Chat Rules are a bit dumb

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by miritelm, Apr 1, 2021.

  1. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    When it comes to what you can and can't do, MCC takes very ridiculous precautions to keep the server as a weird friendly type of server.

    First, lets talk about bad words. On the server, there are certain words you can and can't say, and for the ones you can't say, they will mute you if you try to send them in a way that bypasses the filter put in place, since if you try to just flat out type the word, the message just wont send, and I think this is fine, and some of the words make perfect sense, but others don't. For instance, the words "Fuck", "Shit", "*******" and some lighter words are allowed, like "Damn" or "Crap". But what doesn't make sense is that much lighter words are not allowed, like "S*x", "D*ck" aren't allowed. I just think this is a bit annoying cause some people have ingrained these words in their vocabulary and instead of censoring them, the entire message just doesn't send, which can be annoying. The funny thing is, "Fuck" can mean even worse than "S*x". I get why those words are censored, because they can be sexually (this word is allowed) inappropriate and can make people uncomfortable, but at the same time, D*ck can just mean calling someone a name. You may think this is a minor inconvenience, but for some people with these very light words ingrained in their vocabulary, they might not like the server anymore.

    Second thing is "Chat Flooding". I was just on prison, and I tend to send a lot of messages in succession in chats, but I don't intend to spam. Someone who was not a staff member warned me for sending many messages in succession that I could get muted for "Chat Flooding". The thing is, there are already plugins put in place to prevent spam, like the fact that you can't send the exact same message twice in succession or the fact that there is a 2 second cool down for sending messages. Therefore, I was not breaking a single rule, but this person said they got muted for it like a week ago and they were just helping me out. This is pretty ridiculous since the Staff are the ones who can manage the plugins, so if you don't want me sending or the other person "Chat Flooding" then increase the chat cool down or something instead of penalizing us.

    !!UPDATE!! I am removing the third reason because I do now see why I was in the wrong. Another thing is that I just got muted today for Excessive Inapp Language, which is crazy since I have been more aware of my chat than ever. Now I am muted for another 9 hours AKA the rest of the day which means I can't play prison properly. This is what I mean, I don't even know what I did NOR was I warned. This is actual BULLSHIT when I am just having fun, not even doing anything wrong, and my game is now being interrupted by this. And I am in the process of appealing as of 4:57 PM EST.

    #1 miritelm, Apr 1, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2021
    fattr and Yukihira like this.
  2. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    Hiya, I can see some good points that you made. I wanted to say 1 thing about it though. Even when people say "Fuck", they aren't using it as way to talk about someone else(most of the time), just to let out some anger. In the potential case where they use it in the other way of it, as you stated in "Fuck" can mean even worse than "S*x".", that would be punishable for explicit convo.
    Again, I can see some really good points in this "rant", just wanted to point out how staff deal with people cursing in a bad manner.
    miritelm likes this.
  3. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Ok, that makes sense.
  4. Yukihira

    Jun 17, 2020
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    Although I agree that the server can improve a lot I do not agree with your points.
    The server in general is the most toxic server I have ever seen in my life.
    A lot of players, especially the high levels who can't stand to lose, have already harassed my / msgf countless times, why? There is no mute, honestly this is the only mute rules that I do not understand, it seems that unintentionally, the server encourages it to be toxic. The guy arrived at my msgf and said, man you are a retarded son of a *****, monkey, Loser, shitload of things, and it wasn’t mute, I think that should change, if you advertise in msgf it generates perm mute, I don’t understand why don’t mutE by ./msgf too, after all it is already proven that you can YES see messages by / msgf.
    it implies that you do not change because you don’t want to, but as I don’t know I just presented the fact without stating my opinion and I hope for an answer.
    Regardless of the answer, I hope it corrects this "breach in the middle of the rules in a forthcoming update, there are children who play this game, and it happened to me, and I dont really care , but if it happens to my younger brother, what do you think would happen?
    LeafyTiger24, miritelm and fattr like this.
  5. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    When it comes to someone harassing you, there is a /ignore [player] command that will stop all messages, also "R*tarded" isn't even allowed to be sent. And what I am talking about is defending not toxic players like myself to not get muted for extremely dumb reasons.
  6. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hi there,

    The easiest way to prevent getting "muted for extremely dumb reasons" is to follow the chat rules. They are laid out very clearly on the website and it is the responsibility of every user to read and understand these rules. Senior Moderators, Moderators, and Helpers do not create the chat rules, we only enforce the ones decided upon by the Admins an Owners. We have no say in the rules. Complaining that you were muted for a "dumb reason" or complaining about a specific rule or specification of a rule to staff members or to the forums really does nothing. Instead, I would suggest contacting an admin or someone actually in charge of the rules with your specific grievances and I am sure they can explain to you why each rule is structured and enforced the way that it is.

    Hope this helps.
    Have a lovely day :)
    jemelina, Xermes, 10sec and 1 other person like this.
  7. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Well shouldn't moderators and other lower ranked staff point things like this out to their superiors since you will most likely get a better hold of them compared to us common users? Also, I do follow the rules. The point I made in paragraph 2 is that people get reported for sending too many messages in chat, even though there is a chat cool down that is non-bypassable except for hacking.
  8. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there bud. So I feel like the basic logic that you have from this post is this: you don't like rules and you got muted because of it. Well hate to break it to you, every server has rules. Some rules may be more strict then others, but rules are what keeps a server running (aside from the coding). I really like these kind of discussions though, so let us begin shall we. :)

    I understand what you mean how the F word is not blacklisted on the server, and how it does have more than one meaning when it comes to saying it. However like DarkBeastPro said, people use the F word for other reasons just out of rage. If we blacklisted it on the server, and people bypass it in anger, then the amount of mutes that take place would increase. I've seen people already spell it differently, whether it is without the U, or without the C, people still spell it incorrectly even though it isn't blacklisted. So there is no need to blacklist it on the server, just because the amount of mutes would increase and that would cause player base to complain a bunch more.

    I understand that there is a plugin that doesn't allow people to MASS spam. However, there is still a chance that people are able to bypass it. Hence why we have the spam/chat flood rule. Spam is technically 3 messages by itself, so it isn't that bad. However, Chat Flood is typically more severe then spam because it would be 5 or more messages. However, we do have acceptations for Chat Flood occasionally. If you are just having a convo with someone else ingame, and you have proper proof of it, then just appeal the mute, show your proof, and it'll most likely be removed from your punishment history. Trust me, I've seen it happen before. I do agree that the plugin should be tweaked a little bit when it comes to that sort of rule, however there are things that you can do if something like this were to happen.

    I personally don't think that this is that soft if I'm being entirely honest. I'm gonna be real with you, I have never heard of this "touching electrical wires challenge" and even if it is a joke that you made with someone, it still is a serious matter. I have been told stories of people who have accidentally KILLED themselves by touching a wire and electrocuting themselves. I did some research on this challenge, and if I'm gonna be honest, I didn't find that much. I only found a 7 second video of a man stupidly spitting his hands and then touching an ACTIVE WIRE and the wire proceeded to explode. I guarantee you that man could've gotten second or third degree burns from that, so that sounds like self harm to me. So, if you tell someone to do that said challenge, whether it is a joke or not, it is not tolerated on here. Like I said, people have died from getting electrocuted and it isn't something that should be taken as a joke. If I personally saw that, I would mute right away.

    I hope you get a better understanding about these situations because it seems to me that you just blame the staff members for doing their jobs, however they have a lot more knowledge about the rules then you would. If you want to know more about them, you know where they are. Have a great day :D
  9. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    1. What about when people get muted for bypassing the filter of words like "B*tch" "C*nt" and others by misspelling them and ultimately getting muted. An adjustment should be made so misspellings like "Bt*ch" and "Cn*t" aren't offenses, because by that logic, they shouldn't be penalized for doing those either, because they could be new to the server and not know about the rules, misspell a word and they find themselves muted. Other than that, I understand why "Fuck" is allowed, since it doesn't have to be a sexual term.

    2. What about when chat is super inactive, and someone even in super long intervals sends like 10 messages in a row, technically that would be considered chat flood, however if no one else is really saying anything, even if people are on the server seeing it, I just don't see why that should be penalized. Also we still have to do the whole appealing process which isn't the most convenient thing ever, I'd prefer for mods to just chill a bit instead of penalizing chatty people who sent one too many messages that were all completely relevant to whatever conversation was going on.

    3. I would say you're right in that it is a bit stupid for me to have sent that, but maybe just a warning at that? I sent it, and was inactive for like a day or two, came back and was muted and was confused as to why, but my point is that my intentions weren't for someone to be harmed, so a 3 day mute really seems unnecessary, but yes, I understand it is a bit stupid, and that even if there are impressionable kids I should mention things like that. For your curiosity I will link you the video.

  10. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    I don't want my favorite christian minecraft server for people cursing1!!!!1111!!
  11. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If you have those words ingrained into your vocabulary, you need to fix that. As you mentioned those words are blocked bc they are more often than not used in a sexual context. Consider a lot of kids under the age of 12 play Minecraft and you'll see why the chat filter is a thing. Bypassing the chat filter is a short mute (ranging from 30 mins - 3 days) so I don't see why you can't appeal and just wait. If you intentionally choose to bypass the chat filter, you also are liable to punishment.

    I see what you are trying to say here, but it's no excuse to break a rule. Chat flooding is usually defined as 5 short messages in <30 seconds. Should the chat cooldown be increased to 7 seconds to fix this, or should people just take the consequences for breaking chat rules? Filling up the chat with a lot of messages in a short time period is annoying and is never needed, so unless you're doing something like that intentionally, you should be fine. Use your judgement.

    So you were misunderstood. It happens. The best way to go about it is to appeal and explain the situation, and making a forums post on the topic doesn't help your case much. I can understand why you might not like the rule (I proposed it forever ago in 2019 lol) but it was put into place bc telling someone to kill themselves is a crime, and you shouldn't be doing that to anyone, period. There's no excuse for that, and if you don't want to be lumped in with that type of sentiment in the future, I encourage you to be clearer when you're talking about this stuff. If I just saw you tell someone to touch some electrical wires I would consider it encouraging self-harm too.

    Staff members on this thread have already mentioned only the Admins and Owners have the power to make and change rules. Kids are still on this server, whether you want to admit it or not. If you think the moderator's response was insufficient I encourage you to bring it up with a Senior Moderator or Admin, as mentioning it in this post will do no good for anyone. Just use common sense, good judgement and you will be fine.

    The first mute for a sev 1 chat offence (which includes filter bypass) is 30 minutes, so people in that scenario will survive. Again, it's on the end user to read the rules before they play the server, and the staff can't bend the rules for every person.

    I touched on this above.

    Unrelated links is a rule you should be aware of, as it's been in place for just about 3 years now. Again, I can see where you're coming from, but mutes have to be issued if a person is CRed because they aren't always online to get warned, and I would argue they may be evading doing such a thing in front of a staff member. Regardless, follow the rules, use common sense and you'll be just fine!
    #11 Zonafer, Apr 2, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2021
  12. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    If you are making the point that the words related to sex should be banned because of kids, then tell me why Shit, ***, Fuck and some other words are still allowed? Also that isn't up to you of what other people use in their vocab. Being that the moderator said they allow fuck to let out rage, people also call other people D*cks to let out rage, therefore they are on the same context therefore "D*cks" should be allowed.

    I, unintentionally send multiple messages at a time because it helps put emphasis on certain things, not to mention sometimes I type in one message more than can be sent at one time, therefore sending short concise messages help me converse better, and I don't think I should be muted for something like that, I'd rather have there be a longer message cooldown to prevent me from ever getting muted than me getting muted.

    I never mentioned anything about sending unrelated links.
  13. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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