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Some suggestions to make prison more rewarding

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MCCMarksmn, Mar 11, 2021.

  1. MCCMarksmn

    Mar 11, 2021
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    Let me start of by saying, I love Prison. (not in real life though) It's very fun and although it is grindy, it feels very relaxing to play. However, there are some strange things I've noticed, that kind of make it lose it's charm.
    1. Different blocks do not effect how fast your Prison Pickaxe levels up- This one honestly kind of hurts, because I doubt I'm alone in thinking that coal should level up your pick slightly faster than cobble. Redstone faster than coal, so on and so forth. As you go up, I feel both the price should Increase for selling such blocks, and also more expensive/rarer blocks, should count more toward levels.
    2. Difference In price of blocks is negligible- I understand that to give it a grindy feel you wouldn't put block sell prices too high, but currently the block prices feel extremely low, even in Donator Mine. Ores selling for only 1.30 each is very low, considering player prices are fairly unregulated. The prices should be slightly higher so the economy is more stable.
    3. Dmine is not truly more rewarding than rank mines- I've talked to many people and the general consensus is that the normal rank mines are more worthwhile to mine in than Donator mine, which doesn't really make sense because donators should have a higher incentive to mine than those who didn't donate. It's also due, in part, to the massive concentration of cobble in the dmine as opposed to more ores.
    4. Donators/ people with ranks should all get a Daily bonus- In addition to the voting bonus, anyone who purchases a rank should get a daily bonus, with higher ranks getting more bonuses.
    5. Mines should reset at a higher % to allow more players to mine at once- Currently, if 3 or more players are in the same mine, the mine experiences constant resets since it is programmed to reset at 50%. If the % was increased to around 60-75%, more players could be in one mine at once.

    Well that's all I have for now, I wish you all a good day/night and I appreciate your reading this massive paragraph lol :)
  2. GibbxAlex78

    Mar 14, 2020
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    I agree for the most part as I grind prison pretty hard, but i believe that is saw in another thread that they don’t do it to prevent the game to be too p2w because new player would leave
  3. MCCMarksmn

    Mar 11, 2021
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    I could see why you might think that, but as it stands right now there aren't really enough benefits for supporting the server, which doesn't make sense because people who pay to support the server should technically have better stuff than people who don't in my opinion.
  4. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey MCCMarksmn,

    The whole point of all blocks giving the same points for your pickaxe is to make it so people don't focus on just one block.
    Otherwise people would go to the mine that has the most of that block and camp there, rather than mining at any area.
    So its a -1 for me on that - though, the only place I would say that COULD give extra points, is the wilderness mine; so that's a thought.

    Mine prices are fine. Increasing the block prices would make the big number go up for the sake of making the big number go up.
    Making the later blocks go up higher would make things super whack for higher level players - because, don't forget, you get a prestige multiplier on sell prices.

    DMine is plenty rewarding, the idea of DMine is a 'fast boost' early in the season, rather than a constant 'best mine' through the season.
    You have a donor pickaxe to instamine all blocks in DMine, you can go to DMine with your donor pick and make faster money than you would if you started at Mine A.
    Thus, DMine has its place, and does not need a buff.
    Need I remind you, many players are against P2W - the DMine is nicely balanced at the moment, where it helps donors early game, but is not needed late game. (Though its good for getting Gold blocks for Gapples, mind you)

    Daily bonus? You already get your donor kit daily; that IS your daily bonus. Donors have enough perks.

    The mine resetting could definitely be tweaked and adjusted to reset at a lower percent, just, when its set to the lower percentage you have issues where players mine all the good blocks and leave the less profitable blocks, so resetting at 50% ensures that the mine is frequently fresh of nice blocks to mine. Do you have any evidence that resetting at 60-70% would be better? Throughout the resets, the 50% refresh has been favoured over the old timer system. I've watched 20 people gobble up DMine after a reset and with the 50% refresh, its always topped up and ready to be mined.
    10sec and Zonafer like this.
  5. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I have mixed opinions about your thread, while some of those ideas sound great and would indeed help players a lot, some also sound helpless and I don't see a point on them being added
    1- The amount of extra levels you'd get from each different ore (using cobble and coal as an example) would be really small, almost insignificant. Of course, in a long-term grind it might make a massive difference but I don't see how that would help in the first few days of grinding since your pickaxe will be relatively "bad" in comparison to a few ranked pickaxes and/or donator rank pickaxes.
    2- This has also something to do with how fast you can mine and the fortune level on your pickaxe. Let's say you max out efficiency on your upgradable pickaxe (for a total of 8 points) and fortune (for a total of 30 points). That comes down to 38 points in total, just so the pickaxe will be slightly better than an immortal ranked one, which can be bought for cheap off of /ah (roughly 50k by the start of the season) or obtained for free once a day if you own an account with that rank. I can assure you that mining 850k blocks w/o these updates can get tiring and boring, so using an upgradable pickaxe with minimal upgrades is pointless in that scenario. Once again, the money you make has something to do with the amount of time you spend mining (efficiency level on your pickaxe) and how many resources you're obtaining from such time (fortune level on your pickaxe). Of course, for rookies getting started with an upgradable pickaxe might be already a great advancement, but for people with ranks, and that includes the vast majority of the server, this is pointless. Not to mention prestige boosters, which add 0.1% more made off of selling to warp signs.
    3- DMine is more rewarding than all warps below S. Thus, this point is linked to the one above - using an upgradable pickaxe to grind out DMine would be much better than wasting a ranked one with fortune, as blocks aren't affected by it. Furthermore, the current price for 9 diamonds (worth 1 diamond block) in warp S is $33.30, and 1 diamond block in DMine is $35.20. The difference is almost insignificant, and grinding in warp S is faster, hence you'd make money faster even though you'd make less money for each singular ore.
    4- what lol. donators already get enough "bonuses"
    5- Yes. That's one of the things that bothered me the most when mining in a larger group of people. I'd love to have it reset at 75%-80%, that way, more and more people could grind. +1
    10sec likes this.
  6. MCCMarksmn

    Mar 11, 2021
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    Hello, Thank you for your points, and I see where you're coming from, however:

    1) If all blocks are the same in regards to upgrade points it also means there's no incentive to rank up and get to better mines with better blocks. Blocks of a higher tier lose their value if all blocks give the same points. I feel as though higher blocks should be valued more (i.e Diamond is significantly more important than cobble) The difference does not have to be massive, but it should definitely be valued more than it currently is.

    2) Personally I feel mining prices are currently very strange, wrapping back to my first point, diamond is barely more valuable than other blocks except in Dmine, which not everyone has regardless. If prices increased corresponding to the block they're associated with, it would give people an incentive. It would also force people to choose their inventory wisely. They wouldn't just be able to have a majority of their inventory filled with cobblestone.

    3) I see, I was not fully aware of the way it works. It seemed more like a poor late game booster than a good early game booster.

    4) Yes but kits are common among many minigames, and prices for Dkits are fairly low on /ah. I was more under the thought process of a single extra "vote" bonus.

    5) Well, I wouldn't really have evidence for something that's never been added to the game haha, but my suggestion is simply that increasing the % before reset would allow more players to be in the mine at one time without fear of reset in the middle of their mine. 50% would absolutely keep it fresh, but the constant resets mean only a small amount of players can be in one mine together without one person being way ahead.
  7. GibbxAlex78

    Mar 14, 2020
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    Yes but it makes players who can’t afford ranks get destroyed and leave. That's my opinion I’ve been a rookie for a while and the server being more p2w I would have quit.
  8. MCCMarksmn

    Mar 11, 2021
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    I can understand that but I don't think any of these suggestions would actually make it hard for no ranks. It's just a way that people who do help the server don't end up getting punished like everyone else. Otherwise there would be no point to buying a rank.
  9. GibbxAlex78

    Mar 14, 2020
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    First, the P4 that you can get every 24hrs cant be easily obtained in big quantities for rookies, and there you are with chests of p4 as an immortal, secondly, i dont see why you say being punished like everyone else, as nobody is being punished, because every one has the same "punishment", so it makes it part of the game, and not a punishment. Getting you less of a "punishment" would only make it more p2w as rookies dont have a chance at keeping up. What you want is a fully p2w system in your favor, since you would be extremely rich using a method some people can’t afford doing. The game is already p2w since immortals can easily redeem their immortal kits, and all the ones below. Legend kit is good too so it gives you 2 op kits every 24 hours and rookies can hardly obtain 1 in a week by grinding. This scares non-p2w players away from pvp, and personally it’s one of my favorites part of prison. Therefore rookies will get bored faster of prison, or will buy a rank and come on the forums to complain about the fact that their new rank isn’t as much of an advantage that they thought, and want to make it more p2w to finally be the one bulling rookies instead of the bullied one. Please stop p2winng the game. It already is and theres a balance of p2w and fairness to rookies. Thank you for your understanding, and play with the already big advantage you have as a donator.
  10. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    I have seen some rookies get really far, it isn't impossible to get far in some time, yes they have a big advantage and can get it easily but you can still make progression how donators can in a short amount of time. every server ofc is hard to get the same progression as donators but it is still pretty easy to progress.
  11. GibbxAlex78

    Mar 14, 2020
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    I understand but man it’s already hard you just said it’s not impossible but it’s hard, why would you make it harder if you already said you can progress but way faster. It think it would break the game
  12. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    well, theres not point to make it any harder then it is, its fine now its not like it's gonna get harder then it already is.
  13. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    1. The incentive to rank-up is better money?? If you knew what the fuck you where doing you would have known this. The blocks in the mines already have plenty of reason to be considered more valuable.

    2. The increase in value of the ores in the mine should be a gradual effect, making diamond and other rarer ores worth more would just increase the cost of everything else. They'd have to change the amount it cost to level up to account for the increased value.

    3. The dmine is still extremely valuable to the player base as the game progresses, It's the easiest source of Iron/gold available as you don't need to smelt the items. I'd also like to kindly point out that the Dmine cost a whole of $5 and is only meant to be considered a reward from coal rank. It's not meant to be some absurd reward and is plenty useful how it is now.

    4. Each rank comes with a kit that can be claimed every 24 hours, As an immortal player i can get 9 gaps, 2 p3 set, 1 p4 set & make a sharp IV just from my kits alone. This is a daily kit so keep in mind that its plenty rewarding. Lets also not forget how many additional perks we get from our ranks.

    5. It's just a mine??? Who cares if someone is ahead???

    Thanks for reading <3
  14. MCCMarksmn

    Mar 11, 2021
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    Well actually Prison is supposed to be hard, but if people who support the server's rewards are barely any better than people who don't there's no incentive to support the server, hence no one would be able to play on the server because it would lose the funding required to continue. All online servers exist almost solely because of donations from players. If everyone choose to just play the game for free then there would BE no server! For that reason, yes, I do think people who buy ranks should have larger rewards.
  15. MCCMarksmn

    Mar 11, 2021
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    1. I am fairly new to MCC as a whole, but the price difference from mine to mine is so minute it may as well not exist, with the exception of Dmine, which has acceptable prices. Overall prices in ranked mines only change by a couple of cents per Ore which I personally feel is way too low since player prices are easily upward of 1m in the current economy. Wouldn't it make sense for each rank to make you more money per ore (more than a couple of cents, at least a couple of dollars) as you go up in mines?

    2. Not really, they wouldn't have to change much for the prices since the overinflated economy currently means that there are players with hundreds of millions of dollars next to people who have like two cents. The disparity is shockingly large, which would be decreased by increasing prices, allowing all players to make more. Instead of 1.30, if diamond was 10.00, it's a slight increase, but rightly so, and so on with every ore as per their "rarity".

    3.An entire mine should not exist for the sole ores of iron and gold, it would make sense if the prices of all ores in dmine were higher (except cobble ofc) , since it's a mine with access restricted to ranks.

    4. Each rank comes with a kit, but only Legend and up get a daily case similar to voting. Which means they get all 4 voting cases and an additional ancient case. As a Lapis, I'm simply stating that players who support the server in any capacity, should have additional perks, specifically in regard to the case keys.

    5. It's not a problem that someone is ahead of you, it's a problem with too many people being in the same mine causing the mien to reset far too early. This would take longer/more people if the mine reset was set to a higher percentage.

    Thank you for your time!
  16. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    adding a slight "increase" like that would make it way easier for the economy to get more rich and get higher ranks. rather then 10 dollars maybe raise it to 5? trust me, its pretty easy to get ranks kits to make it easier ya know. thank you for your time :)
  17. AG69

    May 4, 2020
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    i agree
  18. AG69

    May 4, 2020
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    i think that everything needs tweaking its just not in a good place
  19. MCCMarksmn

    Mar 11, 2021
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    I agree actually. Even increasing it to 5 is fine, I'm just asking that some increase exists. $1 just seems way too low, so any increase would help players grind.
    micunmuted likes this.
  20. MCCMarksmn

    Mar 11, 2021
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    Hmm what could change without removing the suggestions? How could they be improved?

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