Mxbel ... Let the players speak!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Oracy, May 7, 2021.


Should mxbel be more closely monitored?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Oracy

    Mar 25, 2020
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    I'm a firm believer that mxbel needs to be not necessarily demoted or loss of power but she needs to be watched more closely by higher staff members, mxbel seems like a nice person but makes poor decisions at her job (false mutes). Higher staff members need to monitor her punishments and ensure that they are valid so it doesn't force the player the stress that comes with a false mute and the negative actions they might take towards the server.

    WithheldTaxes was a very close friend of mine on MCC, when he first started the server I took him under my wing and taught him the do's and dont's.
    He would often refer to me as a father to him frequently saying "It was like my father teaching me how to play catch"

    WithheldTaxes is a player who faced frequent abuse from mxbel. He was false muted numerous times which sparked my disliking towards her, I have personally faced mxbel with false mutes and it is very upsetting for a player.

    Mxbel was the reason both me and WithheldTaxes stopped playing the server for a while, WithheldTaxes was very beneficial for MCC. He put a lot of money into the server but because of the actions he received from mxbel he decided that he didn't want anything to do with the server which encouraged him in leaving the server and disputing the payments he had made.

    This has nothing to do with MCC staff it is just mxbel, I can understand how difficult and frustrating being a staff member can be but taking out your anger and targeting players is highly inappropriate and unfair for the players.

    mxbel seems like a nice person but she doesn't understand the term "fun". We all play MCC for fun right? so why is someone who takes away the fun of the server in power. I understand if a mute is deserved a mute is deserved but many mutes given to WithheldTaxes were in fact invalid.

    I've been very careful with my wording trying not to slander mxbel as I still do have respect for her as staffing a server is not easy, you face a lot of hate from players even if it is not deserved however in mxbel's case it is clear that a large amount of the player base strongly dislikes her.

    Admins I am %100 positive that if you asked in chat or did a live poll that the players of mcc would vote her out.
    TwinBlade likes this.
  2. Sweeping

    Apr 20, 2020
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    I completely agree with this post. Mxbel is out of control and the staff will try and do anything to keep us undermined.
  3. JohnMon_

    Aug 2, 2019
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  4. Sweeping

    Apr 20, 2020
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  5. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hi there,

    I am locking this thread as it is just going to cause unnecessary drama. If you feel that a staff member is behaving in an unbefitting manner, you can report them here:

    That would accomplish your goal much better than creating a thread like this.

    // Thread Locked //
  6. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I just wanted to add a quick note despite the thread being locked.

    There is a major difference between false muting players out of abuse, and false muting players by accident. You claim that mabel takes the fun out of the game by false muting you and that's all well and good. Unless she is actually muting you with no evidence, or is very obviously muting you for things that clearly aren't against the rules, you can't call her out for abusing her power and attacking her like this.

    If she was making mistakes in her punishments (which I can assure you all staff have done at least on one occasion,) unless she is choosing not to do anything about fixing the mistake, then she hasn't actually done anything she should be getting in trouble for. We all make mistakes sometimes, and none of us deserve to be yelled at because of it.

    That being said as Lxvely mentioned if you do happen to have evidence that she is punishing you unfairly on purpose or not choosing not to fix any false punishments feel free to create a staff report. Creating these 'exposed' threads do nothing but start drama and cause issues.

    Hopefully this all made sense :)
    LeafyTiger24, Lxvely and BlockyBeach like this.
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