Donation Mines Should be different for each rank, or some higher ranks.

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by KirbyMegaX, Jan 4, 2021.

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  1. KirbyMegaX

    Dec 26, 2020
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    The donation mine is like 50-60% stone, and just wondering if anyone would agree that there should be sections or some sort of difference for donator mines, like more blocks for higher ranks. I do know the Wilderness has many blocks, but there is a higher chance of being killed trying to achieve more blocks that way. Would it be possible for higher ranks like Bedrock, Legend, or Immortal to have a separate mine just in itself? I am not a high rank, just a Gold Rank, but it would be fascinating to want to achieve different donator mines by purchasing a new higher rank and it will give more motivation to buy higher ranks.
    Your opinions?
    Thank You,
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    hey there,
    I have seen this idea a few times and to be fair I think it's quite a decent suggestion. It is not all too fair for coal rank to have the same mines as immortal for the cheapest price, nor is it fair to nerf immortal to share with coal rank paying the full price. The main reason I believe this was not added as it makes the game even more pay to win than it already is. Giving Immortal access to donator mines as similar to PvP mine as possible would be way too overpowered as there's no risk of them dying as there is in PvP, and they would be able to make a lot more money a lot quicker. I understand that it would give players more interest in buying a higher rank, but it would be far too OP in the long run.

    just my opinions on this :)
  3. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey KirbyMegaX! Hope you are having a great day :D

    I would have to agree with Nikki_ here, Making another donator mine as good as the pvp mine would just make the server more P2W and would also be really op at the start. It would be op at the start because the coal donator mine is as good as the s mine which means this one could be as good more higher ranks. My overall opinion of adding more op perks to higher ranks are always a -1 and this would be the same for this thread although maybe some other less op stuff could be given to higher ranks (:

    I hope you have a lovely rest of your day / night
    DM me on discord if you have any questions (Mentioned below)
    abbs likes this.
  4. Swaggle

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello! I agree with the responses above and don't think this should be implemented. I personally think every donation from a player should be equally valued and given some perks that don't steadily go up with the more money you spend, like universal perks. I don't think it would be a great idea to create a more OP mine simply for more $$$ as it definitely creates a more P2W environment. It keeps the game exciting when there's a Wilderness Mine where you have a chance to be killed while gaining a higher amount of resources than the Donator Mine. I think creating a mine like this has already been done with the addition of the Wilderness Mine and I don't see that concept changing anytime soon. The only other thing I could think of being added is potentially a higher valued mine for each time you prestige (Z, Z1, Z2, Z3, etc.) but I personally doubt that is high on the list for the Owners when they plan to reset Prison. Thank you for this suggestion though as we're always open to any feedback you may have! I look forward to other opinions on this and appreciate you posting. Have a lovely rest of your day.
  5. Haylos

    May 13, 2020
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