Why Have My Rank and All My Cosmetics Gone Away?

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by Zack Smith, May 21, 2021.

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  1. Zack Smith

    Apr 7, 2021
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    I just logged into the server to find that minigames are being "revamped" and that I can't play them for now. What's more, all of my cosmetics, everything I earned on the server is GONE. I also had an Iron rank, which is also GONE. It says I have to buy it again. WTF is this bullshit!?!?!?! Especially the rank. I paid real money to own this rank, they said it was lifetime. And now they randomly take the shit I BOUGHT from them away? What the actual hell!? That's basically them stealing from me. This crap needs to be fixed.
  2. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi there!

    Some ranks appear to have gone missing as a result of the revamp; please make a donation ticket regarding your rank. This is an unintentional error, so you will more than likely get your rank back. Your cosmetics have been removed due to the revamp, which has been in the works and brought some completely new plug-ins, so that is to be expected. Sorry for the inconvenience. Have a lovely day!
    BlockyBeach, InsaneIsMyName and fattr like this.
  3. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Currently minigames have been taken offline for the long awaited minigame revamp; later today the developers will be adding just survival games back with the new updates, progressively adding more as time goes on. (drip feeding content to stress test the servers, bugs and player enjoyment);


    As for your rank, I would highly suggest creating a donation ticket and explain how you lost your rank as that is the only place where you'll get 1 to 1 contact with the people who can help you out!

    To my knowledge cosmetics have been removed for everyone not just you, likely to introduce new ones (unconfirmed just an estimate)

    Have a nice day!
    BlockyBeach and InsaneIsMyName like this.
  4. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    - Question Answered - Thread Locked -
    BlockyBeach likes this.
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