Beaconing in prison

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Jammy16, Feb 6, 2021.

  1. Jammy16

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello there! I just want to make a thread on this certain topic, beaconing. Beaconing has been ruining and corrupting the pvp in prison since the last reset since its what everyone does. Your unable to pvp someone since you have at least 3 people around you trying to interfere by using the strength and speed effect. I understand it helps new pvpers kill people who are stacked but I personally think its out of control and its not enjoyable.

    Let me know what you guys think!
    abbs likes this.
  2. Blitz1Fy

    Feb 1, 2021
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    While I see the point that it's not really pvp since you're not supposed to have potion and /back is an Iron+ donator perk, the effects of it aren't as big as one might imagine. You can't /back or go to someone's plot while Combat Tagged so if the fighting is consistent then they'll never get the chance. And while a 1v3 might seem unfair, removing beaconing because of double or triple teams makes no sense when there are gangs that specifically allow multiple people. That might mean that you can't pvp when a specific team is on or will require you to work with other people to form your own team to fight them.

    All in all, a 1v3 is allowed and the freedom of players to teleport will always be apart of prison and if they can do it, then it's possible for you to do it as well. The only complaint about that is that donators have /back, but you can just as easy /plot home to a plot with a beacon and achieve the same effect.

    Let me know what you think!
  3. Jammy16

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello there! I don't think you understand where I'm coming from tbh with you. Your basically saying /back is the issue when its not. In prison, donors could always do /back but beaconing hasn't always been a thing. Basically, if you done /back with beacon effects last season, you would go back to pvp but with no potion effects. Another thing is the 3v1ing bit what you mentioned. 3v1ing is very frustrating but its not what i meant. You could be fighting 1 person and its very hard to concentrate in a 1v1 and combat tag everyone around you to stop them from beaconing you if that makes sense. Its just not enjoyable.

    Let me know if that further information has helped you understand my point.
    kvng_steph likes this.
  4. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    hey there,
    while im not exactly a prison pvper at all, I do understand how it's annoying to get beaconed on and I have seen the effects it's had throughout the season. Personally I wouldn't be against disabling it, and I feel it would be possible by clearing all effects when you enter pvp. My reasoning for this is pretty much really "old school" I guess, in the sense that it doesn't feel like real PvP. Like I said, I don't really go in the arena on prison at all, but I do know its frustrating getting beaconed on or even more so getting beacon cleaned when you are in the middle of or just want to 1v1 someone normally. I get where you are coming from when you say it helps new players kill people but that still seems slightly undeserved in a way, and I feel like PvP should be fair.

    just my opinions as well :)
    10sec likes this.
  5. Ringars

    Apr 21, 2020
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    wassup jam jam. lowkey bro me and twizz were talking about this yesterday but honestly beaconing isnt that bad of a thing, but pvp is less active because of it in my opinion. kids wont go to 2 hearts and lower because they fear someone /back -ing with beacon effects to two-tap them. last season was honestly so much more active and fun and there would be gang fights and real 1v1s . but how you said in ur post beaconing should lowkey be removed because you have these alts, or randoms, or idiots like Fatoma who are always beaconing and its just not fun. some ppl like beaconing some ppl dont, but it would be mroe enjoyable if it was removed for season 9
    abbs likes this.
  6. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Okay so i'm just gonna set you straight real quick. Even if 3v1's still happen outside of beaconing they're way less effective and a decent player can quite often still come out on top, However when you introduce beaconing into the mix that's no longer the case. Any old player can beacon people and quite easily drop them. As for /back being the issue, i'd like to kindly point out that this has not stopped rookies from beaconing. It's become quite a common experience to see rookies with shitty clients beaconing from /warp pvp. As Jammy said, it's out of control and no longer enjoyable. All in all, beaconing needs to be removed.

    Thanks for reading.
  7. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Its either let people beacon or you'll just encourage more hackers on this server. Which one is more worse? If anything I think people should change their opinion on beaconing. People are mad because they got killed because of being beaconed. Instead of getting mad at the skill learn it and stop complaining. Pvp is meant to fight so you gotta get used to it or just dont pvp go eco. If you go in pvp and expect not to get killed big oofies think twice. If you think about this EVERYONE can beacon if they choose! They choose not to learn the skill!! Dont take away something that has been given to all. Learn the skill. Stop complaining MWAH, Ok bye.

  8. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Again, Beaconing does attracts more hackers and continues to make the problem worse. Please keep in mind that beaconing gives ALL players a boost, including the several hackers who now play. As for not wanting to get killed in pvp, There are several players this season who have only died when they got beaconed. It requires no skill to run into a 1v1 and beacon someone. Bringing back beaconing has also lead to more players using macros, so if you think of it this way it definitely needs to be removed. And to be fair, even if removing it meant more hackers most decent players can still beat them. Also i'd love to hear you clarify in what way would it attract more hackers? Right now a rookie with a shitty forge client can easily join and manage to get gear from beaconing people. If anything the idea of using beaconing would attract more hackers. I'd love to know what sparked your ideas Emily considering you don't pvp.

    Thanks for reading :)
  9. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Abbs first of all I do pvp . And regardless if I dont it doesnt mean im clueless about how pvp works! :D its nice that you seem to care. I rather you call me Freak0naleash thanks xoxo no need to mention my name here. The reason why i made the statement it will attract more hackers because you are taking away a fair advantage that has been given to everyone. When people cant beacon how else do you think they will get their kills? I suggest a better anti-cheat! That idea has been on the table for awhile. And another comment if it doesnt take skill then why dont you learn how to beaccon? If you fight a beaconer with a beacon its bound to be a fair match dont you think? If you know hackers who hack I really hope you report them to the forums. Its on the link on my signature.
    #9 Ahnxious, Feb 12, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
  10. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If you need to beacon to get kills get the fuck out of pvp? You act like removing beaconing will make pvp unfair?? If you rely on beaconing to pvp then you shouldn't be pvping in the first place. Removing it will not increase the amount of hackers, look at previous seasons when there was no beaconing. There's been way more hackers this season then any other i've played. Thanks for explaining your thoughts though Emily, i really appreciate it x

    Edit: sorry my bad, Freak**
  11. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    AbbieKababie I think its rather hostile you have to use such words to describe your opinion. But again I know bad habits, I've been working on them and hopefully you do too! Beaconing is a skill that many people cant tend to realize. If you cant handle getting a death on a pvp location.. I dont suggest pvping like at all. Thanks for your input is always nice to hear from my dear friends! AbbieKababie have a good day, I also like kebabs too they are pretty good I eat them rarely though!
  12. Ringars

    Apr 21, 2020
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    if you beacon in a 1v1 because you were 'told to clean' then you suck fat **** at the game a person gets beaconed because the other person will lose. if u beacon to win 1v1s u are complete horseshit at the craft
    abbs likes this.
  13. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    It doesn't always gotta be that case LOL. Leave all resources that are provided to everyone alone.

    Benefits of beaconing:

    -Makes outnumbered fights easier to win.. have you forgotten this is prison people 6v1
    -You can quick drop to get heads and etc.. or again if people are ganking you
    -It forces players to watch their surroundings and making PVP a little bit more difficult (You need this to become good)
    -And it gives people in bad gear a chance to kill those in p4 (especially rookies)
    -It teaches you more about pvping
    -It helps prevent gap wasting
    -It minimizes the amount of people running at low health


    -people who are lazy to learn won't be able to use it
    -If you don't have a beacon yourself (go to /p h 4ktrey)
    -people will complain
    -hackers may abuse this but keep this in mind. THEY SHOULD BE BANNED IF THEY ARE HACKING. Hackers shouldn't be players report them to forums!!!

    How to beacon:
    /warp pvp three times
    /p h 4ktrey
    /back (run into pvp)
    (When you are ready to beacon)
    /back wait for 8 secs
    then /back and kill the player.

    By all means my guy if you expect there to actually be 1v1's you give me the giggles. People aren't like that on prisons there will never truly be a 1v1 without someone intruding. Especially if you are disliked by many people.. PVP wont always be FAIR. It sucks to suck.

    And by the way lol I don't think advice from a person who just got banned for hacking on prisons.... won't really be of any use. Don't hack kids.. Rawr xD

    Wait a min-
  14. Spiriten

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Emily, there's quite a bit wrong with this, I'll point some stuff out.

    Beaconing is quite Pay2Win. Say you have to defend yourself on a side lake. For an Iron rank + you just /back and /back again with effects. For a Rookie you go to a plot with beacon effects and have to /warp pvp and pray you get a second of effects once you're back over. Unless you pay cash, you often can't properly beacon.

    Beaconing + Strength 2 = 35.1 damage. You can almost 1 shot two nakeds worth of health. It's basically a skill perk that makes it so you need no skill whatsoever to do better in a game. If multiple people beacon you at once, you have little shot at surviving if you're wearing P2 or are off gap.

    Beaconing brings in a lot more hackers. I've been playing MCC since 2014 off and on and let me say, this has been the worst season I've seen yet for the amount of hackers. There's almost consistently people bhopping and auraing, always beaconing. Tell me, how should I survive someone with reach, bhop, and aura if they have Strength 2? Forum reports take about 3 days on average for a response from what I've seen, so this influx of beaconing hackers cannot be stopped by that.

    Running is half of the Prison PvP style. What's the point of a big open map if we shouldn't run from fights while low or needing to gap? Why not have a small, condensed map then? If you can properly boost bow (even double boost bow) that's quite a bit more PvP skill than someone who can't for this reason.

    Lastly, nice job being a hypocrite. Say you don't take advice from people who got banned for hacking prison, use the plot of someone who's perm banned from MCC for hacking to beacon.
  15. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Didnt think of that /back and you are right about that. I have been playing 2015 as well and to be honest this really all just ties back into a better anticheat. The anticheat is the problem here.

    "Lastly, nice job being a hypocrite. Say you don't take advice from people who got banned for hacking prison, use the plot of someone who's perm banned from MCC for hacking to beacon."

    First of all 4ktrey gang doesn't hack. Please get your information right. I've been trying to apply for staff for a while now. If I know that the person I'm sharing plots/accounts with hacks dont you think that would be stupid of me to get linked? 4ktrey got false banned and I saw the whole screenshare process. Both of them xD. Just because a person is better than you at pvp it doesn't mean they hack! I seen how biased staff are when screensharing. 4ktrey got banned for deleting Anydesks which instead of doing futher searching they just banned him off of that! There was no hacked client. I was with him through the whole thing.

    XDddddd Rofl

    And 4ktrey isnt perm banned not for long. Your Fax will be proven to be untrue when that appeal gets accepted .*

    #15 Ahnxious, Feb 12, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2021
  16. Jammy16

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello there! Iv been playing prison for a while and trust me, beaconing needs to get sorted ASAP. This season has been the worst for pvping. No one plays anymore and its dead because of this major issue which we are all dealing with. Pvping side of things is dead and beaconing is the reason for it. Its not the fact its pay to win or hackers. Its the fact its highly overpowered and it interferes with everyone fun especially if your trying to 1v1 people.
    abbs likes this.
  17. Spiriten

    Jul 22, 2019
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    He wasn't banned for refusal to screen share, was banned for Modified Client (Hacks) found in screen share. And yes, it is a perm ban. Your 'fax' are proven to be untrue.

    (Also, can you ask 4kTrey something for me? What's it like being sky high comboed?)
  18. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    As i said before it was a false ban and he will get unbanned soon. There was no hacked client my guy. He got banned for deleting what they told him to install which was anydesks. His discord is AleX#7777 you tell him yourself. Otherwise keep this fan behavior in discord please this is unreleated to this forum post.

    Like i mentioned above also there are no 1v1s on prison there will always be someone interfering. Duels are meant for the sole purpose of dueling one person without any interruptions. If you really want to 1v1 that is literally the best place.
  19. Ringars

    Apr 21, 2020
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    yawn seems like all of 4ktrey cant get off my meat that i autoclicked 8 months ago. GG. you all suck and i cant be asked to argue with you bc ur incompetent and bring up random stuff lol. but like everyone has said, beaconing sucks and people who are not good need to beacon. all of '4ktrey' beacons and does the 6v1ing. people who arent fucking goriilas and people who have lives respect runnin the ones lol ig u cant relate everyone you associate urself with are apes.
    abbs likes this.

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