Hey! As simple as the title says. /cr instead of /chatreport, it's very annoying misspelling it or even typing it is too. I'm pretty sure no one would be against of this. I know this has been suggested, but a friendly reminder for /report in game too. Going to #support on discord turns out being a bit annoying tbh. That's all, short ideas this time, haha.
Hello there, I wouldnt disagree on this small change to be added, but it feels kind of unnecessary. About the /report thing, as it has been mentioned several times over the years, this just gives a lot of opportunities for hackers/others to be banned quite easily, but theres one problem in here, having report also allows a lot of people to do fake reports, basically abusing this report command. I feel that the way we handle reports is good for the time being, most of us are active in discord and you will find a staff member who could help you even if its a Helper who can record and send to us. Hopefully with the minigames revamp we can get a new anticheat who can save this kind of problems.
Hiya! I feel like this would be something that wouldn't necessarily be needed but would still be as of help to those who need it. Personally, I'm fine with typing out the entire command but there might be some people who might want it shortened. So for that, I'm a +1
Hi! Both of these ideas are valid and in theory could be very helpful to players who are not in the MCC discord so they are able to bring hackers to the attention of staff in an easier way, I am a firm believer in the report command so that staff can sort through hackers in the same way that they would chat reports but I also feel that the /cr command is a little unneeded as it really wouldn't make that big of a difference.
Hey. I personally don't mind if it is /Chatreport or /cr. It would be faster if it was /cr but then again, It's not as if it is hard to type /chatreport quickly. But I am not against the Idea of it, I do like where u are coming from Some people are faster at typing than others so I guess if this were to be added it would help those people, That being said I think it wouldn't be a bad addition. :D
Personally, I believe that while a /cr alias is not necessary, it can't hurt and it's a very easy thing to add. To make a command alias, all the developer has to do is edit a line in a plugin file in the source code folder. As for /report, I believe that right now saying names in the #support channel on discord is enough, however after the minigame revamp, if staff members get the ability to spectate, this would be very helpful. /report would just be similar to chatreport, except it could be used as a way to list names that staff members should teleport to and spectate, which would be more efficient and let the #support channel be used for more complex issues, instead of a list of online skywars hackers. +1
Just to add a quick little note that I don't think anyone has brought up, many players use clients like laby mod, badlion and lunar. I believe these clients all have built in shortcut features, so if you are someone that does not wish to type out /chatreport each time, you could create a shortcut for it, so you can just type /cr instead. I know labymod 100% does, however I'm not too sure about the other clients. To enable shortcuts on laby mod, go to labymod settings, search shortcuts and click on. Then when you press T to use chat, you will see in the right bottom corner it will show a red arrow, click that and click the plus sign, then you add your shortcut. Hope this helps anyone who plays laby and doesn't know about this :)
I like the idea of this, but new players might not know how to do that, or returning players from a long time ago could be still "/chatreport" instead of "/cr" I do think it is a bit useless since "chatreport" isn't that long of a word, for example if they were to change the command "/toggleannouncement" it would make a lot more sense, since it is a longer command.
I actually dig this idea. I personally use shortcuts for whenever I need to log chat and don't want to type the command. It would be handy to just use /cr +1 from me!
Hey SrMartin, This is a great idea in my opinion. I can’t believe how times a chatreport gets taken because i spell something wrong in the command. Having it just set to /cr instead of /chatreport would be a great addition. So, thats a huge +1 for me. Have a lovely day/night, lavoova