
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by piggybankmc, Jan 19, 2021.

  1. piggybankmc

    Jan 19, 2021
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    Enchanting is too over powered, especially on Survival Games 4. I feel like this needs to be nerfed because fighting a 2v1 against a team with prot 3 full iron, sharp 3 diamond swords and power 3 bows who camp the enchantment table is extremely unfair to newer members can turn them away.
    seekingattention likes this.
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    hey there,
    while I'm not 100% sure on all of the ins and outs, I can tell you this is definitely being taken into consideration with the upcoming Minigames revamp. wether it is removed or not, I can tell you the server admins and owners have taken this into account for the revamp and it will not be forgotten being discussed. While I can't assure you it will be removed, I know it will be discussed.
    piggybankmc likes this.
  3. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
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    I believe it’s a very cool idea how survival games has an enchantment table, I recommend if you don’t like other people using it, you find where it is and use it yourself :)
  4. piggybankmc

    Jan 19, 2021
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    i enchant whenever i can because i have the levels to do so, i was bringing this topic up because it does bring unfair advantages to people who played longer (or bought a rank making it almost play to win) than it does to level 1 players. Also the map survival games 4 in specific can allow level 30 enchants, taking a 1 on 1 with a person who has sharp 3 and power 3 is possible if u play smart but for other players they see it as impossible, let alone the fact that teams of 3 control (camp) the barn for most of the game making it literally impossible to fight their gear.
    seekingattention likes this.
  5. legwarmer

    Jul 29, 2019
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    But if you look at it in another way, those players had to have grinded levels to be able to enchant in minigames - So don't they deserve it? You can always find yourself a teammate also :)
  6. piggybankmc

    Jan 19, 2021
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    When it comes to sg4 I'm one of the players who can afford to fully enchant level 30 gear on my armour and weapons and as one of those players I also play with other people that can fully enchant level 30. It's broken and it's not fun, and it ruins one of the better maps in the map pool. Being able to enchant everything so easily takes away from sg in my own opinion and like i said earlier makes new players less likely to play making it hard for the community to grow.
    seekingattention likes this.
  7. legwarmer

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Perhaps something will change in the revamp, like Nikki suggested above.
  8. needtree

    Jul 24, 2019
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    If I read your message right, it really comes down to YOUR opinion. I get the idea of lvl 30 ench being OP as well as OG Survival Games, however it's one map out of many that this dilemma occurs. So that being said, no player is often playing SG4 over and over, probably once every 8-10 matches you'll get the map. That's being generous too. To add, new players to this server will not have this problem frequently, only the times they play the map, and by the time the new players discover this, they will technically have the option to either grind and achieve enough levels to enchant as well as possibly getting a teammate or to complain. Lastly, being able to enchant overall on this server's SG provides a meta unfamiliar and unique to other servers with the game-mode, which more people find to like rather than dislike. Overall, there is no actual barrier between a new player and having fun, only the player themselves.
    legwarmer and piggybankmc like this.
  9. Sloze

    Apr 26, 2020
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    This is a tricky subject if you asked me, whilst personally I think the enchantments can be a bit overpowered on maps like Survival Game 4 and Rise of Orient for players who have been around on the server long enough to gain the levels to be able to obtain things like power 3 bows at the end of the day. It's somewhat like a reward for sticking with the server and playing those endless hours to obtain those levels. But also incredibly unfair when you get 8 bows and anvil them all into power 4 you have 0 chance of losing against a new coming player with very raw gear.

    However if this issue were so detrimental to these newer players there is the option to vote for another map and anyone could see Survival Games 4 and just vote for any other map like Zone 85 at the end of the day with an enchant table but no anvil. It also only takes you not long of playing any game mode to gain say 6 levels to enchant your armour set sword and bow to come on par with the more experienced players it just comes down to knowing where to find the enchant tables in certain maps.
  10. Jammy16

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello there! I highly agree with what your saying since i love playing SG myself. On the Survival games 4 map there's a level 30 enchantment table and if a 3 team gets to there first, you don't stand a chance. I do hope this gets changed in the future since it is way too overpowered. Its bad enough fighting a team of 3 with prot 1 and 2 armor nevermind full prot 3 and a sharp 3.
    piggybankmc likes this.
  11. WhatACoincidence

    Sep 19, 2020
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    you gotta start somewhere, i was one of those who couldnt enchant until i put the time in until i was able to.
  12. TwinBlade

    Jul 31, 2019
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    As the world best pvper and the guy that literally taught everyone where the enchanting table and stuff was besides cold as ice and rumple bless there souls... I can say with enough skill enchanting is nothing to worry about but I can understand how a new player would be very frustrated at the unfairness but my personal issue has to be modders... Ruining mc skill once and for all can't 1v16 anymore but a player that gets 200cps for drag clicking because of a mod is not skill but hax am the world best pvper... Am my best was 59 average.... It's disgusting what mods do

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