Dont report staff

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MediaManager, Apr 29, 2021.

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  1. MediaManager

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Did you guys know, if you report a staff member while you ip banned. They will never unban you and they will just keep extending your ban timer?


  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    While I'm not a senior mod, I do understand a few reasons for the situation you have. Keep in mind I don't know the full story, however based off what AcceptedAppeal has said, I can try to explain things further for you.

    1. Eddie says that you have been 'Attacking' Youri, which I would guess means you have staff reported him multiple times. That sounds to me like you have been claiming things that are not true, and accusing him of things repetitively. Repetitively staff reporting staff with no real solid evidence does nothing but annoy the mentors and admins, so while I don't know exactly if this is the case, it could be the issue.

    2. If you had staff reported Youri for not letting you appeal yet, it has been made clear to you that many seniors (and admins) have decided not to let you appeal yet. So realistically reporting Youri for this is going to do absolutely nothing given that it was a shared opinion.

    3. Eddie also made it clear to you that you WILL be able to appeal. Your ability to appeal has just been delayed due to the things you've done throughout it. I have seen people's IP ban appeal get delayed for evading, constantly harassing staff members regarding the ban for no reason and creating staff reports constantly to try everything to get unbanned. (Just to be clear, reporting staff for a false ban is all well and good, but when it has been explained to you several times that your ban was not false and that you must wait to appeal, there's no need to keep trying.)

    Like I said I am not a senior moderator, and I do not know all the details about this situation. My main point I'm trying to get across is that it's absurd to say that your appeal was extended because you reported a staff member. Yes it's possible that had something to do with it, like I said if there was clearly no evidence to prove that they had done something wrong/abusive then it's going to seem like you are pulling at strings to get unbanned.

    It would be great if you could stop spreading lies about how our server functions just because of something that you did :)
    Xermes, abbs, Darenn and 11 others like this.
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