LMS - Prison

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Flix361, Jun 17, 2021.

  1. Flix361

    Jun 9, 2021
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    Make a rule against teaming in LMS. It's nearly impossible for anybody to win without getting 4v1d, and when people form large groups, people get picked out one by one and nobody fights another with the fear that they will be targeted by everyone else. It also makes the game last way too long. It's unfair to anyone with any skill whatso ever, and it's basically a free event key to whoever has the most people on their side. Everyone should have a chance at winning, not just a select few.
  2. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Yes, I believe teaming in LMS should be reviewed; not removed, but at least decreased to a certain amount of players.

    The way I see it, teaming in LMS should be, at its minimum, decreased to a maximum of 3 players per team. It is quite annoying having to deal with a team of 7-9 players, especially if you are new to prison and you want to enjoy the event and get to know how it works.

    Another thing that I believe should be bannable is to use another account to go around and kill people. This ruins the purpose of the event itself, and I believe many players would be pleased with this being ceased once and for all.

    Thank you for reading my response.

    Have a lovely day!
    Flix361 and BlockyBeach like this.
  3. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Hi agree with you that it should be either removed or reduced to 2 people.

    Reasons for removing it: Not fair at all if you get teamed on, if there is a team ur probably not gonna win, and teaming bannable bascally everywhere else so why is it allowed in lms

    Reasons for keeping to 2 people allowed to team: Teaming has always been a part of lms, not hard to find a teammate yourself, and 2v1s aren't always hard to win

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