Some prison ideas for the new season!

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by miritelm, Mar 2, 2021.

  1. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    I have been thinking on what could be added to make the prison experience better, here are some ideas I have.

    -Prison age metric (meaning we can see how long the prison season has been going on for and maybe also be given an end date)
    -Bidding on the AH
    -New plots fully grass again

    What else do you think should be added? Or what do you think about my own ideas?
  2. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey miritelm,

    I really like your ideas, thank you for bringing them up.

    The prison age being made public is one of those commodity features that isn’t really needed. Hear me out: we already have an MCC Wiki page where the dates and season numbers are easily accessible. While it may be nice to have this publicly available in game, this is one of those features that can be put in the back of our minds for now while the team works on much more greater and innovative gameplay changes.

    As for bidding on AH, I feel like this would either
    a. Create too much clutter with “Buy it Now” items, or
    b. Cause too much confusion where a second auction house for auctioning is created for the sake of keeping /ah (what we currently have) tidier.
    c. In doing this, it might prove itself to be confusing to new players and existing players.
    It may be a great addition. I have seen on other prison servers where this actual auction goes on in chat, where a player bids and there is a message sent in chat each time. This is a horrible system as it clogs chat, and you only get to bid on one item at a time publicly. I am completely against that route.
    I’d like to see how it works first hand before giving any opinion on it.

    As for super flat grass plots, I actually like the way the plots are formatted now. They’re more modern looking, and pleasing to the eye when looking from above in bulk with surrounding plots. While it might be a hassle to mine the clay and grass simultaneously, you can just use /p clear to turn it all into grass to eliminate such problems and dig the plot with ease.

    All in all, great ideas, I’d love to see some more input on this
    miritelm likes this.
  3. Ringars

    Apr 21, 2020
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    they should remove beaconing cus that shit gay asf imo
    plots are fine tbh
    that bidding stuff is what zermes said too complicated
    also they should unban ringars xdd plz swaggle
    miritelm likes this.
  4. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    What is beaconing?
  5. Ringars

    Apr 21, 2020
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    if you play prison pvp you should know what it is. if not i'll explain
    beaconing reqiures a beacon where a player can get effects.
    those effects can be strength, regen, res, and speed.
    beaconing is using these effects in pvp.
    beaconing = annoying
    you can have strength in pvp for 8 seconds if you /back and can make cleaning very easy.

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