For next Reset for SB

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by MrStAtman80, Apr 5, 2021.


Should Skyblock update to 1.6.5

Poll closed Apr 19, 2021.
  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    11 vote(s)
  1. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    I've been playing this for a few seasons now and it's all the same stuff all the time and people are leaving after a week or a month.

    So a few things to get people back.

    1. Have the ore gen on each island and so removes warp gen and people stealing when you go to in to mine it

    2. Have Minions and so to mine for you but not for harvesting

    3. Have a cool down to pick up spawners if you misplaced them

    4. Update to 1.16.4 and so new blocks to build with and new spawners

    5. Get out of 1.8.9

    These things i mentioned are most wanted for skyblocks and people leave... So time to change and update
    dwnerts likes this.
  2. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
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    Very cool idea, tbh I feel like survival should be in 1.16.
    Why do you think there should be a timer on picking up spawner? Just curious.
  3. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    -1. Adding it would cause more lag then it already is and Im sure many people like it on the version it is. Skyblock is a simple gamemode and shouldn't be taken that far and people are just gonna use elytras to fly around instead of paying to fly. It would also ruin the pvp aspect of it since the best gamemode for pvp is 1.8.9 and I don't want to do axe pvp and have shields. final thing having minons for you would not be really practical since if your saying it would always mine then that isn't really a good thing since you can easily have it and what is the point of having the minon if you can't harvest it?
  4. _AnonymousID_

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Just to add some things to this:

    1. I think that elytras would be a bit too op, and the economy whether it was igm or irl could go terrible. /fly is also a good selling point as it isnt quite p2w and is one of the main reasons people buy it.

    2. Having to switch pvp aspects in each subserver would be complex and annoying. It would be laggy and just annoying, especially when having to adjust between them.
    3. Minions sound cool but they could be abused by people who have more time than others, better ping / internet etc. It's a good idea, but it would need deep consideration. It would also feel like the server would become too lazy, and not much to grind towards.
  5. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Ye I think this would be good. The issue MrStAtman80 with upgrading the version is they need to get a better software or something. The reason why they stay in 1.8.9 is because the server cannot handle the newer versions. BUT MAYBE, we can convince the owner to somehow get a new software. So like get them to stop all the other projects to work on the software. If they do that, that'll open up a ton of other stuff they can upgrade. I hope one of the staff is reading this too
  6. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    The problem isn't the hardware of the servers, it's the fact that later versions are not optimized well enough for large servers like MCC (meaning it won't run smoothly). Moajng is working on improving the stability of these versions, but until then I doubt MCC will be switching to 1.16.4. It's possible that Skyblock will be updated to a newer version in the future, but I don't think it will be happening soon.
    jemelina and Xermes like this.
  7. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Then why are some big servers upgraded to the highest version and still run pretty smooth-
  8. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    So you mean MCC is holding out on updating due to to getting money?
    But yet every reset you get money and so to pay staff... to pay for server and pay whatever and who gets the whatever??

    We pay for updated and so you are not living upto what you advertised 1.16.4 and not even in survival ie upto date

    So what is the money spent on when we buy stuff?
  9. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    i replied to it check it out lol
  10. chRULZ

    Aug 10, 2020
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    I disagree with everything here.
    MoreC4 likes this.
  11. jemelina

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Here are some of my opinions on why these suggestions wouldn't work, or aren't necessary for skyblock.

    1. This would be fun idea, but would create issues such as it being just on the way of buildings. Lot of people don't use /warp gen in general, so having that on the island could cause more harm. For this one, maybe the better option would be that the ores in /warp gen would go straight to your inventory, instead of dropping on the ground. (edit. The ores already goes straight to your inventory, so stealing isn't even possible)
    2. Skyblock is all about farming, so I don't personally see the point of having minions to mine for you. Minions for farming could be an option, but it kinda beats the purpose of harvest hoes.
    3. For this one I don't see any purpose really, and could cause issues with the clear lag.
    4. & 5. As 89p said, there is just some technical issues why this wouldn't work. But in the future, this could be a fun change.

    What I would like to see, is new meta and easier ways to gain island levels that doesn't require hours of time.

    Have a nice day!
    #11 jemelina, Apr 14, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2021
    kuieren likes this.
  12. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As above, others have already responded, I'll reiterate some points, and add some feedback.

    1. People don't steal blocks from you at /warp gen, the loot is placed directly into your inventory, no item entities are created. The point of /warp gen was a place for people to mine together, not to keep everyone hiding on their locked islands.

    2. I'd be inclined to agree we could have minions - however, I'd like to see them implemented in a vanilla way, perhaps they have an inventory, and they slowly mine ores for you. (You could give it a fort3 pickaxe to slowly automate breaking ores down)

    3. You can mine spawners if you misplace them...? Why would there need to be a cooldown? If this is for rookie players, they can always request staff or a donor to help them/

    4. & 5. Updating to 1.13+ is not an option. You'd notice that no "big" servers have updated; this is because 1.13+ is so poorly optimized for multiplayer, that the server would start to crumble at over 20 players... Updating to 1.12 is a possibility, however, all plugins would need to be converted, which makes it a huge time-consuming process; so the community would need to decide between a "no content" reset, where its updated to 1.12, or a regular reset with content added.
    dwnerts likes this.
  13. MrStAtman80

    Oct 11, 2019
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    1. I know but having a gen on an island will increase players on here

    2. So this season people have been asking for apples and so having a minion to harvest trees for you would be helpful, noy for diamond or owt but a tree harvester to replace the explosive axe maybe?

    3. New people don't like to ask and so a cooldown will help them

    4 and 5. Updating doesn't cause issues as i played a server that was 1.16.4 and no issues... and if it's due to combat you can install a 1.8.9 mod for it and so best of best worlds

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