Question For Staff

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by zylefone, Apr 26, 2021.

  1. zylefone

    Jul 12, 2020
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    Hello! I was thinking about applying for staff, but I have a few questions. What type of UI is it like when you get a chatreport, since I know you are able to see the messages when it happens? And do you have to take a screenshot of the msg every time you accept a chatreport? Thanks

    -Hopefully future Helper!
  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Upon issuing /reports a list of open chatreports will show up. There will be 3 icons displayed: accept (upon clicking it a command to accept the report will be typed into your chatbox, and you have to hit enter in order to send it), deny (same thing for the accepted one, but this time to deny it) and click to read, which upon being clicked will open a text website with the chat logs of the reported player within the past 10 minutes (of the moment the report was created). As well as that, the username of the reported player is shown, so that the staff member will know who to punish if the user did break a rule. You do have to save evidence as a helper for all punishments, but you’ll always have access to the closed chatreports, that can be checked by typing /reports search (ign). A more in-depth guide to all the staff commands and abilities will be available upon achieving helper. Hope this helps

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