Console Client ChatBot Help

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by xerohh yt, May 8, 2021.

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  1. xerohh yt

    Jan 25, 2021
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    Hello MCC community. I am honestly not sure if this is the right place to discuss about a console client for this server, but I felt as if this was the right place to create this thread. Recently, my alt was muted for spam on Prison Realm 1. (no this is not an appeal) I was using a Console Client with a mediocre and spammy chatbot that I had setup with little to no knowledge. Not realising, it was spamming advertisements for various items on Prison 1. I was wondering if anyone who is experienced with the Minecraft Console Client and knows how to setup a proper chatbot with relevant delays and without the frequent pop up of "Cannot send duplicate messages!" could help me out, primarily players from Prison 1. I am trying to have my alt/bot cycle through 3 different messages, but for some unknown reason it continues to repeat over the first message while stating "Cannot send duplicate messages!". Despite this, it also spams my set messages even though I have a (supposed) command to delay each message. In summary, if someone who has a large amount of expertise in the use of a Console Client (primarily chatbot) could help me, that would be greatly appreciated. Furthermore, I sincerely apologize in advance if this is not allowed to be discussed over the forums or if it is not allowed in-game.

    Thanks for reading,
    xerohh / XerohhYT
  2. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I myself am really good at setting up chat bots on console client.

    As for breaking the rule and getting muted, this is something almost all console client users encounter and have to live with, definitely a learning experience.

    Please DM me on Discord at Xermes#1101 if you’d like assistance with chatbots!

    have a great day
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