General Suggestions!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sloze, May 12, 2021.

  1. Sloze

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Hi, this isn't a thread to attack the staff team or the server rather just give a few suggestions on what I'd like to see from MCC, some people may have a different opinion and if others have ideas I'd love to hear them!

    I understand MCC is currently working on a full minigame revamp, I've heard some things that could be possibly be changed for SG and I'm really excited, however, the only 2 things I'd like to ask is a rough estimate on when this will be in effect? Not expecting a full set date on it because things do change. And that enchantment tables be removed, this may be a little bit controversial for the community but I believe it will create a much more skill based game and attract new players who leave the server after a few games due to over powered enchantment equipped players.

    Another suggestion would be a fresh lobby, whilst there is nothing currently wrong with the lobby it looks great it's just a little outdated IMO. Something fresh to welcome new faces and reoccurring players would be awesome!

    I think it's very sad how the MCC community has decreased over the years with a percentage of players leaving due to certain issues like cheaters, some players toxicity and other things the developers can't exactly control, but what comes with that is a decline in forum posts. Personally I've been striving for a role on the staff team, reporting when I can and constantly looking for forum posts to give my opinion to, I tend to get X amount of reports a day and I think the 100 requirement is fine, but I struggle to find a forum post to reply to without what I want to say having already be said, I don't want to bump old threads or the thread is locked, I don't personally know how I'd change that rule myself but just something I'd like to be considered.

    That's all I have to say, I hope Alex and the team can take my points into consideration and other people can leave what they feel in the replies! Have a wonderful day/night!

    ehoeian, xLeyton, fattr and 1 other person like this.
  2. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Heyo @Sloze!

    I don't think that a rough estimate will be given for a little while, due to the same reason that triple A title games don't give an estimated time until their sure; so people don't expect some massive change only to be underwhelmed, leading to less players, I think an extremely general date might be given for example; Second half of the year, Holiday season ect. Of course I have no clue and am only guessing on what I believe:)

    As for the enchants removal I feel like it's a good idea imo, however I know plenty of people that would like for it to stay, as while its RNG is incredibly powerful at times, it also adds a kind of learning curve to set apart good players from great players, to know where to find the table, what enchants would work best ect. On a previous thread Unadvised said "We are currently revamping our SG Rn. and I can tell you mobs and double damage are not in the game." which I know drove players away simply because the game became RNG based, not skill based, hopefully this will be enough to help against what people consider "OP".

    I definitely agree with a new lobby and I'd love to see a change in lobbies every once awhile to see that the minigames of the server are still being cared for c:

    When it comes to myself and voicing myself on the forums, I like to give my own opinion on what works and what doesn't (in a humble way of course), applying what I already know to prove my points and linking people to my claims that imo adds quality to the replies.

    Great points chief, have a good one!
    Martiinn, BlockyBeach and Xermes like this.
  3. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    I really like the idea of a new lobby since the current one has been there for years and has never been updated. +1
    Martiinn likes this.
  4. Sloze

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Thankyou for the compliment!, It's awesome to hear that it's leaning towards more of a skill based game, bummer to hear there isn't a expected time frame for the revamp but I guess that makes it more exciting! Thanks for sharing your points with me, you have a good one too!

    I wouldn't know exactly what they'd do but if a new lobby happens to show up I'll be quite happy! Hopefully one for minigames too!! Thanks for your opinion mate.
    #4 Sloze, May 15, 2021
    Last edited: May 15, 2021
    Elecctricc and LeafyTiger24 like this.
  5. xLeyton

    Apr 17, 2021
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    I agree, I hope they also release a solo mode for survival games, as a lot of players left and told me it was due to being teamed on, which I can relate with -- Being in 1v3 situations definitely isn't fun. It's one of two reasons why I left survival games, the second as you mentioned being the toxicity in the chat.
    Hopefully in the new revamp, the chat blacklist is extended and a new anti-cheat system is implanted, as this will make new coming players feel more welcomed, instead of leaving the server after a few games due to hacking and toxicity in the chat.

    At a time, I was thinking of applying for staff! But IMO I personally disagree with the 100 forum reports, it takes too long compared to discord reports (which I probably have hundreds of accepted reports by now :P). Good luck on your application Sloze! You have fresh ideas, which I think the community needs right now!
    Sloze likes this.
  6. Sloze

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Very valid suggestions/points however I know for a fact that solo and team survival games won't be implemented due to them previously doing it and having an incline in players on both sub servers (Solo and Dual). Thankyou for the luck I sure hope I reach my goal. c:

  7. Audioactive

    May 19, 2021
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    What happened to skywars and survival games
  8. xLeyton

    Apr 17, 2021
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    There is a revamp happening, yes it's strange they had to close minigames during a revamp, I understand most servers don't need to close minigames, however, perhaps mcc is having technical issues.
  9. Sloze

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Hey mate! Hope you're enjoying the beta Survival Games! The mini games sub server was suspended for a short period of time as you mentioned and this was because, and I quote Alex for this. " The main purpose of the beta is to properly stress test all of the back-end, and find any major issues with it. Once everything has smoothened out, and we feel confident, we will begin bringing over the other games!"

    And also, "Secondly we are looking for feedback / changes to be made. It is important to note that this is a beta, and anything is subject to change when we release the final product. Your feedback is key, so please let us know on our forums."

    All of this was mentioned on the server's discord, if you'd like to join it, they have regular announcements, support sections and many more sub-servers for you to find info the forums may not provide! Here's the link, I hope you have a great evening/day!
  10. ehoeian

    Sep 1, 2019
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    New lobby would be sick tbh
  11. Z3r0

    Apr 7, 2021
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    can't agree more, the current lobby is kinda boring and basic imo, it's is cool and different but i think a new lobby would be nice

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