mine, at different moments. The "share" of competent staff members MCC got was leaving by the end of 2019/beginning of 2020. I say that due to multiple factors, some including the fact that those staff members had been around in the community for quite an eternity (I remember some of them from my 2014 prison days) and did in fact know how the server works, those had in fact developed a passion for the server and did not want anything but to help. Who took their places you may ask? Newgen players, some of whom got staff after only 3/4 months of playing mcc. Not all of them were incompetent and/or only wanted the role for the power of it, don't get me wrong; some did want the best and only the best for the server and only wanted to help, emphasis on some, and just like other staff, they took notice of the lack of the aforementioned lack of attention to the server, and took the same path as other staff members: resignation. What we've been left with is a good share of staff members, I'd say one for every 4 active players. Not all of them being competent, and the ones who fit in that category receive tons of hate from the community for making things equal and not letting the community bypass rules, etc. Issues in the staff team are still in place (the biggest one in my opinion being requirements, staff members are volunteers and should not be forced to play specific parts of the server). Furthermore, the amount of people lining up and submitting applications has decreased, and so has the amount of competent people applying for staff (domino effect, among the people who were trying for staff and ended up giving up/quitting, there were promising people who could turn into great staff members). It is unfortunate to see a server I grew up in go to shit, my favorite gamemode dying and slowly running out of rule enforcements, so people can just do fuck all. I don't think mcc can go back to what it was in 2014/2015, but there's still hope to make it a better place
  10. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I used to be staff on this server, while it wasn't too long, I got mod on this server and was staff for a total of about 2 months. When I first started my grind for staff at about April 2019 I wanted a better experience as a player considering the fact that there was probably a hacker in every Skywars game I played. My IRLS and friends disliked playing on MCC but I felt different. I felt like the server had variety to it and an active player base despite all of this. I wanted a different staffing experience that'd be better than Arkham network, I wanted to be staff on a server with lot of responsibilities (lots of hackers and rule breakers) as well as a active player base. During the summer of 2019 I saw this clearly as we had over 3k concurrent players (2k real players) on at all times. This motivated me to apply for my first time in which I was accepted for the interview stage and sadly failed it probably miserably due to me not understanding the severity system too well. I kept on my grind and spent well over the summer applying another 2 times and eventually getting accepted on the third time. By this time, MCC's player count has dwindled from about 3k concurrent players to about an average of 1.5k. The hype lasted for about 2 days after the acceptance and after those 2 days I came into clarity that spending the entire summer wasn't quite worth it. I was an active player who was on nearly the whole day and was expecting to see the player counts similar to what we had in the summer. But instead, I saw myself waiting in 20 minute queues for Skywars games at 7 am on a school day. I was mad at myself for wasting an entire summer but I realized that I couldn't end at helper as I wasn't going to receive the full experience of staff so I endured another month and a half of doing reviews and chat reports (not fun). And after passing all my reviews, I finally got mod. And once again, nothing changed. The hype lasted for another 2 days and by this time the server was nowhere near the place it was in the summer and I saw myself dreading to get my playtime in especially on the subservers like Skyblock 2 which didn't have too much action. I enjoyed moderating on KitPvP as it was the only subserver which was fun to moderate due to the amount of hackers. But after another 2 weeks I realized that my joy for MC faded away drastically and that staffing on MCC felt more like a chore than like a hobby and I decided to give myself one more try at trying to staff through the reset of Skyblock where I had some fun but overall I was still bored and made my decision to resign that morning after seeing 300/500 real players on the server AFK. In conclusion, being staff on MCC isn't all that it seems, most of the staff were chill but when you staff on a server like MCC you need to come to realization that you have to truly enjoy the game and server as updates in this server don't take place too frequently.
  11. LOUHT

    Aug 15, 2019
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    lol sure drink some wines and mute people its their job... #szz4life
    JorjaoMilGrau likes this.
  12. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Seems like this has become a thread for ex-staff to share their experiences, so I figured I'd give my 2 cents. I've been on the staff team on and off since 2015, and was a Senior Moderator as of my most recent staff term. I don't think the current application requirements are unreasonable (although reports requirements maybe should be reconsidered post-SSW updates), as 20 forum posts isn't difficult to reach even with less frequent posts. I can also say that the current staff team members are not the problem. I've been on a dysfunctional MCC staff team and I've been on a dysfunctional MCC build team, and the current team comparatively cares, generally works hard, and is often underappreciated.

    The big problem with the staff team is burnout. It's the main reason I left, and it seems like the other ex-staff replying all experienced something similar. To be successful on the current staff team, you need to enjoy playing most sub-servers and you need to be willing to accept that you often won't be needed. I could do that for a time, but grinding KitPvP, Factions, and Skyblock for countless hours when there's 5 people on and you're not invested in the gamemode is draining. I relied on performing staff duties (banning etc.) to get me through the minute requirements, but with low player counts on any sub-server bar Prison that hadn't just reset, playing becomes a chore.

    That's not to say it can't be done; the current staff team is full of people who either enjoy every gamemode or are willing to make a commitment to minutes. The people on the team are the reason I was able to stick around so long, as if you're going to grind, you may as well do it with friends. It's just incredibly hard to retain all the motivated staff members when spending time in places you aren't interested in is a main focus of the team. People join to help the community, but when you have to spend time on quiet corners of the server doing nothing, you don't feel like you're making a difference anymore. If you can find a way to get through that, you'll succeed, but if you aren't in love with most sub-servers, you're going to struggle.
    #12 Swinger, Aug 4, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
  13. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    There are a few things wrong with this.. Ranting about how hard it is to become staff, and then shaming them for being staff. If it's such a waste of time for you then why are you upset that you can't achieve a staff rank on minecraft? You can't really say you weren't considering it because you have an issue with the requirements and not to mention seemed to have tried achieving the requirements due to the details you gave on how hard it is to achieve them. The math isn't mathing and this simply just isn't adding up. Anyways, as a current staff, and a previously resigned SrMod, I can say that I returned here because of me missing the community and the staff group in general. If I resigned now, I would quit the game entirely. As for the forum reports, those are still being considered because I personally believe the forum report requirement does need to be lowered ever since minigames revamp.
    LeafyTiger24 and BlockyBeach like this.
  14. Yukihira

    Jun 17, 2020
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    my man, i have like 2 forum reports on history, i don't really try it, but it's obvius that it is harder... believe me, mcc staff not one of my goals, also i said my opinion, i suggest u to read the post again
    (I'm just considering both sides and being impartial, I'm not the type that simple to get what they want like many there)
    About the forum posts, i have fun doing it so i can see good answers and have fun watching hilarious answers (like urs) / ideas lol
    Hope it gets lower the forum reports requiriments tho, not everything it is about me mr admin, it's for the people i think can do a better job than me/ some currently staff members
    #14 Yukihira, Aug 6, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2021
    JorjaoMilGrau likes this.
  15. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The current staff though limited I think are a very great bunch of people who work extremely hard to ensure this server is at its best quality. Sure, forum reports are a bit tricky right now but that's due to a fresh anticheat that detects most hacks and makes it impossible for them to be used. Some day hacked clients will bypass the new anticheat, because that's what hack clients do, they'll find ways to bend stuff a little bit and then that'll create an influx of hackers.

    The current requirements are perfectly fine the way they are, yes at some point it is important to consider reducing some but at this point in time it'll show heaps of dedication towards getting the rank & ensuring that we don't get any lowlifes that only want to do harm when they receive the rank. It's still pretty easy to catch hackers, I see and deal with multiple hackers on kitpvp, prison, and sometimes even in minigames. It's about dedication, if people are going to complain about how hard it is to get this goal they're not trying hard enough.

    Since there seems to be a theme of talking about past staff experiences I'd like to pitch my bit in too;
    I was staff back in 2018 and it was a rollercoaster to say the least, I had some very great friends who surprisingly are still in the staff team to this day, and some who aren't. Back in this day the requirement was 50 reports, and we had a lot of people who came and immediately got demoted during the helper process because they weren't actually trying and consistently getting into trouble. My original promotion buddy back then had like wayy over the limit of infractions by the time they were booted off the team. We aren't looking for more staff like this, which is why it WILL be hard to get requirements, that's the point of them.

    Apologies if this doesn't quite make sense, but yeah; great thread by the way!
  16. IAmBamboozled

    Apr 6, 2020
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    I think that staffing on any server has its ups and downs. Through experience (not on mcc) things get rough, and you may not always be able to deal with it. You may start to feel burned out, not appreciated or maybe you just don't care enough anymore. I personally believe that its worth it. You build strong, healthy relationships with staff and the community alike (don’t get me wrong, there will be times where this may occur in the opposite), build on leadership, and team-working skills and overall develop on yourself with new experiences - good or bad. I think many people go into staffing wanting to be apart of something bigger then themselves hoping to help the community out in anyway they can. Some stay, and some leave due to circumstances. I believe that both sides learn from this and ultimately understand that what they did was worth it. I think the MCC staff have done exactly this, past or present. They face good and bad experiences and get over them. Even if the staff team is more limited now, they try their best with whatever they are doing. I personally think its a great opportunity for those of you considering it, even if that may not be on MCC. Don’t be discouraged by the report requirements. If the current staff had to do it, then why can’t you?

    BlockyBeach and Yukihira like this.
  17. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    ohh lemme tell you, i waz a bored mf a year ago put all my gawddammn time into the server, then it gets the same and you don’t enjoy it. Problem is the owners ain’t here for the server, i was staff for just about 6 months no communication from owner or nun. when a admin would talk to me i was in trouble. Overall mcc staff ain’t worth it, i put 2 full months into something that ain’t meaningful.

    all these ex-staff members all got a point the server don’t got hope.
    i hate talking bad on sum i used to care for but it’s the truth

    3 great srs left today Cxrtr, Pork, Ella, wonder why?
  18. Flam

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I think that your response to Ustema's post sums up the issue of MCC pretty well. Ustema made a very good post summarizing some key issues that should be addressed (and asking the communities' opinion), and instead of answering the more pressing ones, you call him out for ranting (and evade the topic of abuse, dying player base, and lack of new staff). Grant it, you did give your opinion on the forum posts, and why you decided to apply for staff, and then re-apply.

    MCC has a lot of issues, ranging from the ridiculous time it takes to make a mini-game revamp, to the fact that all your efforts to stabilize the player base are incredibly late. But making frivolous comments, instead of actually figuring out how you can turn this shit show around, further aggravates the situation.

    I'm sure MCC won't come to an end immediately because of Prisons and Skyblock, but it will come sooner than later (unless y'all get your act together).

    And just as a side note, I was really hoping for more from the mini-games revamp. Simply adding spectator mode, and a couple other features (not really majorly impacting the game mode) in a multi-year revamp was incredibly underwhelming.
    Yukihira and BlockyBeach like this.
  19. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The topic of abuse can't be fixed 100%. We need to realize here that staff members are humans just like me and you. At least one or two are going to do something bad with permissions. Every server and even IRL jobs deal with this every day. There is no escape to that part. Staff don't abuse how much the community really thinks at all, they just get upset when they break a rule and get banned for it. We fixed a big problem by making them record hacking. There is a new post about this every week, and by now I can assure you that everyone is aware that the staff team has absolutely nothing to do with how the server is forming when it comes to minigames, updates ect. yet seem to always take the bullet for it. By telling your entire essay, I can say that you yourself are not aware that this has nothing to do with the actual staff team. In all honesty, considering you said "get y'all act together" it's quite obvious you aren't aware of how this place is formed and updated.

    Allow me to educate you. Administrators are here to help form up rules, as well as manage the entire staff team with certain permissions and abilities. Senior Moderators are like administrators with less permissions. They have subteams that manage the staff team, ingame permissions that assist the lower staff, ect. Moderators and Helpers are around the same, however moderators can just ban. OWNERS work on the entire server work because they don't have the time to manage an entire staff team. They work on the revamps, the resets, overall everything. However staff members? They have absolutely nothing to do with anything in this thread that you guys are complaining about. They are here for their enjoyment, and how better the game is while being staff (hence me saying that if I resigned now, I would leave) it's not like "we are here for the tag" no. If I was here ONLY for the staff members, that wouldn't make sense considering I have majority of them on my social medias and contact with them daily.

    Making forum posts trying to improve the place? fine. However ranting about it and acting as if staff are the purpose for it, is not. These are key issues that they brought up. I even stated I am trying to fix the application requirements because that is something that ADMINS can fix. Those things are stuff that can be fixed from administrators and that is why I made my comment on that and agreed with them. However ranting about staff and the server is not the way to do it.
  20. Flam

    Sep 7, 2019
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    You seem not to have noticed, but in my “essay” I did not once mention the fact that normal staff are responsible for server changes — be it Helpers, Moderators, or Senior Mods. This was my intention, because fortunately I am well aware of how this server operates. I fully recognize that the core issues with this server, are in fact problems that are caused, or need to be remediated by the Administration team, or the Owner's (this is who my comment of “y'all” was directed at).

    Every single one of my remarks was/is directed at you, as well as any other Admin or Owner that took the time to read it. As you mentioned, these types of issues should be fixed by Administrators, and Owners, and it is for that very reason that I replied to your thread instead of say, Nikki or Luvbri's.

    Once again, replying to a thread in this manner is not a rant. It's simply voicing your opinion on a very heated, controversial, and might I add very important topic for the future of this server.
    Yukihira and BlockyBeach like this.
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