Kitpvp need adjustments asap.

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by Z3r0, May 4, 2021.

  1. Z3r0

    Apr 7, 2021
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    Okay let me start off by saying mcc centrals kit pvp is dying, without no doubt at all, no denying that. Why is the kitpvp dying? Well the first reason is rookies. Rookies are unable to play without actually buying something, to put it simple it's pay 2 win. Second of all rookies cant go in pvp without being insta killed because people farm gold.

    You can do /vote and stuff but people wouldn't wanna wait for weeks or even months to be able to purchase p5 or p4 from the money of /voting.

    There are a lot of scumms who cleans and gang upon people which i understand there are a lot of clans competing against eachother.

    My suggestion for you all in controll of kitpvp, that you make /fix free for all, killing people grants more money, get a better anticheat, more maps to chose from and pictures from that map so we can actually see which map we are choosing.

    The only reason i'm saying this is because mcc central is a good kitpvp server, but it lacks fundamental things to make it playable and enjoyable.

    Fix kitpvp server = more players = generating more money = more recognition = players enjoying playing = win win for players aswell as owners/admins.

    I would like to hear someone in charge giving me reason on why or why they cannot do that. Please just try atleast to make it playable that's all i and the majority of the server asks.
    micunmuted and SplatBerry like this.
  2. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    I'm gonna give this a +1 because the current state of kitpvp has gotten out of control. rookies don't stand a chance against people. Most people disagree because they have forgotten what it feels like to be a rookie. Even if you buy lets say bedrock/legend, your still gonna get targeted if your not known in the community and you can't really do anything unless you try to join a gang.
    SplatBerry likes this.
  3. Goldfishelliot

    Jul 25, 2019
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    I would say that the biggest problem is protection 5 and sharpness 6. Why? well, It's way too easy to get, it's even more common than protection 4. I think the main reason why every known player is ahead every season is because of the players being able to stack on keys. Players with the rank immortal don't even have to play to get keys which are always gonna ruin the eco.
  4. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    I'll give this a +1 but I wanted to add, that its pretty easy for rookies to get decent gear because ranked people always drop gear at spawn, and the new hobo chests let rookies get stuff from there.

    Immortal players only get 1 ancient key every month so I wouldnt say that is has a very big impact.
  5. anonymous user 04

    Mar 8, 2021
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    ye but at least there should be a tutorial like kryptic where it tells u tricks like combining them prot 3 to make p4.

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