PMine suggestions

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by DarkBeastPro, Apr 21, 2021.

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  1. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    So recently, I got a pmine and I thought of 2 suggestions. Idk how people make those giga essays on suggestions so I'm gonna try the best I can.

    1. PMine reset

    I was thinking of making a full public pmine (all perms to visitors) and was thinking of a pmine reset command. This would be a simple command, as when you would do /pmine reset, it would show you a confirmation message, similar to when doing it in plotworld. Confirming it would then proceed to reset the "plot" part of a pmine. This would keep the blocks mined, robots, and just purchases/upgrades because yk, it's too valuable to just remove it like that. I feel like this would be useful if someone just wants to change the design of their pmine. Just a quick example would be if someone turned this into their pmine(Credits to @Xermes ) and wanted to go in a different direction. Instead of having to manually place all the blocks back, they could just reset it, keeping all of the upgrades and stats of the mine.

    2. Shops in PMines

    Another suggestion that I had was to make shops available on a pmine. This would be very useful as once a person is done mining at a person's pmine, they can just get out and walk to sell their ores. Now, I know some people say, "But, that's the purpose of a plot." But here's my response, if you go onto creative, you mostly see epic builds. Creative is where you can free build on a plot. So I think that the purpose of a plot is to make buildings, not shops that would be better at the source of the ores. This could also be used as a token shop, as they can sell tokens right as they get them, without having the need to leave their mining session to sell them.

    Thanks for reading :D
    Any input would be appreciated

    *Edit: some people are thinking #2 is referring to market shop. I'm talking about it as if it were a profit shop made by a player
    #1 DarkBeastPro, Apr 21, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2021
    Lxvely and Xermes like this.
  2. GoodBanter

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agreed that shops should be added to pmines and I pretty much expected it as me and everyone in my gang were disappointed to find out we couldn't. But I guess you also need to look at it from the other side, if shops were added to pmines would that make plots only useful for spawners? Good idea I can see it from both sides!
  3. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thanks for the credit on that photo, @DarkBeastPro.

    I'd love to give my opinion on this, as an avid Prison player who is staff here on the network, I am more than happy to chime in on these wonderful ideas.

    I absolutely love the ideas in this thread. I know for a fact that the team is more than welcoming of these ideas and feedback items, and I'm glad they're coming into play here in threads like these.

    1. Private Mines Reset - /pmine reset
    Great idea, I can't see anything that stops the network from doing this, because as of now there is no way to reset your mine. You can't even delete your mine (and lose your stats) and reset, like how islands work in Skyblock. /pmine reset (or a similar command/GUI action) would be really innovative, and receives a huge +1 from me.

    2. Shops in Private Mines
    Although you do mention how allowing players to build shops in a private mine would minimize the ore sell shops in the plot world, you do make a good point in saying plots were made for "epic builds." While the point of the private mines was to keep private mines and plot worlds separate (as other Prison servers have taken the other route - plot mines which is effectively a mine in your plot), combining the two whilst having both still active can cause some turmoil. I totally understand where you're coming from, and @GoodBanter's point above, it would render plots only useful for spawners and builds. While this may be nice, it will undermine the purpose of a plot. I love the dynamic of having the different worlds, and having the different uses for both. One good use case I can see for shops on a private mine is a wall of donations, if you'd like to donate to the plot mine owner (perhaps this can be a new feature? Charge to enter a private mine? Donate to private mine owner w/ a GUI? :eyes:) you can buy a stick from the owner instead of having them send you cash directly or receiving no donation at all. In my case, I have a holoskull routing donations to be sent to my 24/7 bot, which has worked out well for me, I have received many donations from this method.

    All in all, I think the shops in private mines would render plots almost useless, and as far as free building, both plot world and private mines already allow you to do this, which would just take one more thing away from the plotworld.

    One way I can see prison is going (seasons from now) is eliminating plot world overall, enlarge private mines (can this be a perk to purchase with robot gems?) and allow spawners and shops to be built. Not only would this help shop owners who buy ores from players revolutionize the speed at which you sell to them, it would provide the player a smooth experience while participating in the use and business of a particular Prison player by combining all of their content in one slab of land. If this were to happen, I think it would be more than necessary to require the same layout of private mines (floating, death-free island well separated from other mines reaching past render distance, and using borders to separate them.) I can definitely see this being a possibility in the future, can't wait to see where this will go.

    All in all, great thread, and thank you for bringing this to the table!

    Have a great day.
    DarkBeastPro and boomrabbits_ like this.
  4. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    Hiya Xermes :D

    I'd like to quote something that @Darenn has said in a previous thread:
    This is to bring up the fact that, very few people have AFK bots. Now, I know this wouldn't affect you; however, being able to have spawners for plots would be another way to help the plot owner. By this I mean, as a person mines, they keep the spawners loaded, allowing them to collect money from the drops. This could also help a person who doesn't have an afk bot just "productively afk." This basically means that someone doesn't have to just always afk by their plot without doing anything useful. If this were added, they could afk by just mining at their pmine so their spawners are active.
    Xermes likes this.
  5. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Love this idea.

    This would lower the player count by needing less afk bots on the server (allowing real players to join) and would actually give a private mine owner an incentive to have a good mine and release it to the public.

    Full +1 on allowing spawners at pmines to incentivize the private mine owner, and actually provide the owner with some "salary" from the private mine. Sell shops, not so much. Keep those to plots for now.
    DarkBeastPro likes this.
  6. deleteduser

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey all,
    All great ideas!
    In regards to this, the idea has been brought up and forwarded, definitely a good idea and has been noted down, however, it's not known whether or not it'll be added this season or next season, but you'll see within the next few changelogs if it does end up getting added.

    Unfortunately, at this moment, it's been decided to not implement ChestShop access in the private mine world this season, however, it has been considered for next season.

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    All ideas listed in the thread have been either noted down or dismissed completely.​
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