Prison Season 9 Ideas.

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Unadvised, Mar 17, 2021.

  1. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Hey Everyone. Making this thread for the prison community to suggest and discuss possible new features and changes for the future prison reset. You can suggest changes big and small. There is no official date yet for the reset but ideas will help Alex and the QA team prepare for it.
  2. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    What do people think about mining bots? An extra partner to help mine for you. Upgradable. They would get full after awhile and you will need to clear it. Can upgrade their storage size. Can do fun stuff to customize what they look like.
  3. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Unadvised,
    this sounds quite exciting, and extremely resourceful for mining.
    Would the blocks they mine get added to your block mine total? If so that would be so cool.

    I wonder if this could be implemented into the Mythical Treasure set for the upcoming season, allowing for more interest in purchasing Myth keys.

    Overall, I personally really think this idea is very interesting & would definitely like to see how it plays out if added.
    Xermes likes this.
  4. seekingattention

    Jul 22, 2019
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    These are pvp suggestions

    Pvp overall is still not very smooth and should definitely be looked into, because it actually has so much potential to be better if these things are fixed. Pvp doesnt feel this choppy on any other part of the server for most players and these issues degrade the quality of life for pvpers on the server a lot

    Hit registration and kb is super bipolar, im unsure of if the server has a custom knockback plugin, but if there isnt one then it should definitely be looked into because the kb right now is all over the place. Hitreg goes hand in hand with the lag i mentioned earlier. I have no idea whats causing the unsmoothness in pvp, whether its the fact that /warp pvp doesn't have its own separate world or something the player count, but it should really be looked into

    All i'll say is that i would be very happy to play prison pvp more if these things were addressed adequately, and i know many many many other pvpers feel the same. it's just so demotivating to see how unstable pvp on prison is.
    Lazarus, micunmuted, Swaggle and 2 others like this.
  5. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    In my opinion we should not put them in keys but we could put special skins for them in the crates. For example a skin that makes the bot look like a little Alex Markey. Can only be unlocked from keys. I’d rather put that in keys then the whole bot. I Don’t think the stats should count towards the player. But does not mean we can’t have a lot of stats just for the bot.
    luvbri likes this.
  6. Myko

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Hey Unadvised thanks for creating this thread!

    I had a few ideas for the future prison season that I would like to share.

    1. Remove beaconing:
    - When pvping all I see is people either getting beaconed or beaconing someone else. It ruins 1v1's between people and someone with a sharp 2 diamond with speed 2 and strength 2 can like 4 tap a p4 kid before its too late. Also just causes a ton of toxicity and ppl usually get mad and end up getting muted :(

    2. Add the /clan focus in pvp so during ganks its easier to spot the person

    3. Make upgrading backpacks cheaper. It costs like 125k tokens to get a Backpack to max level which is crazy. Lower the amount of tokens for the bp upgrades

    4. Make custom enchants less amount of tokens, make it like 10 tokens per enchant.

    5. Add the length of the season at spawn / hub gui so people know how long each season is.

    6. Maybe add more events, such as a boss as there really isn't much events on prison.. (also maybe add one that doesn't involve pvp like a jackpot which is the money taken away from cfs, and a small percentage of it is given out randomly to whoever attends some event every 8 hours or so (just an idea))

    7. Buff Mines, It seems like at the end / middle of every season the whole eco is spawner based, and ppl really don't play at all. Still keep spawners and have them making good money, but like during the duration of the season have ore prices rise so it encourages more players to grind for #1

    8. in a post i did a long time back , I suggested that speed 2 gets added to mines, so you can mine faster. (maybe even add haste as well cuz why not)

    9. Also in that Post Unadvised said something about mcmmo which sounded like a great idea.

    But yeah, overall super excited for an upcoming prison reset. Prison was the first thing I played on MCC so I always love grinding it and playing with friends! let me know if yall got any more suggestions, and please let me know what you think of my ideas!!
  7. synergyisbae

    Feb 7, 2021
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    If you can't figure this out yourself as an admin of the worst server in history, I will help you out:

    1) The hit reg is dog fucking water. Please fix its literally horrible.
    2) The server's kb isnt even good. I don't think they have a plugin for it. Get a custom kb plugin and then use kb values like the ones on lunar / mmc so ppl can actually be good at the game and combo with skill.
    3) The fights are cancerous. Everyone just rod spams with 200 ms, gets their friend to beacon you, then proceeds to call you a *** and makes you want two kill yourself, in the game of course. Remove beaconing ffs. There was a reason it was removed in the beginning you ruckers.
    Thorndog, Buckxt and Droozi like this.
  8. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    That sounds extremely fair & prevents potential p2w!

    I love the idea of the skins though, you could possibly have a system similar to the Prison Tokens,
    where as your Mining Bot mines blocks for you, they can potentially pick up special unique tokens, which if you collect around let's say 10 you could purchase a common skin key (or something else other than a key, this is just an example)
    and sort of like the randomization for regular keys, you would get a random Common Skin (like a mob, color etc.)
    and the more Bot Tokens you save, the better keys you could purchase (Rare, Legendary, Epic etc.)
    and with the Epic you could get Bot skins that represent the admins & funny little easter eggs from around the subserver, (or even a skin of the player's own skull at the time?)

    Sorry if the stuff above makes absolutely no sense.
    Thank you for reading my response :D
    Buckxt likes this.
  9. Myko

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Seems like an interesting idea, How would someone obtain it, as having it being obtained from keys would just be p2w. Also I would have the "skins" for the bot to be gotten from tokens, just like how to island music is on Skyblock. Also would it have the animation of mining as well, or would it just magically gather ores, or put some of the ores in your inventory into the bot. And last thing, Would it take ores out of backpacks or how would that work. Don't gotta answer these questions but just some things I was thinkin of :)
    Pie and luvbri like this.
  10. synergyisbae

    Feb 7, 2021
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    cmon guys gogoogogogogogogogogo
    Buckxt likes this.
  11. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    For the love of god PLEASE focus on pvp this reset. Prison is severely lacking for players who are more interested in the pvp aspect of things. Also change the lms skin to a prison outfit, its prison... ???

    For example:
    A pvp oriented boosters;
    (Head hunter I - Decap I applied server wide for 1 hour)
    (Head Hunter II - Decap II applied server wide for 30 - 45 minutes)

    Make it so players can /skull and get there head (would still cost tokens, i just think it'd be good because players could have there heads with out getting deaths)
    Make head's show the Players bounty when they died.

    Make the envoys pvp based. They're in pvp, it only makes sense that they contain pvp related items.

    Prestige for Kills:
    Make a pvp prestige system.
    #11 abbs, Mar 17, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021
  12. Azhuri

    Aug 15, 2019
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    eRRR. HELLO to the staff of the MCCENTRAL network, it is i! ETHAN. I have a few suggestions to the PVP department of this fine fine network.
    1. as stated PREVIOUSLY. kb needs to be fixed LOL. Half the people you fight will take 0 kb and the whole fight will be just trading (kind of BORING tBH.) and half the time people will take sm kb u just cant even keep them in a combo after the second hit. idk seems AIDS.
    2. hit reg randomly messes up and i can swing at someone for like 3 seconds before a hit will actually register( ILLL UPLOAD A CLIP IF U RLLY RLLY DESIRE : p) and it just feels shitty in general!
    3.beaconing needs to be removed probz xDD. kids r so cringe now NGL. toxic asf FML. not sure why it was even added back LOL

    welp, that is it from the god himself! FIX SERVOR TYSM
  13. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Well then suggest things rather then just complaining:)
    micunmuted likes this.
  14. RRizzy

    Aug 14, 2019
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    for the sanity of everyone, remove beaconing, or make it so you cant have beacon effects in the pvp zone
  15. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Edited it, That better?
    #15 abbs, Mar 17, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2021
  16. tomato :)

    Jun 25, 2020
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    It is me. Tomato.
    Ive been playing prison for about 5 seasons now, Im not really an eco player, I just like having fun in pvp.
    You need to fix the pvp.

    1. The kb, the kb on prison is very bipolar, one second they take no kb sometimes they take alot of kb. If there is a plugin maybe adjust it abit or if there isnt one maybe look into getting one.

    2. Beaconing : Adding beaconing back was a very dumb idea, you have rookies just going to a plot and going to pvp to clean fights and beacon people, you cant really do anything because say both of you are low whilst fighting, someone will come clean and take all the stuff, its either a random person or someones friend. Maybe if you want to keep beaconing add a no clean plug in where the two people fighting cannot be hit by other people. I feel like that would make the pvp player base much larger and maybe even make more people play prison, Ive notcied that most people quit trying to pvp after they get beaconed 24/7.

    3. The lag : Whilst pvping it isnt smooth at all, Im not sure whats causing this as every other sub servers pvp its quite smooth, when it comes to prison, its the laggiest pieve of shit youve evwr seen, your frames drop so much in prison pvp compared to the rest of the server and I feel that maybe look into it as I know alot of people who dont play prison because of how laggy it is. Even with a 5000$ set up you'll feel the lag difference compared to say kitpvp or factions.

    Thats all I have ty xx
    Buckxt and Droozi like this.
  17. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Not a big fan of this idea however if it where to be implemented i think they should be gotten every time you Prestige, (10 total). The Skins could be unlocked as a bonus feature when upgrading them. This would help buff mining (Players don't tend to mine as often once they prestige, This could help buff it enough that it'd still be worth mining when you're higher ranked) Another idea is rather than having skins, have the players dress them in armour and heads from either pvp or the headshop. Players would be able to make there bots match them which could be pretty cute. This could also unlock the ability to Give them Token luck etc. on the armor and improve them. Also we should be able to name them (Possibly adding colour etc as they rank up. I do not agree with having the bot being from a key tho as that's extremely pay to win. I think they'd be most effective as something the player could toggle on and not lose. I also think the bots should deactivate after 10 minutes of the player being afk. Also it'd be cool if they where poseable :3

    Also would they work in the pvp mine?

    #17 abbs, Mar 17, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021
    Buckxt likes this.
  18. Buster__Man

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Hello, my in-game name is bnuuy but you may also know me as Buster__Man. Here are my thoughts on some eco-based things that I feel should be added into next season.

    Mid-Season Economy Revalue
    Prison struggles in the late season because of how unbalanced the economy becomes. Spawners become an overpowered source of money so things like Daily voting, Charity Boosters/tips from boosters, and in all honesty even mining becomes worthless. I feel as though some actual thought and care should be put into a mid-season revaluing of these things. Currently you guys already have something like this implemented, the Money Pouches. It seems like each week they increase in value, however, its by an incredibly small amount, so its still practically worthless in the late season.

    At the beginning, these rates are fine, but by the middle of the season its worthless and should be tweaked accordingly. So the 100k given to each play by Charity boosters, realistically should be 1mil by mid-late season, & tips should be 100k each as well. Voting should be buffed & Mining should also have a considerable multiplier added as well, perhaps a PERMANENT x2 booster, but MCC can continue to allow for the x2 Market Boosters to be purchased on top of that new revalued market price. This will definitely combat the afk-to-win aspect of spawners.

    Special Chat Announcement for [Z9]
    I made a forum post a while ago about the lack of celebration for when a play hits [Z9]. I feel as though a special public chat announcement should be made, similar to a prestige message (though, preferably more grand), when someone reaches that long-awaited, difficult goal. As of now there is no message for [Z9], so feel free to check out this suggestion in more detail (Make note that this suggestion has 27 votes YES):

    Mining Bots
    The mining bot idea is quite cool and depending on how much they can store, it could be a way to combat spawner supremacy in the late season. A question I have about it is will it be able to go 24/7 like spawners, or will it only be active when you are physically mining. I feel like the latter will add something good for players to do rather than add more reasons to afk. Or at least add another way to make good money other than spawners.

    If mining bots were added, I feel as though each player should be given one by default, and similar to an Upgradeable Pickaxe, the only way to upgrade it and increase its storage is to manually mine blocks. If it were token based that would further inflate the token economy. And I personally don’t think prison is big enough to handle that, meaning there aren’t enough tokens in the economy to support another Upgradeable-token-thing.

    Perhaps mining bots can have a chance to get tokens from mining and have the same upgrades as the Upgradeable Pickaxe? (Efficiency, Token Detector, Fortune, Blast Mine)

    Prison should have Quests. Some sort of story based thing to actually add some type of Prison-esque feel to it. If the story thing doesn’t sit right with you, then it should just be quests similar to those on Skyblock. Like challenges, daily/weekly/monthly, where you get rewarded with in-game cash, or spawners, or tokens.

    There should be Mining Quests, Pvp Quests, Plot Quests, & others. Things like breaking [x amount] of blocks, killing [x amount] of players, creating a sign shop, or just placing a certain amount of blocks on your plot. There should be reasonable rewards for accomplishing each Quest such as tokens, in-game money, or perhaps create a Quest Key thing similar to Event Treasure.

    New Events
    New events should be added in addition to Last Man Standing. Perhaps things other than pvp based events, like mining events. An example would be; Whoever mines the most blocks in 30/60minutes wins an Event Treasure key.

    I feel as though the main goal for the new season is to add more reasons for people to continue playing in the late season. By making mining semi-competitive to spawner afking in the late season you gain that. Implementing a Mid-Season-Economy-Revalue of the Sell Market will help tremendously in getting players to stay active, while also not taking away the worth of afking spawners. That Mid-Season Revalue should also reach to cash rewards from Voting/Event Treasure/Ancient/Mythical Keys as well as Boosters and their tips.

    Thanks for reading my suggestions

    - Buster/bnuuy
  19. _GoodMonke

    Mar 7, 2021
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    Here is Monkey's Only Suggestion:

    Monke suggests to make beaconing punishable or do at least something to stop it.

    monke gets killed daily by beaconers in pvp.

    Monke dosent even get to 1v1 without monke getting beaconed. :(

    Thats all for monke speech
    tank u

    #19 _GoodMonke, Mar 17, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2021
  20. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Heya Unadvised! I hope you are having an amazing day!

    I'll definitely be playing next season since I am a prison sweat >:)

    Personally, I think the mining boots would be a great idea since it seems like the only thing missing from the upgradable pickaxe and backpack are the boots! Although I do have one problem with this, there are already backpacks so I really don't think storing items in them would be necessary, Instead maybe they could be upgradable to give you particle effects. For example, speed, haste, jump boost etc (This would be similar to beaconing but the effects would last forever and you can buy them by upgrading your boots). For this idea, with the exception of storing items in them, I'm +1 (:

    These are some of my suggestions, I've roughly put them in order which I wanted added the most and which I want added the least:

    Eco (Spawners / Tokens)

    This is by far the suggestion which I want added the most, As you could tell by this prison season the economy got ruined in around around a month or 2 with tokens going for more than what the spawner is selling in shop for. This made 5 mil spawners go for around way more than what they were worth back in prison season 7 at this point of time. In prison season 7. obviously the economy also got ruined bu it was around 5 months when this happened which wasn't that horrible. A suggestion to counter this is to make tokens more common but increase the price of spawners so the economy doesn't break in a month of two. Buffing spawners more that what they were buffed in prison season 7, which will also allow mining to be more op for longer. Spawners have also been the same for 2 seasons in a row, so if different spawners could become the best spawners that would be great, this will also create a different meta for spawners.

    Plot Permissions

    Similar to skyblock permissions, I strongly thing plot permissions should be added. Since scamming is allowed on prison, Its really hard to trust someone on your plot without worrying about them stealing, griefing etc. Some of these permissions could be opening dispensers, breaking blocks, breaking locket signs, deny other players etc. This was originally suggested by Xermes and I wanted to follow up with it since I think it is a great idea. His thread goes into more detail about this:

    Selling Across Plots

    In prison season 6, you could set up sell shop signs in one plot and have the chests on another plot. This could be used to set up a mod grinder on another plot and have all of the signs on another plot and a huge sell shop with chests on other plots to reduce lag (As long as its under 16 blocks). Im not really sure if this was accidently removed but when I tried it this season as a test I relised it didn't work. I think this should be added to mostly reduce lag with huge sell shops / mob profit shops and also make way more cooler plots without the need of chests.

    Hoppers - Prestige

    In the screenshot below (Credits to khayleb) you can see once you get to a high prestige and you have the max spawners, you have to sell way to often due to the little hopper limit. The hopper limit only increases by 50 each prestige whilst the biggest spawner gap is 1000. The hopper limit got added to reduce lag but with all of the new server plugins, adding a bit more hoppers to the final prestiges wouldn't really affect the server much but will allow the players not to sell as often.

    Image: [​IMG]


    This one is also really similar to skyblock, quests in skyblock are really fun to do when your bored for some extra money and I think this would be fun to add to prison. Some example quests could be mine a certain amount of blocks, kill a certain amount of players or even buy a certain spawner of the shop! Same as skyblock, These will be of course be daily, weekly and monthly quests. I'm not really going to go into much detail about this since it got suggested so much times but I'll leave some threads below from people who have made threads on this.

    Abeigh's thread (Section 6):
    Nikki's thead:
    Incarnati0n's thead (1.):


    Since KitPVP just got some new events added, I think it's only fair that prison gets some new events too! I think some more pvp events should get added like boss battle but I also think some other events other then pvp events should also get added like mining since prison is mostly about the eco part. Some events which could be cool are who can level up there pickaxe the most in a certain amount of time and who can mine the most amount of blocks in a certain amount of time. These will also encourage the pvp player side to start participating in the eco part of prison which will hopefully join the 2 prison communities together instead of having a pvp section and an eco section.

    These are all of the major suggestions which I wanted added into prison this season, there are also a lot of miner ones which I'm not going to mention in this reply. Since I am not a pvp player, I haven't mentioned any suggestions about pvp unfortunately. If you have any questions about my suggestions hmu on discord boomrabbits_#6945. Thanks for reading my suggestions!

    I hope you have a great rest of your day / night!
    DM me on discord if you have any questions :D
    TeddyOreo, luvbri, _GoodMonke and 4 others like this.

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