Last thread before I get banned for criticizing alex_markey

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AloneWIthALoan, May 23, 2021.

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  1. AloneWIthALoan

    Apr 18, 2021
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    I have committed the worst crime in MCC history. Believe it or not, I have actually criticized alex_markey himself for not being the best owner in Minecraft history. I think this is a goodbye since I'm going to get banned forever for this terrible crime I have committed. Well anyways, bye and have fun! Maybe someday Alex will realize that removing the levels, perks, friend lists, and guilds of active and loyal players isn't the best way to make your server active.
  2. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Absolutely love this revamp, so entertaining watching brain dead freaks like yourself cry about your levels being gone.

    Anyway for an actual point; In reality the pages of friends you had where most likely people who quit anyways. Markey did you a favour by upgrading the system. Now a lazy fuck like yourself wont have to sit there and remove all the player who have quit. The levels being reset seems fair to me, If you're too lazy to grind out credits / levels then that's on you, not Markey. Resetting the levels had to be done to implement the new level system. Guilds can be remade, there's really no issue with this. All in all you just seem like a whiny brat looking for something to complain about.

    Y'all complained about how badly you wanted this revamp and now that it's finally here you can't handle it.
  3. AloneWIthALoan

    Apr 18, 2021
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    I love how seriously you take this thread. I recommend anger management therapy by the way. being angry all the time isn't good for your health. Have a good day!
    abbs likes this.
  4. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'll take that into consideration lolz
  5. AloneWIthALoan

    Apr 18, 2021
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    I love your positive attitude by the way. You seem to love getting kicked all the time since you love the revamp so much. I should probably learn to respect playing on a server that kicks you all time time. Or maybe not since I'm not as positive of a person like you. I guess I'm braindead and can't enjoy things like that. Well, at least there are positive people like you who don't judge you for being braindead.
    abbs likes this.
  6. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hiya AloneWithALoan,

    The minigames revamp is currently in beta stages. If you have suggestions, I highly recommend providing them in the server suggestions part of the forums. There are still some bugs being worked on, if something occurs, you are free to let a staff member know or idealy, record it and report it here.

    Have a great rest of your day/night!
    fattr and abbs like this.
  7. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    if you can’t handle being disagreed with maybe don’t use the internet js
    micunmuted likes this.
  8. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Yukihira likes this.
  9. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Not sure why some people are so angry about resetting certain things - the sub servers all reset, and you're all fine with that; stands to reason that other subsystems may be reset to accommodate new features; rather than spending months writing complex migration solutions to allow old inactive lists to still exist...

    Removing levels was necessary - now we have individual levels for minigames, rather than an arbitrary blob of XP lumped together. So now if someone has a high level, you know they've played a lot of that minigame.

    Removing perks was necessary - for one; any P2W perk has been removed, to allow us to follow Mojangs EULA.

    Resetting the friend's list was not necessary, but a vital step forwards - the new system is much more flexible than the old, much more structured and stable. In the previous system, people would arbitrarily add people; there were players with over 200 pages of friend requests. I can tell you now, 99% of people on friends lists are never spoken to. This new friends list gives you a good chance to make sure you really just add people you interact with.

    Resetting of guild's list was not necessary, but a vital step forwards - the new guild system, much like the new friend's system, is much more flexible, well structured, and stable. Many old guilds were not active, and or had many inactive players. This, just like the friend's list reset, allows new guilds to be made and to add active people.
    jemelina, luvbri, Yukihira and 5 others like this.
  10. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    As well as this important posts, there are a few things I wish that people keep in mind:
    • If there was another option to make these amazing changes without losing friends or guilds, I can tell you right now the admins would have chosen to take it
    • There was really no way around resetting levels - how else would you expect a Minigames revamp to go? We put all of this effort into recreating our Minigames completely only to still not give new players a chance at all because old players still have their high levels?
    • You'd be surprised on how many ranked players complain about the pay to win, even the ones who have the perks themselves. Again, why would we put all this effort into revamping Minigames only to keep the problems that the community was so against?
    • Many of the high level players were actually happy that the levels reset because they have something to grind for, so perhaps instead of being negative about it, think about how you actually have something to DO now.
    thank you
  11. Magnums

    May 8, 2021
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    ikr mcc is such a bad server
  12. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Since multiple staff have expressed good responses to this thread, I'm going to assume that this thread has had its main point explained and therefore will lock this thread to avoid anymore drama related responses. Have a fabulous day everyone!
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