Something needs to be done.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by PolarisPumpkin, Apr 19, 2021.

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  1. PolarisPumpkin

    Sep 11, 2020
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    Dear Owners: I mean this in the nicest way possible. Please, fix your server.

    As someone who has played on MCC for years, I have never felt this frustrated and defeated with the sheer amount of hackers that continue to thrive in our server. I'm not just talking about closeted hackers - regular players that pretend they don't hack when in actuality they do - I'm currently referring to the fly hackers. The ones that completely ruin the game for everyone. I main CTF. I'm a capturer, I like it, it's the perfect gamemode for me. But when some delusional brick with a superiority complex gets on and decides to ruin the fun for everyone by flying to the flag and capturing it then typing "ez", it kills the vibe entirely. Everyone leaves, we all feel awful, and it genuinely just sucks. This happens in every minigame, not just ctf, for the record. Over the past weeks the fly hacker issue has grown immensely. I can't get on at any time of day without seeing a cheater consciously going out of their way to ruin the game for us all. I just don't want to play anymore - my friends don't want to play anymore - the fly hackers are literally a disease killing the game. Please, do something.
  2. Cerbric

    Oct 21, 2019
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    I play ctf, I agree
    PolarisPumpkin likes this.
  3. pokebaby

    Dec 24, 2019
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    facts mcc needs better anticheat & ctf needed an update a long time ago, even just new maps at the very least, but staff really dgaf
    PolarisPumpkin likes this.
  4. seaut

    May 21, 2020
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    couldn’t of said it any better, mans spittin fax please listen!
    PolarisPumpkin likes this.
  5. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    I very much agree with there needing to be a better anticheat. However, the Minigames Revamp is very close to being finished and there is a likely chance of it including a better anticheat. You can help get rid of some of these hackers by reporting them here. We just need to stay strong till Markey can perfect the Revamp and make it public.

    (nice vid btw :3)
    PolarisPumpkin likes this.
  6. PolarisPumpkin

    Sep 11, 2020
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    thank you for the reply , appreciate it
  7. Martiinn

    Feb 15, 2020
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    I completely agree. Fly hackers on CTF is being a major issue right now. Something needs to be done ASAP.

    By the way, reporting hackers on forums is useless when you play minigames. I feel anyone who's not looking forward to apply for the staff team will ever touch forum reports.
    Minigames players wants hackers to be banned ASAP, so they don't ruin the minigame experience. And we all know mostly all the reports do not get reviewed instantly, meaning that a hacker can be playing for 30 minutes straight on CTF if a staff member doesn't go and spectate and punish them. The only thing we can do now as a regular CTF player is use #support on discord, but it gets very annoying if a hacker just keeps coming on and on every 2 games. We need more active CTF staff for sure. That's the solution right now, as we wait for the revamp and the anticheat.
    PolarisPumpkin likes this.
  8. ProLethal

    Jul 28, 2019
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    To be honest, this minigames revamp that the Staff have been talking about for some time now, should be their top priority if it isn’t already. Obviously players want it. The minigames are the sole reason why a lot of us play on MCC. And the lack of updates for 3+ years, the hackers, the exploits, the glitches, playing the same maps over again, etc. are the sole reason why we’re drifting away.
    I reminisce the 3000-4000 players on MCC in 2017, the glory days. When I didn’t have to wait 10 minutes for a lobby to fill. Does the decrease to 1500-2000 in player counts not wake you staff up? Do these recurring threads not show you how much we want this? Some of us haven’t lost hope, that maybe we can relive those days. Please MCC, make things right this time.
    PolarisPumpkin likes this.
  9. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey there,
    As a staff member myself, I can 100% agree that fixing the anti cheat is a priority, and there are small things that get suggested frequently which are noted down as we do have more important things we are working on, main thing being the Minigames revamp. Although nothing has been officially confirmed or anything from the owners, many of us are speculating that the anti cheat will be updated with this revamp.

    I have been staff almost a year now, and I understand how frustrating it can be having hackers ruin the fun in your game. It is especially difficult for staff members quite often, as I've had situations myself where there are multiple hackers in the game which I am trying to ban before they kill people. As for @ProLethal , you say the lower player count should "wake you staff up". There is only so much we can do, as we are not admins or developers for the server. At this point in time, (to my knowledge at least) there are only 5-6 current developers, being the admins and owners. All of us are very aware how urgent this revamp is needed, we are reminded of it multiple times a day.

    @pokebaby Similar to what I stated above, as a staff member I can assure you we do care. Quite often in the map submission forums you will see staff comment on the submissions and give their opinions, but as I said in my previous point, there are only about 6 staff who are actually in charge of adding these maps. I definitely agree that some new maps are very well needed, as well as removing some of the ones that people hate playing as well, both in CTF and other Minigames such as survival games.

    I'm aware as a community you all must be sick and tired of hearing this, but I really urge you to wait patiently. I've said this before, and I will say it again. This Minigames revamp has been in the works for quite a while now, so the longer time we spend on it the better it will end up being.

    ps get hyped for the revamp c:
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