Adding Spawn Eggs - What Am I On About?!

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by luvbri, Feb 7, 2021.

  1. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Now I know the server is pretty P2W already, however I have seen a lot of threads asking to allow players to teleport wolves to plots, and I saw somewhere else that they had blank spawn eggs that you could throw at a mob in the overworld to sort of "claim" that mob, kind of like a pokeball.

    I think that these are a cute little gadget that you could potentially add to the Ancient/Myth Key goodies, since spawners are no longer an obtainable object in the Survival subserver. Like maybe 5 in an Ancient key, and like 15-20 in a Myth key.
    These spawn eggs would allow for players to travel among the fb world, the nether, and the end, and collect cool mobs to add to their plot for some snazzy decoration. Now obviously there would be difficulties with this, and I'm not sure how you would code these eggs in or whatever, but it would enable the Survival community to finally have their pet wolves, ocelots, etc. on their plots (with some kind of ease?).

    Let me know your thoughts below, like this thread if you agree, and tell me what you would do with your plots if this was implemented next season or so?
  2. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey lesbrihonest,

    That's a good idea.

    Incidentally, Skyblock actually has a 'Mob Statue' plugin that lets you put cosmetic (no AI) mobs on your Island.
    Perhaps this could be introduced in a more integrated way to Survival for aesthetic building on plots.

    So, rather than straight up buying the mob statues, perhaps one should have to 'capture' a number of the mob first before being able to display it in their plot.

    Alternatively, I'd even be keen to see it implemented by having a 'soul sword' that you can kill mobs with, and it tracks the number of mob kills. Once that sword has been used to kill X of that mob, you unlock the ability to display that mob on your plot. (Kinda like a trophy)

    It'd give something to grind towards, and would let you display your favorite mobs on your plot!

    luvbri likes this.
  3. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I LOVE THAT IDEA!!! That would be so cool, especially for people like me who spend a lot of time killing mobs like shulkers, but yeah I think it's so cool that Skyblock has that implemented and I would be so interested to see whether or not it would benefit Survival.
    Thank you so so much for the reply!

  4. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Heya lesbrihonest! I hope you are having a good day!

    I would personally agree with you and KierenBoal here, I love the idea and its something cool which the survival server could have next season. I also do like the capture a number or something to obtain it at your plot since this would involve players working for something for quite a while instead of just obtaining it easily. This would also be really easy to code since all you have to do is to change the skyblock mob statue plugin and there you go. Overall I'm definitely +1 for this one and I would love to see this added next season (:

    I hope you have a great rest of your day / night!
    DM me on discord if you have any questions :D
    luvbri likes this.
  5. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thank you boom, lol.
    I really appreciate your response to the thread, and I'm glad you agree.
    And for sure it would be easy to code-ish.
    Thank you for your input <3
    boomrabbits_ likes this.
  6. 10sec

    Feb 9, 2021
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    What a great idea. This would definitely help many players and would attract more people towards the Survival server.
    I would love to see it added, especially alongside Kieren's idea.

    Thank you for writing this thread and congratulations on such a good idea.

    Have a nice day!



    luvbri likes this.

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