Prison Idea's: But it's a thread cause i cbf responding to Unadvised's Thread <3

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by abbs, Mar 18, 2021.

  1. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello Fellow minecrafters, Making yet another thread full of Ideas for prison (Cause i haven't done that enough times apparently)

    I'd like to start this by pointing out to certain Eco players that despite what you think pvp is just as important as eco <3

    Section 1: Holoskull's and Head shop
    1. Allow players to use /skull command to get there heads. It can take 2 tokens out of the inventory or something. Idk. I'm not tryna get banned for kill grinding tho so like please let us buy our head or something :/

    2. Let Players disable the 'skull' part of a Holo skull, idk like use /holoskull Invis & /holoskull vis to toggle it. Right click the text to pick it up.

    3. Let players submit heads for the head shop??? idk. Seems like a cool idea.

    Section 2: Mine Mechanics, backpacks & Mining keys
    1. Mine Mechanics, Make it so players cannot remove things from there inventory in the mines, this would prevent players from dropping there Pickaxes or other valuables.

    2. Back Packs, This is just a complaint i've seen a lot, please make backpacks open or have them empty out if you right click a chest with it. Just basically have some kind of way to deposit the contents of the back pack.

    3. Mining Keys, I'd love to see some kind of key added to the mines. Nothing over powered, just mine related rewards. Some examples would be;

    3x tokens
    64x ores (lapis etc)
    8x Blocks (Lapis Blocks etc)

    8x Tokens
    64x Blocks (Lapis etc)
    128x Blocks (Lapis etc)

    1x Beacon
    level 1 Upgrade paper (would upgrade a pickaxe automatically to the next level)
    16x Tokens

    2x Beacons
    Level 2 Upgrade paper (Would Upgrade 2 levels)
    32x Tokens

    (Beacons are in it as reference to the pvp mine)

    Section 3: Mob Drops & Spawners
    Mob drops, I think it would be really helpful if players got 100% of the mob drops when a player kills a mob by hand. This might encourage people to use mob aura tho :c

    Spawners, either remove the ocelot spawner or fix it as it currently has extremely strict requirements for it to work (Must be above y:60 & be on grass, this means they don't work for mob grinders. Also i have tested this a few times and did make a bug report on it but was told i was wrong, i'm not ._.) and while it isn't exactly the best it can be used for decoration purposes as well as players just trying to make money off them.

    Section 4: Warp Help
    So i strongly feel that prison should have some kind of /warp help. It should include information on the Prestige Ranks, Scammers (That scamming is allowed, ingame) Bounties, Custom enchant, Explanations of all the other warps etc. I also believe that it should be mentioned in chat every now and then as a way of advertising to players that might be new.

    Section 5: Quests
    A cool edition to prison could be Quests. I think it'd be a good idea to make it a mix of eco and pvp as this would entice both player groups to work both sides of the game.
    I think it'd be cool if the quests also tied into there reward.
    ie, Monthly quest! Kill 5000 enderman, Reward: 2x Enderman spawners

    Section 6: Keys
    Some aditions and changes to the Myth & ancient keys i think would be nice.
    1. Rename scrolls; There is only so many weapons etc you can name. I would love it if rename scrolls could be applied to anything (kinda like the creative). Also a command to split rename scrolls would be very helpful.

    2. Chunk loaders; The reason why i'd really like to see these added is because it would even out the playing field for users who do not wish to use console clients to load there plots. I think that more players would chose to try playing for eco if they actually had a chance at competing with players who afk there plots 24/7. I think the chances again should be the same rarity and amount as holo skulls.

    3. Custom Enchant Perks; I think a cool idea would be to see custom enchant perks added to the game. Water Breathing & Night vision would most likely be out of an ancient key and would have the same rarity as other ancient key perks. Miners Delight II, Token Luck II, Decapitation II & Grinder II should be Myth key perks. As far as this idea goes i'm not sure if it should be able to stack with armour (Ie. having 8 Token Luck 2's)

    4. Plot Busters; Would clear a plot out completely and would most likely be the same rarity as a holoskull, with a possibility of getting 1 from an ancient key and 2 from a myth key.

    PvP Revamp

    Section 1: Boosters
    I think pvp themed boosters would be a great addition for prison. My suggestion is:
    Head Hunter I, Give all players server wide Decap I for 1 hour. Would cost $5 usd
    Head Hunter II, Gives All Players Server wide Decap II for 45 minutes. Would cost $7 usd

    Section 2: Beaconing

    To put it simply everyone i spoke to about this agreed (with the exception of 1 person) that while beaconing is fun it would be better that it did not return next season :(

    Section 3: Events
    Lms; For starters i think the lms skin should be changed to an orange jump suit (Its prison???) I also think it'd be cool if players could select a kit at the start (Before it begins) With either a rod or a bow.

    Other events should be added and be cycled through every day (Also make sure they are not always on a specific time so all time zones get an opportunity to play.
    Section 4: Kill Grinding
    So a lot of my ideas for this up and coming reset would most likely draw players into kill grinding (and similar things) I think that staff should get a ac alert that warns them when a player has killed the same person 10+ times to help crack down on kill grinding. I think it should also give the player a warning in chat when they have killed someone 5+ times. I also think players should have there kills wiped when they're caught kill grinding.

    Section 5: Bounties
    I think a cool idea for pvp would be to have a message in chat show up any time someone with a bounty over 1 Million dollars gets killed and who by. Players could toggle seeing the announcement in chat if they want. Another idea is to put in chat when someone is bountied 1 million dollars. this will make it more interesting as it would put a target on the players back. Also heads should include the bounty number when a player get killed.

    Section 6: Gang war command
    Add a gang war command that would allow players to start a war between gangs. It would last until Every member of 1 gang was dropped and during the gang war only participants of the war would be able to tag each other (to avoid people from cleaning) It would only start if there was an equal amount of players and it would announce in chat when a war has begun and when it ends.

    Section 7: Envoy
    In my opinion the envoys should be pvp themed considering they're in pvp. I think the drops should be things like gapples, ender pearls, Sharp V etc. With the inclusion of Mining Keys i think this would be fairly balanced.

    Section 8: Map
    Simply put, Bring back circle map. Also more structures to climb up/bow boost on to would also be very nice. For example the tree next to pvp from season 5.

    Section 9: Notoriety
    Notoriety would be a pvp based prestige system that ran on kills. Players would be able to Switch between displaying there Mining Rank and There Pvp Rank on tab/chat. You would rank up by gaining kills and would get more money with each rank.


    Reward 1
    N0 - 1k Per Kill (Would need 0 Kills)
    N1 - 2k Per Kill (Need 250 Kills)
    N2 - 4k Per Kill (Need 500 Kills)

    N3 - 8k Per Kill (Need 1000 Kills)
    N4 - 12k Per Kill (Need 2000 Kills)
    N5 - 16k Per Kill (Need 3000 Kills)
    N6 - 20k Per Kill (Need 4000 Kills)
    N7 - 26K Per Kill (Need 6000 Kills)
    N8 - 32K Per Kill (Need 8000 Kills)
    N9 - 38K Per Kill (Need 10000 Kills)


    Reward 1

    N0 - 2k Per Kill (Would need 0 Kills)
    N1 - 3k Per Kill (Need 250 Kills)
    N2 - 5k Per Kill (Need 500 Kills)

    N3 - 9k Per Kill (Need 1000 Kills)
    N4 - 13k Per Kill (Need 2000 Kills)
    N5 - 17k Per Kill (Need 3000 Kills)
    N6 - 21k Per Kill (Need 4000 Kills)
    N7 - 27K Per Kill (Need 6000 Kills)
    N8 - 33K Per Kill (Need 8000 Kills)
    N9 - 39K Per Kill (Need 10000 Kills)

    Reward 2

    (would be the same for donators and rookies)

    N0 - 0% Chance of getting 2x On a bounty
    N1 - 5% Chance of getting 2x On a bounty

    N2 - 10% Chance of getting 2x On a bounty

    N3 - 15% Chance of getting 2x On a bounty
    N4 - 20% Chance of getting 2x On a bounty
    N5 - 25% Chance of getting 2x On a bounty
    N6 - 30 % Chance of getting 2x On a bounty
    N7 - 35 % Chance of getting 2x On a bounty
    N8 - 40 % Chance of getting 2x On a bounty
    N9 - 50 % Chance of getting 2x On a bounty

    Obviously adding something like Notoriety is a massive change to prisons game play but i think it's one that could be very helpful. As of right now a large portion of mcc's prison player base just want to pvp, however there is no special recognition for your efforts in pvp. This is why i think prison is so desperately in need of a reset focused on pvp

    Anyway thanks for reading, please feel free to leave constructive criticism as well as add your own ideas to this post <3

    @Unadvised Is that enough suggestion for you? :)

    #1 abbs, Mar 18, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
  2. GibbxAlex78

    Mar 14, 2020
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    I really like all thoses ideas because it’s making pvp more relevant in prison as I think it is overlooked by a lot of players.
    abbs likes this.
  3. fattr

    Jun 4, 2020
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    I love all your ideas so much!! they would make a major addition to prisons and make them much more rewarding and fun. I hope these are at least considered to be added in the revamp I love them sm <3
    abbs likes this.
  4. Thorndog

    Aug 6, 2019
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    More events that are not just gang-related, at first LMS was a solo or a 2 person event but now it's 20 vs whomever if you weren't a part of that big gang you were screwed so there was nothing for the lone wolf.
  5. Real_Herobrine50

    Apr 3, 2021
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    Ill love to see the gang war, pvp ranks and the mining keys most but all ideas are good

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