As some of you may know, there is the mini game survival games the main point is to get chests get better armour kill people with better armour and get better stuff. but I have been seeing teamers just killing everyone and getting an easy win. How to fix it: ------------------ One of two things: ban teaming in solo or make a duos mode so people actually can team. if you think about it: how frequently do you kill teamers because if you combo one they will start bow spamming and the other one would come in and kill you. its an easy win for the teamers as only sometimes do the solo players actually kill the teamers. its a little unfair for people and should be fixed and not allowed. People who defend: ----------------------------- Theres also the people who defend this and say they want it and eventually it makes a lot of people mad and trying to defend and make more people get mad at it which creates problems. but I want you all to decide if you want teaming to be removed or create duos.
There used to be a teams sg, but it was removed a while ago due to a poll made by the admins. The number of people playing survival games in total was very low already, so having both a solo and a duo mode made games especially hard to find. I could see this coming back in the future if the community really wants it and if there are enough players at a time, but right now I don't see it making a return.
It really is annoying that teaming is such a huge problem in this game. Today is the first time I played on this server and I got teamed up on in half of my matches, NOT TO MENTION that I was already weaker in terms of gear. There's so much teaming that it makes me wonder if teaming is allowed.
heya, survival games solo and teams will likely never return to mcc unless the play-base has a miracle spike one day. When team sg was a thing, it was so quiet that players would just join solo and team there because no one would play the team mode. Even if we did re-introduce these mods, this would still be happening, which just defeats the whole point of adding this. If you do get teamed on by 3 people, just invite your friends :) -nikki
Can't even win a 2v1 in deathmatch, let alone play sg without a party nowadays. Deff should remove teaming tbh
I don't think you're getting the point a lot of people are solo players and 1 my friends usually can't play with me since there either busy and doing something else, 2 then your the one teaming and then another person would team till eventually everyone is teaming in one game and even if people don't do that you're the person now that is teaming against someone and then they are frustrated. There has to be a fix about this because its nearly impossible to win a 2v1 if you have insane gear and are good at pvp because if you combo 1 it will just step back and bow spam and the other one would go up and kill them and defend the other one. also, it seems like they get gear super early into the game and they already have full armour. thats the problem with this is that its super hard to actually kill someone
Be thankful there is already a limit of 3-4 players without getting warns / punishments. I'm sure you can find someone to team with, and make good friends. God knows how many people I befriended just to team with in survival games for backup. The majority of the teamers who get stacked, are often a part of laby and use the voice chat. Perhaps try and befriend them through their.. worked for me
With the amount of players the server has, I doubt there will be a duos mode. Your best bet is to try teaming with someone. Banning teams will definitely help, but it'll still happen regardless.
I personally disagree with this because, it isn't hard to get a teammate to play with the current max team is 3 and not hard to get to. Another reason I have with this is because there used to be a teams mode of Survival Games and it was removed meaning people stopped playing it or it was just not needed there. I've had my experiences with facing teaming and being in the team and I sometimes get out the victor of it and other times I run away from it to not die, and then the times I just die. To be honest there are ways to get out of it. One run up to an area and use fall damage to get them low or use creative ways the other day i had a team of two after me on Breeze island and ran and trapped on under an area and shot and drowned him getting away from his teammate on a boat and winning the deathmatch. Encountering these situations is annoying and fun because you can use ways to get away from it and if you get away from them and kill them you have a fun story to hold on to.
I tried to go back to this Survival Games, and it's the same as always, teams and hackers in 90% of matches, that's just what it has in this mode, and there are people who still defend and want to make team, and be a noob who doesn't manages to play solo, but it is expected of a server that, does not have AntiCheat, does not have good Staff to ban hidden hackers in Skywars, and then what’s missing? Allow team at Survival Games Solo, and how to fix it? Fattes promoted to Owner. And those who defend have the same thing, thinking that it is the solution and thinking that anyone likes to make team, a game mode has to be fair and equal for everyone, a game mode that has something optional, and that is not everyone who can do it, and who has advantages, it’s not fair and not cool at all, if it’s solo, it’s just solo, if it’s a team, everyone should make a team, so why don’t you just put team mode and remove solo? And of course, be separated as: 2v2v2v2, 3v3v3v3, 4v4v4v4, because, there will be players with a team of 4, another of 2, and it remains unfair in the same way, everyone must have equal numbers.
The last time I encountered a hacker (I am an aggressive player and I don't attack passively) was around 2 weeks ago so I don't see how people say its all hackers. There is an AntiCheat its just extremely outdated and needs an update. I play solo and teamed and I always end up the same in or extremely close to deathmatch. To say get rid of solo and bring back teamed isn't a fix if it was a teamed thing you would be forced with someone that you don't know when you want to play solo. I have times when i want to play solo and times I want to play with my friends. Survival games is one of the only game modes that allows teaming along with teamed skywars and murder mayhem. It isn't teamed survival games its just normal survival games also. At least there is a limit to it. They most likely aren't gonna change this game mode back or make it a certain way it isn't hard to find people to play with. There is discord, laby mod voice chat, and other clients that allow you to communicate along with the party system also. Also if you dont want to make a team is also a dumb thing if your gonna complain about not having a team or being teamed on.
teaming will never change in survival games unless u split the game modes into solo and teams which is stretching the community pretty thin. The main problem with teams is that they might get rly stacked with enchants which then becomes almost impossible to fight
Most of the games im in theres never a team of 3. Also its one of the best minigames for teaming and playing with friends, which is why they shouldn't remove teaming. If they removed teaming as a whole, there would be a lot more people getting banned for cross teaming, ultimately lowering the player count. Overall I think the teaming thing is fine atm, as they did change the rule a little while ago from being unlimited team, to to3 -Myko
Hello there! I can why you are so frustrated but if your solo and there's a team it gives you a challenge. There is a rule in place where the maximum team on SG is 3 so make sure if you see anyone teaming in 4+ report it on the forums. I think if you split the game mode into teams and solo, it would take longer for games to fill and the majority of the people will go teams since many people go on with friends.
the only reason you disagree is because you are teaming and win 99% of the matches and it is annoying and not fun because your triple to double teaming someone.