I randomly had this thought, the dumbest thing I have ever done is probably holding a big brick and dropping it on my foot.
I liked the thread, it is very random. The most stupid thing I ever did was... I playED call of duty warzone middle class with my mic open, I had the class sound off and I only realized my mic was open when i saw my friend message saying what was happening after I died (5/7 minutes later),I don't have class anymore with that teacher but I think he hates me. I was made fun of by my friends and still I took warning from the school so yea it was not a very happy ending lols
Hello! About a year ago I was at this place, and my friend dared me to do a backflip in a foam pit. So I did, but I got scared mid way and I missed the foam pit, landed on my back and it turned out that I broke my back from the fall. Have a wonderful day/ night!
Similar story, Was arguing with my sister when i was younger and picked up a brick (acting like i was gonna throw it at her) and then dropped it when i figured out the hard way a centipede had been living under it. It hurt a lot ;-; This is a centipede for anyone who hasn't seen one:
oh lord this is the thread for me im not what you would call a "smart person", on that note, here's a list of some of the dumbest/most embarrassing things ive done publicly :) I was at the mall(pre-covid) with two of my friends, and we were eating chinese food. keep in mind I didn't have the tray on the table, I for some reason was holding it in my hands. I saw a cute guy sitting a few tables down and being the wonderful person I am I completely zoned out from what my friend was saying and stared at this dude. like hardcore stared without even realizing it. anyways, one of my friends noticed me staring and called out to him, and when he looked over, I dropped my food everywhere and he laughed!! another time I was looking for my phone literally everywhere and I couldn't find it. I had just gotten back from my friends house, so I called her and asked her if I had left my phone at her house. I called her on my phone. last one. I was at work(I work at a grocery store), and I was on register, and I couldn't seem to find the barcode on like some package of vegetables I forget what it was but anyways, I searched everywhere and couldn't find it, so I called my supervisor over so he could put in the price. he was on the other side of the store, and being the wonderful person he is he walked over and I showed him the package in question, telling him I couldn't find the barcode. he took the package, held it in front of me, and pointed to the middle of it. there was the barcode!! that same day I ran into a glass door while talking to my boss. hope you enjoyed :)
I think one of the dumbest thing I have ever done was uhm, let me think lol. Probably when me and my brothers were trying to tame this black widow on our 5 acre land. We had our garage and under it somewhere was a black widow, we'd feed it what we call daddy long legs, the big tiny spiders with huge long legs. It was dumb, cause we could have gotten bitten a ton of times. But surprisingly, we did not, we got it to the point where as soon as the spider heard us walk around finding the daddy long legs, he'd come out and wait. It was actually cool, but stupid at the same time lol
We’ve all done this. Go to discord, see no dms. Click off discord, then immediately click back for no reason because it’s habit, and click away. Then eat a whole pizza on the couch.
Uhm, when i was little i was looking at my birthday candle, and it looked really pretty, and it looked like food, i put it in my mouth and threw up XD, another time i decided to touch the pepper shaker and hold it over my eyes, it was a fun trip to the sink faucet
Taught players how to pvp... Then watch them player bully other players.. and have to stop them and then train the bullied players in hope to make them protect themselves and they only started to bully new player..... So I had to stop both groups as admin and staff continue to abuse power.. so I had to stop them too and at the end I realised I was alone... with no friends only to watch new admins and staff come in and new player join doing the exact same mistakes