Immortal free key

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by DaveDreaD, Jun 12, 2021.

  1. DaveDreaD

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Firstly i know this is not the place for this post but b4 you tell me to email support or create a bug report ....

    On my Immortal Account dave_dread i have not received my monthly free key for a while , 100% not for last 2 mths but i have a feeling it stretches back a bit further. i know that sounds a bit weird but i run a few accs so i got a bit confused as to what i had and hadn't claimed.

    I checked how to report it on the forums and got told to Email support which i did 1st time on may the first and 4 times since .

    i didnt get any answer on that other than to tell me when i took out my immortal account so asked again and got told to do a bug report..

    Bug reports now a week old and to date no answer.

    So please b4 you lock the thread can you ask someone to take a look and issue my missing keys.

    Ta in advance dave_dread (aka Zak_Warrior)
  2. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hiya DaveDreaD,

    Bug reports are solely looked at by the owners as well as the developer(s). Due to the minigames revamp, there is an influx of bug reports coming in. Bug reports are dealt with as soon as they can be, however some issues require more time to be looked in to to be fixed. I'll leave this thread unlocked for the time being, in case you have any more questions.

    You can also dm me on discord Andria#7504 if you have any more questions, or message me on here and I'll try to help.

    Have a great rest of your day/night!
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  3. DaveDreaD

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Still not sorted although Alex today replied to the bug report asking me to email support and it would be sorted immediately.. love you alex but someone needs to deal with those i have sent 6 now !

    anyway another month another missing key but life go's on :)
    BlockyBeach and DarkBeastPro like this.

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