Appealing make no sense

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Thorndog, May 26, 2021.

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  1. Thorndog

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Why when you appeal a ban is that the staff member that banned you gets to decide on your appeal, in my opinion this doesn't make sense, wouldn't you want a different opinion from another staff member. My whole issue was I got SS for the first time and had no idea what to do and eventually figured it out but took longer that 5 minutes and I was banned and still they wanted to look around but real life took over in the name of hair cut appointments and if you have a wife you know you don't screw with them on it.

    So they wanted to look for macros what ever the hell those are but 30 day ban for not knowing how to navigate discord and I have been on mcc prisons from season 1 and never have I been banned for hacks.
  2. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    The staff member that punished you knows the situation, whether it was watched or reported via forums; chatreports could be a bit more lenient as the evidence is shared between the staff members. The staff member that punished you will be as unbias as the next person, their choices don't exactly differ.

    I am sympathetic for your ban but keep in mind the large number of people they freeze and screenshare a day, in my experience when I was a mod; often a suspected cheater would wait the 5 minutes out, to waste my time; maybe the punishing staff member did the same thing? Regardless of what happened however, the 5 minute timer is very clearly marked, while you didn't understand the navigate discord, this could have been resolved by asking in the main MCC discord under #support, both staff members and knowledgeable members of the community help people daily there.

    I am surprised your unaware of what macros are, especially for a season 1 prison player! However I hope that by the time your punishment is lifted you now better understand the importantance of consistency through appeals/staff member and know where to go if asked.

    If you want any help navigating in the future, feel free to DM me on discord at Elecctricc#0001
    Other than that, have a great day!
    #2 Elecctricc, May 26, 2021
    Last edited: May 26, 2021
    DarkBeastPro and BlockyBeach like this.
  3. Thorndog

    Aug 6, 2019
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    I need to specifically point out mxbel was the one that SS me and right away she was very disrespectful and basically couldn't believe I didn't know how to use discord, I find it funny that I was just 5 v 1 in pvp and was able to fight the tards off and escape and boom I was SS like I said I have never been SS before and had no clue what to do and yes instruction was there but if you have no idea how to navigate through discord you are fucked, and of course mxbel got upset that my real life got in the way of the SS but I'm sorry having my wife on my butt about missing an appointment and this BS mxbel was giving me, my opinion is that mxbel needs to be watched period, and oh I got 4 more days for explicit conversation just now lol.
  4. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Usually people who say they don't understand discord misconstrue themselves and therefore they to waste staff members time, maybe @mxbel thought the same? She SS's a lot of people and so I wouldn't blame her at all if she misinterpret your understanding of discord. I can say from my experience of working with her though; she's exceptional at what she does, if she made a mistake remember that everyone does :)

    If your able to fight off a 5v1 no wonder you were frozen! I commend your PVP skills because I sure as heck couldn't do that! Don't worry about never being SS'd before either, if your innocent then you've got nothing to fear! If anything, if your frozen in the future at least you know exactly where to go and how to find it from now!

    Again, A large amount of people that enter the SS room knowingly join to waste staff members time and to set them off, they won't be able to tell whether your experienced or not regarding using discord and just go off past experience, myself included. I'm sure mxbel holds no contempt and was just trying to figure out what was going on, she's good at what she does and I commend her for her efforts c:
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  5. Thorndog

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Yeah well, she banned me 6 minutes after the frozen time which she gave me an extra minute, but what pissed me off the most she had proof of me using macros and then accused me of bs her about them, but none of that matter because I was banned and she was having none of it about me not knowing about discord. and my denial from her didn't take very long at all.
    Atsserretni likes this.
  6. Thorndog

    Aug 6, 2019
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    staff can you lock this because it was only for my rant.
    Atsserretni likes this.
  7. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    We don’t SS after bans. I only dragged you as a courtesy to tell you the reason for your ban and was met with lies. As for your incredible stretching of the story, I answered your appeal with all information needed, further concerns can go to a staff report. I also don’t appreciate you creating threads with false info.

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