Make mute evading IP mute instead of IP ban

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Skin_, Mar 30, 2021.


Should mute evading be changed to IP-mute instead of IP-ban?

Poll closed Apr 29, 2021.
  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Skin_

    Mar 29, 2020
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    Hello Mcc community!
    I have wondered for a long time why mute evading results in an IP ban instead of IP mute. I totally get the point that we don't want people evading mutes on alts but I know people who used to love mcc but stopped cuz they got IP banned for mute evading. Now, it's their fault but in my opinion IP-banning someone for chat offences is just wrong in my opinion. Therefore I think you should lower the mute evading rules to 2 or more accounts muted on the same IP will result in an IP-mute. This will make it so people can still play the server but still they got their punishment for their actions.

    One question you might have IF the rule gets changed is that how are you going to deal with IP-banned players for mute-evading. One solution for this is to let everyone who got IP-banned for mute evading appeal (If they did not evade their IP ban).

    Also I cannot come up with any arguments against this rule change. If this gets commented on by a staff member I would really like to hear reasons why this can't be changed.

    Also feel free to leave any sort of comment or if you think I am wrong.
  2. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I totally agree with this! The current rule is very harsh imo. I think an IP mute would make much more sense. +1
    Yukihira, Skin_ and fattr like this.
  3. loveanthony

    Feb 28, 2020
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    I really agree with this skin thank you for taking ur time with this suggestion !
    Skin_ and fattr like this.
  4. Myko

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Wassup Skin. I totally agree with this. But keep it at 3 mutes per IP = IP Mute. It’s a shame ppl get banned for 6 months just for getting muted. Hopefully this gets changed in the future :)
    fattr likes this.
  5. Peddlers

    Aug 23, 2019
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    make the punishment fit the crime lol
  6. Nikk

    Sep 8, 2020
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    Well I am half and half on this.

    1) If you were muted beforehand and you already know the rules why are you then trying to bypass "said" rules that have been put in place to make you reflect upon your actions. Punishments are given out for a reason probably because you did something wrong.

    2) IP ban is a little too strict, the most I have seen out of a server is a 14 day ban for mute evading multiple times.

    Here is my thinking or better solution as to what they can do:

    The player is muted, if he/she waits out the mute and accepts the punishment correctly then they will not be punished further like a normal punishment is.

    If said player gets muted again then evades then it should be something like 24 hour mute or longer for both accounts ( added ontop of what the previous mute was already put at so for example 32 hours )

    If the player then proceeds to evade again then it can be a 1 week ban on all accounts ( or IP ban ).

    ( Just escalating the punishments pretty much for what the user has done depending on how many times they have broken the rule in question)

    This is just my opinion/thought on what could be done but yes I think overall I do agree that it needs to be lowered.
  7. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I agree with you that they shouldn't have broken the rule in the first place, but that doesn't mean that an IP ban should be the punishment.

    People can be getting muted for explicit convo, fake messages, and then another explicit convo, and they would be IP banned. That just seems unreasonable for such small offenses.

    Maybe if they were getting muted for severity 3 offenses, I might understand an IP ban, but with severity 1 and 2 mutes, it should be an IP mute.
  8. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'm actually in complete disagreement with this suggestion. For starters, IP bans as a result of 3 muted accounts are few and far between. Secondly, by getting muted on 3 accounts, it's quite evident that the player has no intentions of following the rules on MCC. If players solely risked their ability to talk in in game chat through mutes, I imagine you would see an extreme increase in the amount of players that get 'ip muted'. Most players don't even have 3 accounts, let alone have the ability to get muted on all of them. The longest mute duration, with the exception of perm mutes, is 14 days. I see no situation where a player can't go 14 days without getting muted on 3 accounts.
    Yukihira, JoaoOssucci, Lxvely and 7 others like this.
  9. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I don't think it's fair to get an IP ban off of chat offenses though. Yes, they deserve severe punishment for breaking the rules multiple times, but at the same time, It's not fair to totally cut them off from the network for a whole 6 months off of chat offenses. I think an IP mute would be perfect since they won't be able to evade anymore, but they can still play.
  10. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If they've shown they're not interested in following the rules on MCC (and being given multiple chances to either appeal or try again), there should be no reason to allow them to continue playing. MCC is a business and like it or not, there are terms and conditions you agree to when logging on, purchasing a rank, etc.

    5) Any staff, owners, hosts, advertisers, officers, directors, employees, partners, and all other parties related to this servers staff reserve the right, with the appropriate permissions, to forcibly make you leave the server, permanently or temporarily, with no chance of refund – however this will never be unwarranted, this will only happen in the case of extreme rule-breaking. If you obey the rules, you will never be banned, plain and simple.

    As was put very plainly here, don't break the rules and you will be just fine. Breaking the rules means you are liable to punishment, and I believe an IP ban is a very fair punishment for someone who is consistently breaking the rules and using alts to evade previous ones.
    Lxvely, Martiinn, Swaggle and 3 others like this.
  11. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    While it is true that it is hard to get muted on 3 accounts at the same time, we still don't ip ban for Severity 1 & 2 Gameplay offences, as well as severity 1 client modifications, and a number of miscellaneous punishments. They simply do not count towards an ip-ban (with exceptions if someone tries to exploit that). These players have been banned on more than 3 accounts, although that is not enough for an ip ban. Yet, for mute evasion, any 3 mutes at the same time are enough for an ip ban.

    Case in point, someone malicious could get simultaneously banned 3 times for command spam, a Severity 1 ban, but they do not get ip-banned. However, someone who gets 3 mutes for spam off of chatreports, also a Severity 1 punishment, gets ip banned, and cannot play the server for at least 6 months until it is appealed.

    It is also counterintuitive to not be allowed to join the server because of breaking chat rules, rather than gameplay rules. This is like banning a player for spam, or any other minor chat offence, even though it can simply be stopped by disallowing the player to continue speaking in chat. It is not necessary to prevent a player from joining the server for something they said (with the exception of a few rules, such as Dox/DDos threats), because a mute is enough to either stop the problem from occurring or teach them to not do it again because of the consequence. If the player has 3+ mutes at the same time across their accounts, then clearly there is an issue with them being allowed to chat, but not an issue with them ruining the game for others, such as hacking or griefing. Therefore, an IP mute would be a fitting punishment for such cases.

    However, there is an issue. There is no such thing as an IP mute, and it is unlikely that any promises would be made to code and implement anything like it any time soon. This means that, even if it is arguably a more fair punishment than an ip ban, it cannot be used. The easiest solution would be making a rule change, such as allowing ip bans for mute evasion to be able to appeal after 1 month, instead of 6. Another solution would be to make ip bans for mute evasion only apply to severity 3, since people who get permanently muted often had malicious intentions when they broke the rule.

    Therefore, a rule change may be the best fix to this issue, as described in the last paragraph. It would be a lot less work to change the rules than it would be to code the system to make IP mutes, even if both would theoretically solve the same issue.
    10sec and jemelina like this.
  12. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I mean, people could also just... like... you know.... stop mute evading?

    Though, alternative to this, would be to reduce the length to a 1-3 months IP ban rather than a 6 months IP ban, as mute evading, yes, is far less of an issue than hack ban evading.
    Yukihira, Martiinn, Zonafer and 2 others like this.
  13. jemelina

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Heya there!

    This is a good thread, and I partly agree but also disagree.

    I agree that IP ban is pretty harsh punishment for chat offences. IP mute would be good punishment for players, who don't know how to behave maybe that well in chat, but follow the rules on the other areas. What would be better in my opinion, is the other option of reducing the IP ban to 1-3 months depending on the severity of the offences.

    I disagree on lowering the punishment, is that as @InsaneIsMyName stated, it is pretty hard to get 3 accounts muted. I get that accidents happens, and sometimes you might break the chat offences unintentionally. But in that situation, players will hop on their alt so they can chat until the mute is lifted. The issue with this is, if you get muted also in your 2nd account, then again decide to hop on 3rd and accomplish to get muted on that as well, it really tells something. Getting 3 accounts muted at the same time is just reckless.

    What would be amazing in my opinion, is that every mute would be IP based. Meaning, if you get muted on one account, you can't use chat at the time with other accounts either until the punishment is lifted. This would prevent mute evading, and if in this case players logs for their other accounts from different IP or uses VPN to avoid this, it would be then IP bannable.

    In conclusion, I'm
    +1 on reducing the IP ban on mute evading to 1-3 months, but -1 on making it unbannable.
    Have a good day/night ♡
    Skin_ and kuieren like this.
  14. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I agree with Andria on this. As well as her points, to get an IP ban for Mute Evading, you must clearly not pay attention to the rules. Myself and many staff always tell players to relook at the rules after they have been muted, in their appeal message. By getting muted on 3 accounts in order to get IP banned, you clearly did not look at the rules. Even more so, if you are muted for the same offence. For example if I get IP banned because three of my accounts are muted for chat flood, it is clear that I wouldn't have cared enough to not flood chat. Personally I think that the punishment for Mute Evading is fair enough.

    Generally speaking, at least from what I've seen, people who have been IP banned for mute evading get muted for things they say to staff members. I have had players IP banned for saying disgusting things to staff on several accounts, in which case it is much too little to just mute the IP.

    Just my opinions on the situation :)
  15. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Hey there!

    In my honest and humble opinion, I will have to respectfully disagree with your suggestion, however, add something to it, simultaneously.

    As stated previously, there are a "handful" of situations in which a normal player who actually enjoys playing on the server and spends time doing so in order to have fun and create a positive environment actually gets IP banned for mute evasion. My point is, the players who actually have more than one account, especially after being addressed by a staff member to go over the rules, and continuously commit chat offences are players who are willingly doing so. They know what they are doing and they want to go over the limits.

    That being said, yes, I do believe that an IP ban is indeed needed in this situation. The reason why is simple; if/when a player regrets a punishment and they want to apologize, they do so by appealing. A staff member decides whether or not to accept it, but that is the only variable. They will always recommend the player to re-read the rules of the server to ensure this won't happen again.

    Whilst I do recognize the fact that hacking is indeed a more serious offence than breaking a chat rule, if you do judge both sides of the story, the IP ban, at first place, does make sense. A user is given a "wake up" call when they are muted/banned. If they do care about the server, they won't do it again. If they choose to do so, they should be IP banned (especially as seeing that for you to be IP banned for mute evasion you must go through 3 different situations). However, this is indeed a little be too extreme when talking about severity 1 mutes, I must say. Therefore, perhaps adding what KierenBoal and Creeper7777777 both suggested when regarding severity 1 (reduce the IPban to 1 month-3months) chat offences would be a decent implementation to the server.

    As a final conclusion, I do see that this can be somewhat unfair when mistakes are made and when innocent players didn't mean to mute evade, however, we can't always know when someone is telling the truth or not. Therefore, I believe that reducing the IP ban for sev 1 chat offences would be a balanced way of turning the situation around and reaching a "fair and square" solution!

    Hope you have a lovely day.
    creeper7777777 likes this.
  16. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I believe u only get IP banned if u are muted on2 accounts and go on a third. Same goes for IP bans. Please correct me if I am wrong @creeper7777777
  17. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You get IP banned if you are muted on three accounts, or banned for sev 3 gameplay/sev 2 or 3 client mod. You do not need to log onto a third or fourth account to be IP banned.
    creeper7777777 likes this.
  18. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Thats kinda stupid @Zonafer, Say somebody got banned for a sev3 client modification 5 1/2 months ago, then gets banned for something pretty small like account grinding. Now this person has to wait out a whole 6 months instead of being able to just wait for one of the bans to expire before logging back in

    In addition, if somebody has been saving evidence of a player, say, cheating, they could strategically report them after an alt is banned for something like tp trapping, causing the player to be IP Banned
  19. Martiinn

    Feb 15, 2020
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    If you are banned for sev3 client modification, and you've already waited 5 1/2 months its absolutelly absurd joining with another account to account grind. Rules are stated, it only takes 20 minutes to read them and sort of understand them. Therefore, knowing that the rules are available to read for everyone, you should wait the 1/2 month for the unban in this situation.

    In the other hand, I'm pretty sure in the second situation you are stating, "strategically" reporting a guy which got an alt banned sounds ridiculous. This is an extremely particular and exceptional event, it would be really hard to get evidence of someone, and within the 2 next weeks (since evidence can be up to 2 weeks long), he surprisingly gets banned for a sev 3/sev 2 client modification or sev 3 game offense on an alt, so you magically get the chance to report him and get him IP banned. I mean, bruh. (Anyways, I would even say it would be reviewed and the player who reported could possibly get punished).

    According to the first idea given in this post, I must disagree.

    KierenBoal got the point of this. People should know the rules, and yeah, maybe stop breaking them?, Since they will obviously get punished for breaking them. As Zonafer stated, you actually agree in the terms and conditions, that "If you obey the rules, you will never be banned, plain and simple.", it's impossible to be more clear.

    However, I do agree with the other thing said by KierenBoal, a reduced IP ban for this would be a correct solution for this issue.
    Yukihira and Zonafer like this.
  20. Cbin

    Feb 4, 2020
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    +1 support, imagine being ip banned because you evaded a chat flood mute.
    Skin_ likes this.
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