Food for thought: The mcc community and mcc friendgroups

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Merowian, Apr 12, 2021.

  1. Merowian

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I've been a part of the mcc community for half a decade now so I feel I've got a decent idea of what I'm talking about here and if you disagree or think I'm wrong or whatever feel free to let me know.

    Alright so this is going to be sort of a rant type thingy about the mc-central community mostly made as just food for thought. - inspired by a video against mcc toxicity and harassment on sg specifically, but it could probably be taken for the whole server if not the whole minecraft community in general.

    I obviously agree with the sentiment of that video and the message its trying to spread. (It was essentially escessive toxicity = bad, harassment = bad, enormous minecraft pvp ego = dumb) I just want to say though that a lot of these people preaching this stuff, whether it'd be in the comment section of that video, in discords or anywhere in general - including myself - do the exact same toxic shit to a lesser extend. There are probably dozens of occasions where supposedly "respected" mcc players are talking shit about people in private convos with their "group" and then members of said group going out of there way to stir up shit between themselves and the people that are supposedly toxic or annoying or whatever and even harass those people sometimes. This way these people will probably have indirectly contributed to having a toxic environment in the community, even if 9/10 times it was not the direct intend or whatever. If they witness it happen, they often won't say anything about it since:
    a) They probably don't like that person anyway so they don't mind or even find it funny.
    b) Even if they don't agree with the toxicity this creates, you wouldn't want to tell a friend to calm down because they're attacking someone you don't like, whether it would be out of fear or just simply not caring enough.
    If neither of these would be the case for you then congratulations! You're probably a pretty good person or something, better than I am atleast. But even if none of these apply to you and you've never done anything I mentioned above. (which i find hard to believe) if you've properly been involved with this community on subservers, discords, staff team or anything of that nature. You've probably had a friend or someone you're on good terms with talk about someone you've never said a word to in a negative light. Leading to you probably forming a negative opinion on said person simply because of that. I can tell you right now that almost everyone except for maybe a very select few has done atleast something of what I've mentioned here so far.

    Do I think this is a bad thing? - yes
    Do i think anyone should worry about this? - no

    I feel like this is just bad in general, it contributes a lot to people forming groups and gatekeeping others inside and outside those groups, but also just a bad and toxic environment. But here's why I don't worry that much about it. it's just the human way of doing things. Scapegoating others, valueing yourself, or your friends over people you don't talk to, have negative experiences with or even just heard negative things about. We're all egotistical and we all think we're in the right in situations where we probably aren't. That's why I disagree about the sentiment that the community has gotten worse over time or anything of that nature, which is probably not very popular among people who played in 2016, 2015 or even 2013-2014. This is how it has always been and how it will probably always be, as much as some people might hate it.
    Disclaimer: I'm not trying to justify harassment of any kind, I'm just saying it will always be there. The most important thing about this all I would say is: know where to set your boundary. To what extend is it okay for someone you're friends with to do certain things that could potentially be harmful towards others. THIS, is where I think a lot of people probably have their boundary set too high.

    If you've read all of this you probably have too much time on your hands, but I guess I'm worse since i took the time to write all of this. I understand this is probably not what the forums was made for but I felt like giving my view on this subject matter. If you agree feel free to let me know and if you think I'm an idiot also feel free to let me know.
    Issel, MAXILES, Yukihira and 3 others like this.
  2. stiva

    Jul 22, 2019
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    minecraft drama lmao, i used to play this server for 3 years and can confirm that this is the most toxic server i have ever been a part of. it's funny as hell though so i didn't mind
    MAXILES, Yukihira, Merowian and 2 others like this.
  3. Martiinn

    Feb 15, 2020
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    I agree with everything you said. It's clearly a situation that happens, has been happening for a couple years and probably will still happen later on. Human is a social being, you somehow feel the need to socialy interact with others. But at the same time, humans have preferences. You always will prefer some things over others right? Let's say you prefer pizza over a burger. Or the other way round, you prefer burger over pizza. OR EVEN, prefer a burger over pizza one specific day, or prefer pizza over burger other specific day. There's some periods of your life you sometimes prefer pizza, and suddenly you get bored of eating so much pizza, and you prefer eating burgers instead of pizza, and you keep that last preference over another large period of time. All these situations are completly applicable to social relations. So knowing this, you'll always have a "friend group" or at least, prefer someone over another one. I'm sure it's completely impossible to like EVERYONE, or even dislike EVERYONE, but even if you did, there's always someone you hate or love more than the others.

    All what I've said happens on MCC. I feel sometimes it's some sort of pathetic drama serie from netflix. But as you said there's nothing to worry about. This will probably never change. Is it bad? As you said yes. Does anyone really care? Not at all. People have lives outside MCC. Other more serious problems to worry about than "that dude insulted my skyblock teammate".

    So yeah, just wanted to give more strength the point you are giving. Great thread btw, I love how there's people who actually think about the stuff happening in their environment (virtual in this case), and can create an opinion and explanation of what and why is happening.

    Nothing else to add, thank you for sharing your point of view Merowian.
    Issel, MAXILES, Yukihira and 2 others like this.
  4. Ringars

    Apr 21, 2020
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    It's toxic and full of harmless freaks that are weird af

    mcc is consisted of attention seeking freaks, fat egirls, harmless ddosers, and British fucks that's literally it name one egirl who isn't fat and loves attention.

    I rest my case
    Yukihira and YouGetMeSoHigh like this.
  5. Chaue

    Nov 6, 2020
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    I agree in some ways, vendetta is a group of players, it has popular and high level good players, there is a bit of toxic words but thats only in the discord server not in game, I do have some knowledge of what/ who your are talking about, though the main problem is the servers way of handeling things, i got told to hang myself from sone who had a name like "gearbot" or something similar, she got a chat mute, I got told to end my life and the person responsible gets a mute, i accept so they say no more, but still, something more major should have happened, this is my one and only thought against mcc and its mods and the way it is controlled, besides that, i see your point on my experience this is all I know of

    All the best Chaue/Darius ex admin SkittleMC i got bored with server and had my admin revoked, thats why-just letting you know
  6. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is in no way even close to being the most toxic server. Lots of other servers allow trash talk and even threats to a certain degree and I find this server being quite average in terms of toxicity. I'll be honest, if you find this server to be too toxic for you, I'm not sure if the internet is quite the place for you to be because it's bound to happen regardless of the server you play on.
  7. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    For example hypixel its gonna be toxic. Its the internet there's always gonna be that toxic player/players that are just mean. If this was a toxic server there would be way more cursing/slurs. The internet is just the way it is. Yes, it is toxic there is a lot of people who are mean and curse but if you compare it to other servers like lunar there's a huge difference.
  8. Landshut

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Factions back in 2016.

    Dec 15, 2019
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    the thing is staff play with toxic players as well. in tsw i was playing and steve and beauty were playing with a friend. i killed their friend and he messaged me kill myself and he hoped my family died and all that stuff. i told steve and he ignored me. then he responded saying theres nothing he can do cos its in /msgf. he continued to play with the toxic player.
    little things like this ruin the server
    Yukihira likes this.
  10. betterthanu

    Mar 7, 2020
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    yo mdude,i wanna watch that video you mentioned if you have the link.Seems pretty interesting to me
  11. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    this is a joke for legal purposes
  12. Issel

    Aug 29, 2019
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    I totally agree with you :^D Could you just sum it up for me tho I do not have the patience to read it.

    ya boi Issel1234 (go follow)
    Merowian likes this.

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