About applications

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CheeseBoi27, Mar 27, 2021.

  1. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    So this one staff I msged did not answer, like usual, most staff dont. So I guess I'll have to make a thread about it lol. So I've applied 2 times, the first time I did not have enough detail, the 2nd time I did have enough detail but it was too much, somehow. SO can someone please tell me what exactly do you staff want to know about me, If you tell me exactly what you want to know, that would really really help me.
    Thanks for your answer when/if you answer lol, have a good night or day

  2. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'd recommend taking a look at this thread, created by one of our Administrators. It'll give you tips & tricks that can definitely boost the looks of your application!

    Getting denied due to too much detail can be possible, however, it's most probably due to repeated sentences and or words that were said in part of your application. If you repeat what you've already said, in different words or phrased out differently, it wouldn't look great.
    Personally, I'd try to aim at how you help out on the server, what this position would mean to you as a person and as a player and what your activity looks like throughout the entire network. You can always ask for an Applications Team member to send you a message and they might just give you some tips n' tricks on how to improve your application.
    There's no exact thing that they're looking for about you as a person. They're looking for someone who can take the time to type up an application and if that person is ready to put effort and dedication into the whole process of becoming a Helper.

    Mentioning that most staff don't answer isn't quite accurate. We're pretty busy when it comes to MCC and we recieve multiple DMs from multiple people on a daily basis. Most of the time, we just need a friendly reminder and we'll take a look back :)

    Feel free to message me on discord for extra tips (Darenn.#0001)
    Have an amazing day!
  3. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there! Thanks for making this thread.

    While I cannot go in depth about your application, you seem to be a bit misunderstood when it comes to the reasons of denial. When applying, you need to make sure that all the questions with full details, and not just one of the questions. Answering the “Tell us about yourself!” box with a 6 page essay (for example) does not make up for lack of details throughout the rest of the application, despite how much you put there or how little you put in the rest of the questions. All areas of the application are supposed to be pretty thought out, not just a singular question.

    If I were to make a suggestion regarding the application process, one of them would NOT be ranting about what happened in a public thread for everybody (including the Applications Team!) to see. The denial reasons provided to users are very specific and show you exactly what we are looking for, and acting out like this isn’t exactly what we are looking for.

    Best of luck on the application process,
    jemelina, Myko, Yukihira and 9 others like this.

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