The problem with the "dying server" people

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by micunmuted, Apr 20, 2021.

  1. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    I have been here in the community for a little bit now and it comes to no surprise that people are gonna be toxic. All of the threads like that have arguments and just makes it more toxic. then eventually it gets locked by a staff member and then its over and is just there. many people might agree that these people are really annoying. there needs to be something done about these people. they are people literally just gonna up to new players and saying "don't play this server its way to toxic and it sucks and the server is dying" part of the reason is there the ones who are the problem about this server "dying" I bet you a lot of people quit because of those type of people and get a bad impression on the server. of course, some things need to be fixed about mccentral but thats why there is bug reports and suggestions. yet people always think bad about the server and try to get people to stop playing mccentral. There's nothing really done about this. now the reason I made the thread before about me saying I was quitting and the server was dying was because all I just had no interest in it. After seeing people talking about how the server was dying I had a bad impression on it. Then I followed what they said and did it. now I realise people like that are just trying to get people to quit and not play the server yet it doesn't really go noticed of how big of an impact it can make. Anyways, this thread is getting to long. Feel free to leave your opinions.
  2. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    I don’t know of anyone who is toxic to new players for no reason. The reason that some people are toxic to you is that you are desperate for attention, you beg for likes and follows, you constantly comment your extremely ignorant and unfounded opinions by presenting them as if they are fact, you argue with everyone when they point out your said ignorant opinions, you talk with the mannerisms of a twelve year old, etc. Also, I think maybe no one takes you seriously because you have made at least three posts about you quitting and yet, much to my disappointment, you have yet to actually quit the server. Furthermore, you also once commented “this was just a troll account all along, get pranked” or something similar on your status and then deleted it.
  3. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    Ok let me tell you: I said I was gonna be on the server for a bit more then eventually quit. i'm starting to quit. I took a 5 day break and went to check in. Like I was saying I was following what people were saying and was thinking bad thoughts (I was also having a tough time irl) I have never asked for likes or follows. People liked my stuff, I was active and wanted to stand out in the commuinty. I was trying to have a good time but all of the stuff about people just going at me because I did something wrong in the past demotivates me. It may seem like it wasn't that long ago that I was talking about that stuff but I Have really changed in these past few years/months. it's simply me just being stupid because I was younger. I deleted the troll account thing for two reasons one: embarassment and two: because people were just going at me. You have been trying to prove me wrong for over 3 months now because of that one thread that I made about the enderpearl cooldown. I'm quitting soon because I don't find the server interesting. I said it might be a little till I leave. I have seen many people saying like "this server is trash don't play on it" like a new person who just joined the server then a person saying that. This is not me arguing. this is me saying what happened and why what I said happened.
    Yukihira and YouGetMeSoHigh like this.

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