KitPvP designated staff

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by ijustmadethis, Jun 21, 2021.

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  1. ijustmadethis

    Jun 21, 2021
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    I feel as kitpvp could benefit from designated moderators to just specifically watch kitpvp. There seems to be a large amount of hackers that like to go onto this server, unfortunately there does not seem to be enough staff looking over this specific game mode compared to the others. I think this game mode could improve a ton with having this implemented.
  2. jemelina

    Jun 5, 2020
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    I see where you are coming from, but this wouldn't really fix the issue. As most of the staff members are from NA, there will be times when most of us are sleeping due to night time. We all help the players and spectate the hackers in all subservers equally, and even if we did made a few staff members designated to KitPVP only, it wouldn't still mean that those staff members could be online 24/7. After all, we too need to sleep at some point and have other stuff IRL. I can assure that we are always here to help, whenever we are online. For us EU staff this would be the perfect timezone for us to be on, but some of us including me, have work/school to do during this period of day.

    If you can't find anyone to come spectate a hacker right away, you can always take a recording and make a player report. That way we can handle with the hacker later on! Link:

    Have a good day! ♡
    LethalReach, ijustmadethis and Nikki_ like this.
  3. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Just a few things I want to add. I've seen someone say that staff members should have a designated subserver they do the majority of their minutes on, and I have a lot of issues with that. If this were the goal for staff, it's going to get boring really quickly meaning many people would lose the incentive to be staff. Secondly there are a lot of staff (like myself) who float around. When a reset happens, I'll play it for a week or two and then go back to just spending my time evenly across all parts of the server. This means when I'm floating around casually playing on the server, if I see a hacker's name reported in the discord, I'm more than happy to stop what I'm doing an go ban them. I find that a lot of staff are the same, and personally there's no problem with that.

    Given that I am one of the AU staff members, (there are like 4 of us), I'm one of the only staff on during the afternoon when there are quite a few hackers. Don't get me wrong - I absolutely love spectating and banning them, however if my entire job is just to sit on kit pvp for hours until a hacker pops online, it's going to get insanely boring. There's always a chance that there won't be a need for staff, for example if I were sitting on kit pvp for an hour, there's no certainty that I actually will be needed, whether to mute someone or ban someone. It would be much more productive to spend my time elsewhere on the server and come to ban someone who was reported in the discord.

    I think the way things work at the moment are perfectly fine. Like I said earlier, many staff like myself are happy to stop what we are doing and go ban a hacker that's reported in the discord. This is efficient enough, and can be almost instant if they are blatantly hacking.


    It is much better for staff to go on kit pvp when there is actually 100% a hacker online because it would be a waste of time to sit there and wait for one. Staff should be spending their time doing something productive for the server rather than sitting on a subserver just in case they are actually needed. Forcing staff to spend their time in one place whether they like it or not will be boring and they'd lose the incentive to be staff.
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