Ban Mute question

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by PumahKITPVP, Apr 7, 2021.

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  1. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Im confused

    So if I have 2 accounts muted, do I get IP Ban? Or Do I need to play on a third account which is not muted to get IP ban? same with IP ban. If I have 2 accounts banned but don't log on to a third do I still get banned? Because I wouldn't actually be evading if I didn't go to a third
  2. kuieren

    Sep 26, 2019
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    Hey there!

    If you get muted on 3 different accounts under the same IP you'll get IP banned for mute evading, so if you're muted on 2 accounts and log on a third one you won't get banned (unless you get muted on that account too). The same goes for an IP bans for ban evading, an user would get IP banned once they reached 2 bans on their IP at the same time, there's no need for them to log on a third one for it to be considered ban evading.
    BlockyBeach, fattr and 89p like this.
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