Player Reports Discussion

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by mcrcus, Jun 5, 2021.


Should we...

  1. Decrease the amount of forum reports needed for staff to 50

    16 vote(s)
  2. Keep it the same, 100 is enough

    7 vote(s)
  1. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Howdy everyone. So just recently with the minigames revamp, came along the brand new anticheat. This is a request that the community has been asking for nearly a year and a half, and thanks to the minigames revamp, it was finally implemented. However, although the amount of hackers that have taken place have significantly decrease, this is a bittersweet announcement for people that could consider going for staff. Because the amount of player reports that have been hackers have decreased significantly. I could see this myself since the revamp has popped up. The amount of players that I rarely see getting reported in #support is much lower ever since this anticheat has been in play. I am not discrediting Alex's work on this revamp I think he has done a phenomenal job with this project and the implementation of all these new features such as the anticheat. However if you are going for staff, I believe that the player reports requirement should have some tweaks to it.

    So here is what I would do:

    This seems like the most simple idea, simply just decrease the amount of players that you would need to report. A while ago you only needed 50 player reports to apply for staff which they kept for so many years. Just recently is when they made the change from 50 to 100, but that was when MCC was in a huge hacking galore where 2-4 hackers would appear in every game. That isn't the case anymore since this new anticheat. I have seen less than 10 hacker reports this week while scrolling through support and most of those are on KitPVP. Now I know there are other ways for people to report people such as inappropriate builds, cross teaming (which is decently common) and you can even report chat offences on the forums. But those are only so limited and it seemed like MCC was relying on hackers as forum reports instead of those. And because hackers are very uncommon with the new anticheat, there isn't much for people to report for. So if I had to change the forum report requirement, I would change it back down to 50 or even 40 because it seems to me now that 100 forum reports being the requirement is asking for too much considering that hackers now are barely active.

    So that is my opinion on how things should be, and there are so many reason other than the fact that the amount of hackers have decrease however that is the main backbone to some other problems. Such as if you would like to go for staff but don't have a forums account, you'd have to make one with all of your stats resetting and with how hackers have been lately, it would be very hard for them.

    I will put a poll to see what everyone thinks. Please keep positive replies down below and thank you all

    Bob50, Xermes, ehoeian and 2 others like this.
  2. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don't mind the idea if the anti-cheat is as effective as you say it is, but I recommend waiting until after the minigames revamp before making any requirement changes. The anti-cheat may be improved, but whenever a server puts one out there will always be clients made to bypass it. The server also doesn't have Skywars gamemodes currently, and I guarantee you'll still see a relatively high number of people with clients there when they're re-introduced. Wait until people can properly gauge whether the drop in hackers has been significant, and then adjust the requirements.
  3. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Despite my initial thinking for new players, I do think that the time period of 90 days is more than enough time to amass 100 reports and my reasoning for keeping the current system is by the theory that if a player was to get 40-50 accepted reports in say 30-40 days; that player may loose motivation to keep reporting and therefore hindering their potential.

    Also apart of my reasoning is that in hindsight of my own reports, it isn't necessarily difficult to get those 40-50 accepted reports. The anticheat definitely has decreased the hacker reports, however just as you said; the crossteaming, chat related offenses and even discord reports are more apparent now. As an application member I would think a diversification of reports compared to the 1000 reports people have had in the past from purely cheaters would be something that could affect the outcome of an application as it shows the player's understanding of the rules in different corners of the server.

    After reading @Swinger's reply, I do agree that before a consensus is met, all minigames should be released as Skywars was always plagued with cheaters, it certainly will be interesting to see how well the anticheat holds up against the old batch of cheaters that swarm the minigame daily.

    Love you @TorontoCanada
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  4. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I think I can say with a degree of certainty that the amount of cheaters has changed drastically with Skywars removed. Whether it will stay that way when it comes back, we'll just have to wait and see. However, if it does return and the anticheat begins banning a large majority of the blatant hackers that hurt Skywars so much, then I agree with Toronto to change the amount of reports needed. Returning it to 50 if this becomes the case would probably be the best, since the change to 100 was made when waves of hackers and ban evaders were on. But only time will tell.

    Oh yeah, and for good measure: Shut up Toronto <3
    BlockyBeach, fattr and DarkBeastPro like this.
  5. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Considering the anti-cheat detects movement hacks very well, and the vast majority of the reports used to be movement modification reports, I believe it's fair to reduce the number of required reports to 50. The amount of reports a player submits and gets accepted won't define whether they are a good fit for the staff team or not. 100 reports seems excessive at this point, and may take ages to be done if it's capped at that. However, I do believe that there should be some sort of "balancing" to make the application more fair for everybody. People who have submitted tons of reports and done thousands of forum posts might feel "unmotivated" to apply with those reductions, so I think the number of posts should be raised to 40 if the report requirements do get reduced

    disclaimer: sorry for bad wording, im on 2 hours of sleep
    Zonafer, mcrcus and BlockyBeach like this.
  6. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Hello, Toronto.

    As a player who was used to report other users regularly, I have to admit that my reports have been decreasing drastically. That being said, I was starting to get concerned about it, and therefore asked some Sr Mods if this would be taken into account in the near future, and they answered that admins were well aware of it. Therefore, I am definitely +1 on your suggestion.

    The downside, as guih said, is that as a consequence the current system will be somewhat 'unbalanced' as the section which is intended to show which players are active in-game is going to be slightly easier to fulfill. To even things out, I believe that adding a certain amount of chatreports needed (30±, for example) could be a viable option to solve this issue.

    Thank you for reading my reply.

    Have a lovely day! <3
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  7. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    As someone who went through the application pretty recently, my vote goes towards keeping the requirement at 100. At least for now.

    This is for a couple of reasons, but I won't go too much into detail here as I don't feel like typing an essay. I'll keep it brief:

    Firstly, and most importantly, I feel that acquiring the amount of needed reports is really beneficial for a perspective staff member. This is because it familiarizes them with the rules, the staff team, the punishment process, and the support process as a whole. On top of this, taking the time to get the required number of reports shows dedication and commitment to wanting to be a staff member and to wanting to help the server.

    Second, I really do not feel like getting 100 accepted reports is that difficult (granted this may have changed but I will address that next). In the 90 days it took for my forum account to be old enough to apply, I turned in almost 500 accepted reports. Sure, it takes time, but it is not very hard to do with the hacker situation MCC has had in the past. Also, hackers are not the only people that can be reported on the forums. You can report chat offenses, gameplay offenses, inappropriate builds & usernames, as well as any other rule violations that all count towards your total of accepted reports.

    Now to get to the nitty-gritty: the minigame revamp and the new anti-cheat. First off, I am absolutely stoked that MCC is getting a new anti-cheat for obvious - and maybe some less obvious - reasons. Granted, a new anti-cheat will be able to more quickly and efficiently deal with blatant hackers that set off alerts, but not all hackers are that obvious or that stupid. A new/better anti-cheat does not make it impossible to report players. Also, as of the making of this post, it may seem that the anti-cheat is sucking all of the hackers into the ban-bin without giving players (or staff) a chance to take care of them, but that is not entirely the case. Hackers still exist on other sub-servers, as well as still playing in SG. I also firmly believe that once more minigames are up and running this will bring in new players, and unfortunately bring new hackers with them. Not to mention, all other forum reporting situations still exist even with the decreased volume of minigames and the new anti-cheat.

    Essentially I can sum up my argument as this: I feel that the minimum requirement for forum reports is a really good litmus test as to who is capable and committed enough to be a staff member. If someone is unwilling or unable to go through the process of getting cheaters banned, how will they be able to perform that same job day-in day-out as a moderator? Just my thoughts on this as someone who has recently gone through that process. I am always down to discuss this more in my Discord DM's if anyone is interested or wants some clarification.

    Have a lovely day :)
    Xermes, BlockyBeach and DarkBeastPro like this.
  8. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi there.

    As someone who has over 2 500 accepted reports, I wanted to throw in my two cents and explain how I feel about it. I feel like reducing the requirement back to 50 isn't the best idea because there may be a resurgence in hackers, and it's good for prospective staff members to have that previous experience in dealing with cheaters and recording evidence, just as sort of a competency to look for. It does show commitment but I think that can be reflected in other areas such as minutes and forum posts, and of course reports are only one part of the whole picture when you're applying.

    If the requirement is reduced, I do want to see something else done to compensate for it. Reports reflect a lot about a future staff member (ex. how they deal with making tickets (and replies), how they collect and use evidence, their hack detection skills, etc.) and to reduce that without putting something else in to balance it out would be a bit too easy, in my opinion. There are some great suggestions above my post, such as making CRs part of the requirement or increasing the amount of forum posts, so I won't dive too deep into that.

    Overall, I think a change may be a good idea; we just need to see how things are playing out on the server before we make any final changes. Thanks for reading my (mostly rehashed) post, and have a lovely day. :)
    Lxvely and BlockyBeach like this.
  9. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Seen as how the anticheat has been very effective lately as there have been barely any hacker reports for minigames in the past month and a bit, I think it is fair to say that the POV of this topic from some people may have changed. I would like to hear more opinions about this situation, so drop em down below if you would like!
    luvbri, BlockyBeach and Bob50 like this.
  10. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there TorontoCanada,

    After the release of both CTF and SG, and the continuous lack of hackers to catch there I wouldn't be too mad if the requirement for Player FR's dropped back down to 50. I know that will mean people need to grind less, however the only place where you will be certain to find hackers at the moment is KitPvP (and other subserver pvp arenas ig). People already need to work harder to get these reports, and of course eventually clients will find ways to bypass the anticheat however for the moment 100 Player Reports is nearly impossible to get in a comfortable amount of time.

    tl;dr: Dropping down to 50 isn't the worst idea. Even if it's temp until the hackers find a way to bypass the anticheat, it's a reasonable droppage due to the exceeding lack of hackers in minigames & therefore resounding drop in hacker reports being made.

    Have a great day!

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