An Enquiry?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by luvbri, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey, so I am primarily a Survival player, previously a Prison player, and at one point staff (xRachel).
    I would like to learn more about other subservers, as Survival is not as active when I am on. (Last night only like 6 people on when I logged on :( ).
    This may not be as major, or interesting as other threads in this discussion thread, however I would just love a perspective from other members of the forums on what subservers you primarily play on, also interested in staff opinions too. I would definitely love to see what makes you enjoy your main subserver. My deepest apologies if reading this is a waste of your time, this is not my intention, I am just very curious on what subservers I should be exploring more of. (:
    Other people can also use this thread, though idk who would really want to, hehe.
  2. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Hey lesbrihonest! If you've gotten to know Surivival and Prison already, I would suggest giving Skyblock a try. While being savvy in economy makes it similar to the two you mentioned, it differs in that Skyblock emphasizes working as a team, building a cool island, and, in the late-game, placing blocks to increase your island level. I think you would find it at once familiar yet fresh, so if you have the time I'd grab some friends and start playing Skyblock!
    jemelina, Atohmic and luvbri like this.
  3. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    definitely got to try out the new season when it comes, thank you so much for your message!
  4. Atohmic

    Jan 30, 2020
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    Like notaspleen said skyblock is also a good place to learn and play at. Now it may be hard to get started, but if you can get your island going its fun. I'm currently trying to learn skyblock itself. Also with the survival situation I don't know where most the community is from but I know my times (EST) people are usually active and chatting. So that makes me think that most the survival community may be American or around the ESTish timezone.
    luvbri likes this.
  5. jemelina

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Hi Bri!

    I totally feel you on this, I've always had skyblock as my main subserver, and currently I'm trying to explore other subservers too.

    Few reasons why I feel the most comfortable in skyblock:
    - The community. When I first joined skyblock last spring, I had amazing people willing to help me to get started. I also got bunch of amazing friends to play with pretty quickly, even that I was very shy at first. And of course now, I want to return the help I received for the players who have just started to play!
    - I feel like I learn something new every day, or at least weekly so it never really gets boring.
    - I like the gameplay, there is several things you can grind through the whole season, so you always have something to do.
    - I enjoy the pvp in skyblock - I'm not a good pvper, and I feel like the pvp in skyblock isn't too complicated for a person who haven't pvp'ed that much hehe.

    Hope to see you in skyblock, and if you need any help to start I'll always be there to help <3
    luvbri likes this.
  6. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey jemelina, first of all, tysm for your reply. You make me want to tryout skyblock even more,
    and secondly, your heart is so pure and intentions are so sweet.
    You are so awesome!!! Anyways, I'll definitely shoot you a dm if I consider trying skyblock out!
    Thank you! <3
    jemelina likes this.
  7. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Hello, Bri!

    Hope you're having an amazing day/night!

    I can also sympathize with you, seeing that playing a new sub-server can always be a little tricky sometimes.

    The main sub-server I've been playing as of right now would have to be creative. Building has always been a part of me since I was little, and in creative it is no different; there we can explore our skills and in general cooperate with other people to create something that comes from ourselves, which is priceless. The community is really warming and they will always treat you as if you have been playing for ages! The events that are carried are also a lot of fun, and the simple fact that you can meet new people and make new friends is a very enriching experience. Besides building solid structures, you can create interactive plots where many users will join you and you will, most certainly, have a wonderful time whilst being there! There is no limit to your imagination, and there, you can put it into practice!

    If you ever need any help, just shoot me a dm <3 :))!

    Hope to see you there and I'm sure we can build something together <3!

    Thank you!
    luvbri and charles the almighty like this.
  8. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    kitpvp. stubby stabby fun fun (reset plz its been 10 1/2 months)

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