Need help with a ban that hasn't had the severity reduced as intended.

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by JungleJewels, May 5, 2021.

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  1. JungleJewels

    Apr 29, 2021
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    Need help with a ban that hasn't had the severity reduced, i was meant to go from a 30 day severity 3 for client mods ban to a 7 day severity 1 ban for using autohotkey (scripts) but it hasn't been processed yet i'm almost 3 days into my ban and i'm confused as to what is going on and whether i'm going to be compensated for the days i have already been banned for, i'm just not entirely sure what's going as as there is no clear way to speak to staff directly unless they are in game all attempts at reaching out on this website have failed and i was told by a staff member that this is what's happening
  2. Haylos

    May 13, 2020
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    You can talk to the staff member through discord, Im guessing you already appealed, so please talk to the staff member as yesterday we had issues with punishments and also clearing or changing them.

    If you have got any other questions feel free to DM me

    SplatBerry likes this.
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