Survival Games Revamp - Ridiculous

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by lynzie, Jun 8, 2021.

  1. lynzie

    Jul 14, 2020
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    It is absolutely ridiculous. Don't get me wrong survival games needed a revamp, and this is my favorite server to play sg on, however, that being said this revamp is ridiculous. What was the reason for the removal of rank perks and the in-game credit perks? Were people too OP? If that is the case the in-game credit perks I can see, the rank perks though that is ridiculous.

    For example, Immortal to get a compass is very expensive say around 80$ to get a crafting table that costed money too. People paid for these ranks just for their perks to be taken from them with this revamp. Same with the wolf egg that used to be given. It is like someone buying something just to spend money on it for them to return it and still have their money taken. It is basically a lie and it is ridiculous and absurb. The credit reset and in-game perk point reset is one thing. but getting rid of rank perks is completely different and should not have been taken from people.
    Bruno likes this.
  2. Minninq

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey there,

    While it may seem that these perks getting removed are not right as people got promised these perks for donating. I assure you this is for the better Mojang's EULA prevents perks like these to be present to our donators. We had to do this or MCC could have been at risk for getting closed down by Mojang donator ranks are not completely useless anymore though they still present many good perks including supporting the server as a whole.​
  3. AcceptedAppeal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi lynzie,

    I do have some very strong opinions on this, but I will try to keep it clear what I agree with and what I do not agree with, with the revamp. I, as a donator for years upon years just like hundreds of others, am also a little shocked that there was no reimbursement for the donators who bought something. Just like the past, I feel as though when perks get taken from a rank, that there should be reimbursement for the donators if it is taken away. Simple logic, you would think. For example, when there was /rename on Factions as a Perk, it was taken away--and people were compensated for it, as they should have been. Here is an image from Alex Markey's Enjin wall explaining it more in-depth, and here is a link to the MCCentral Community Discord Announcement where the /rename perk was talked about. This situation is a great example of what should be done in this situation--taking away of perks should equate a fair and just compensation, just out of morale.

    I do think it would be worth their [Owners'] time to seek ways to compensate those who had /workbench, etc. that came along with donator perks. If adding a perk in-game where one can buy /workbench for in-game credits involves no sector of Tebex (BuyCraft) and donations, it is 100% legal to have in our game. It constitutes that command as play-to-win, rather than what Mojang does not want, pay-to-win. Adding every single donator perk back is possible, as long as it maintains an accessibility with no donations required. There are many ways to go about this problem, such as implementing the /workbench Perk, then giving the donators who previously had it the amount of credits it requires (e.x. if it is implemented and you have to buy it for 5000 credits, donators who had it previously would automatically receive those 5000 credits to purchase it.) This would be a fair and just compensation for the donators, being, just like the Factions situation with /rename, the donators who bought something from the store were compensated with something of value on the server. Factions players were given 2 keys, and Survival Games players would be given x amount of credits to purchase this perk.

    (Also, for those who are used to /craft, I did create a ticket on April 22nd, 2020, regarding /workbench having an alias of /craft in Survival Games. It was accepted by Administration; however, it was, sadly, not implemented before or after the revamp. Hopefully if the command gets added as a perk, their word on it being noted will become a reality after over a year.) My apologies if it comes off as pushy or petty, but it is nothing but the truth; no opinion lies in the above statement.

    I think if we were fully complying with Mojang's wishes, we wouldn't have Lobby Clothing that is only obtainable by purchasing a rank. This just sounds like an evasion of the blacklist, no? There are 7 sets of lobby clothing, equal to 21 cosmetics, that are not obtainable to normal players, only donators. There are clothing pieces for Iron, Gold, Emerald, Diamond, Legend, and 2 sets for Immortal; however, these are because they have nothing to do with the game, I cannot justify whether of not these "perks" that donators receive are illegal or not. That is up to Mojang and its EULA statements, under their interpretation. It may encourage purchasing of ranks if people want to obtain every cosmetic we offer.

    Wrapping this essay up, I do feel as though we should have the /workbench perk and any other perk that donators have; however, they must be implemented very strategically in a way that complies with Mojang's EULA. It will take time and effort to collaborate on ideas to push this out, but it is possible. It is ultimately up to the integrity of the Owners/Developers to get this added back for a QOL (quality of life) change for the donators of the community.
    LeafyTiger24, luvbri, iiSean and 9 others like this.
  4. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    holy shit a staff member who actually gets it, my respect just went up for you x 1000. I absolutely favor this idea and think it would be a great addition to revamp.
    BlockyBeach likes this.

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