Rule Change in Survival Games

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Knazamn, May 28, 2021.

  1. Knazamn

    Jan 29, 2020
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    If you don't know (which I'm sure 99.99% of everyone reading this knows, unless you don't play Survival Games) is that you can team with up to three people. Teaming with four or more people is punishable. I definitely think this rule should be removed, and either make a separate game for teams to be in Survival Games or just make it punishable to team. I can't tell you the countless times, since I don't have anyone to party with and team with in Survival Games and I play solo, that I have been teamed on and killed. I am not trying to have pity or anything, but really, it is hard trying to fight a 1v2 or 1v3 unless they are terrible at the game, or have terrible stuff and you have the best. Really, it makes the game very unfair. I've also had it where I thought I had a real shot at winning, and then got killed by a team. All I am asking is to please change the rule and make the game more fair.
  2. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I personally agree with this, definitely a +1 from me to either make it punishable to team in SG or at least make the maximum team size 2 players, instead of 3. A lot of games have at least one team, and it seems that it is necessary to team up if you want to win. It's almost impossible to beat a 2v1 or 3v1, unless you're extremely skilled or they are terrible at the game. This is completely unfair, because the teams just go around killing all of the solo players until they're left at deathmatch and they choose who among their friends can win the game.

    Some say that SG is supposed to be a game to be played with friends, however this is the case for all games. For example, solo skywars (before the revamp) could easily be played with friends, without the need to team up. You spawn in adjacent islands, and either kill people on your own and then fight against your friends, or simply fight each other and then whoever lives continues playing the game. You don't need to team up and have an unfair advantage over other players just because you're friends.

    Others might think that teaming on SG has no real advantage since the team finds the same amount of chests as a solo players, although this seems to be untrue. As long as the team members spread out a little bit, they are more likely to find a chest, because they can search more area with more players. This means that each player in the team usually finds as much as a solo player would. Even if only one person finds any chests, they often still divide up the loot to their team members. It seems that team members always have some armor or things to fight with. Even if a team member doesn't have anything to fight with, they can still give an advantage to the team by punching an enemy, for example.

    There used to be a team SG, although this was removed because there usually weren't enough players to start a game. There was a poll on the discord at the time, and it was voted to have teams of 3. However, I feel that the decision was likely affected by the fact that team SG was possibly being removed, because allowing teams up to 3 players is not a huge change from merging solo & team SG. If another poll was conducted now, it would likely have different results.

    However, the main pro-teams argument seems to be that SG is a game to play with friends... although if that makes the game unfun to play unless you have people online you can team with, then so what. There are other ways to have fun with your friends than ruining the game for others.
    Incarnati0n_, Knazamn and BlockyBeach like this.
  3. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    @creeper7777777 summed up everything well so I won't harp on repetitive points for long but I do agree with this post.

    Teaming shouldn't be allowed at all or a separate game for teams should be made just like Skywars. Ultimately people will end up teaming in solos (intentionally or not) and get punished for it. By adding extra rules to certain gamemodes such as teaming being allowed up to a certain point in SG then completely disallowing it in SW, it ends up just becoming a mess of what you can and can't do, In my opinion; if you can't team in other gamemodes, you shouldn't be able to in this one.

    I think that the release of CTF will see a large shift of the teaming players in SG as there will be less consequence in CTF compared to SG. I would say after the release of all minigames, where the division of players can be viewed accurately (not forced into 1 minigame like currently) we should come back to revise this idea as maybe the teaming problem wouldn't be so bold.

    Very topical! Good choice @Knazamn!
    Keep up the good work :)
    Incarnati0n_ and BlockyBeach like this.
  4. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think a good compromise to this would be to allow teams of 2 players and 2 players only. Currently it's at 3 and it's a very messy system at that, I think that you should be able to have one teammate only and if that teammate dies then you can't team with anyone else.

    Interested to hear the opposing arguments to this instead of 30 people agreeing.
  5. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    in my personal option, this idea is terrible for a couple reasons, the most important one being that it is too convoluted and difficult to be enforced, and, as such, would not be enforced. To be clear, my issue isn’t with the “limiting teams to two instead of three” aspect of the idea, but the “you can only team with one person (total) per game” aspect. First of all, this would be very difficult to spectate and report because you would have to take two clips, the first one being player A teaming with player B and the second clip being played A teaming with player C, to prove that player A broke the rule. MCC doesn’t allow long, lengthy clips in reports (or at least discourages them) which is why you would have to split your report into two different games. You would also have to prove that both instances occurred in the same game rather than two different games with the same maps.

    Furthermore, no one is going to remember all the usernames of who teamed with who, unless maybe if they are very well-known but I would argue not even then. Also, people sometimes “team” for a few seconds by trucing, dropping each other gear etc before going their desperate ways which all happens very fast making it difficult to catch. Also, this rule would be too difficult to explain in a short concise pre game message and would raise a lot of questions and confusion. People would be breaking the rule unintentionally just because they didn’t understand it. I can go on and on but basically very poorly thought out idea in my opinion for the reasons above and more.
  6. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I have faith in this community that they would be able to understand the following - "You can have one teammate in Survival Games, if that teammate dies you are to remain as a solo player"

    As a Staff Member (the person who would be enforcing this), it wouldn't be too difficult to do. Having a longer clip and allowing a player to provide timestamps (which we already do) is a very simple solution if the clip were to be rather long. Even having 2 clips is not the end of the world. Teaming is remaining a part of the game because it's simply the culture of the mode, it's been around for quite some time and isn't going anywhere. This is one of the only compromises that allows people to still team but doesn't completely eliminate the chance of a solo player winning. While I agree that a 2v1 is rather difficult to accomplish given they're all decent players, it's still better than 3. This would also be an easy catch while spectating.

    "MCC doesn’t allow long, lengthy clips in reports (or at least discourages them) which is why you would have to split your report into two different games. You would also have to prove that both instances occurred in the same game rather than two different games with the same maps."

    This shouldn't really be a concern in the slightest, it would be quite easy to tell if somebody tried to fake evidence on another player like this. There aren't going to be any continuity errors within 2 clips of the same SG game, as all that would happen is a section of the game is removed from the viewer. This is not a concern.

    To conclude this, teaming is staying regardless, it's just a matter on how the rule should be adjusted to make it more fair. It is either this, or only allowing teams of 2 (at the agreement that any 2 players can team at any given moment, as long as there is no third party). There isn't really another option (that would fix the teaming issue [that will actually be considered]) than those 2 that I have stated.
  7. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
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    I personally disagree with this.
    I believe teams of 1-3 are fine as it is. I believe this because I’ve been up against a group of 4, and 5 before. To me it just isn’t what I think should be seen. It seem, for 1: overpowered, 2: nearly an easy win, and 3: it has seemed to be fine the way it is for a while now.
    I believe this rule should stay, or a “special game mode” for Survival games, where lather teams are allowed in it. I’m sure this will spark a lot of people playing it, although I don’t believe an alternate “special parody” would be added as an option along with the current Survival games, as it is.

    This is of course my opinion and I definitely see why many players, even me questioning it, would want this rule to be removed. I have considered this and if I had the choice, I would still add the separate gamemode where big teams are allowed. I do believe if this was added, it would be used for big groups of friends an play all together in Survival Games.

    I see your potential in this but I’m going with Neutral, unless my suggestion was added it would be a support.

  8. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    you are a random who barely knows how minigames work and it shows :/
  9. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    love how you ignored half my points, some of the stuff i said you had a legitimate response to but overall i stand by what i said, i can just tell that this rule would not be enforced at all especially since people team or truce with each other for brief periods of time which would be next to impossible to catch unless you are are watching every player 24/7.
    #9 YouGetMeSoHigh, May 30, 2021
    Last edited: May 30, 2021
  10. lavoova the grape

    Oct 27, 2019
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    As it has been stated above I think sg should have teaming be limited to 2 people per team. If you are a solo players and you come up against a team of 2 it is a lot more fair than having to 1v3. Another thing is lots of players cant usually get a full team of 3 so leaving it at 2 would make it a lot easier to find a teammate. I personally never play sg because I never have a team and getting 3v1d is never fun. So, making it teams of 2 would give most players a better experience on sg. I think that it would benefit the server if the team size is made at 2 players per team.

    Have a lively rest of your day/night!
  11. Z3r0

    Apr 7, 2021
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    i agree that teaming shouldn't be allowed it is literally impossible to win solo, there is nothing 1 person can do against 1 or 2 players that gang up on you, this should def be removed since it makes it harder for anyone that plays solo to win. There should be survival games solo mode and survival games teaming mode where teaming mode is basically you and 1 or 2 others. Like teams vs teams would be better then teaming in solo's.
  12. Z3r0

    Apr 7, 2021
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    It would be favorable for everyone, people playing solo can actually have a chance of winning, and people who teams can actually get a challenge facing other teams.

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