Why is this server not following EULA guidelines??????

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by Unfairly_Banned, Feb 2, 2021.

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  1. Unfairly_Banned

    Oct 14, 2019
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    This server is breaking every rule in the book under EULA guidelines. they are selling non cosmetic stuff such as gear and armor through crates, quite addicting being like a lottery and quite perverted and predatory twords children. This server is also selling ranks which give gear and other unfair advantages twords other players. This is quite disgusting that you run a server that sells predatory transactions! Please follow the EULA guide lines?
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    i'll just let you know that almost every server violates the EULA. If you're a hypixel player, guess what- they break it as well. If players are getting addicted to buying keys that's kind of their fault, and its s not perverted or predatory towards children either (not that it makes sense to make that claim about keys) It is a players choice if they purchase a key, and I don't understand how "predatory" is supposed to describe these purchases. It seems to me like the only reason you are upset that this server violates the EULA is because you are banned, in which case you can play on another server (that will most likely also violate EULA) and forget about MCC if it really bothers you so much.

    LeafyTiger24 and Lxvely like this.
  3. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Building upon this - all servers that breach Mojangs EULA get blacklisted from any support or advertisement from Mojang.
    Almost every server is on this list, simply due to the fact that these servers are not being run out of pocket as a charity.

    At the end of the day, servers cost money to run, and owners of servers need income to live.

    Ranks and perks, whilst they provide an advantage, are not required to play or enjoy the server.
    Nobody is forcing you to buy a rank, and nobody is forcing you to buy keys.
    Nikki_ likes this.
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