Cheap Spawners

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by 2Bmistaken, Jan 8, 2021.


Should MCC Skyblock Spawners Be Cheaper

  1. Cheaper Spawners

    1 vote(s)
  2. Current Spawner Price

    6 vote(s)
  1. 2Bmistaken

    Dec 23, 2020
    Likes Received:
    MCC skyblock should go back to cheaper spawners, like the magma eman season. Progression feels too slow in the newer seasons, and making money isn't that fun.
  2. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hello! Back when spawners were easy to get and their products sold for a lot more than they do now, it was extremely easy to become rich with minimal effort. All one had to do was grind their farms non-stop (or hire workers to do it for them for almost nothing in return) for the first two or three weeks of the season, place a good amount of spawners at the beginning of the season, find a way for the chunks to be loaded 24/7, and within a few months they had hundreds or thousands of spawners, generating a massive amount of money into the economy for free every day.

    This is because any profit from spawners is exponential, meaning that the spawners pay for themselves. You buy a starting amount of spawners, then it generates money, which is spent on more spawners to generate more money for more spawners, and so on. I've personally experienced this, such as in season 9 where I had almost two thousand spawners and no members to divide the money to, generating about $30,000,000 every day during the later months of the season.

    They nerfed spawners a bit starting last season, where their products sold for more, but the best spawners for exponential profit were three times as expensive, making the ratio of profit to costs go down, therefore decreasing the exponential speed. This means that there are less spawners required to generate the same amount of revenue every day, but those spawners are much more expensive, slowing their growth and speeding up the server TPS rate (server speed).

    I agree that it isn't as fun when the exponential property is not as visible, although there are many benefits to making it harder (but not impossible) to get exponential profit. Unfortunately mega-islands that buy their way to the top in the beginning of the season with 10+ people farming 24/7 for them still exist, and spawners being nerfed is not as large of a setback as it would be for smaller islands, although there's not much that can be done about them. Spawners are still exponential if you know what you're doing, it's just a bit slower. The economy seems to be very balanced, though, so not many changes are likely to happen regarding this.
    boomrabbits_, Pxggles and notaspleen like this.
  3. 2Bmistaken

    Dec 23, 2020
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    I understand the change, however the new farming meta kinda seems to promote cheating. Many of the top islands now are just using scripts, and have no intention of playing the game legitimately.
  4. Pxggles

    Feb 12, 2020
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    I would say that anyone cheating will eventually be caught maybe not all of them, but the more blatant ones will be. I'd also say to mostly focus on your own game, and your own enjoyment, and try your best to make it to the top fairly, as winning fairly will make it all so much better. Good luck on your grinding, and I hope to see your island at the top :)
  5. DrBrando

    Mar 19, 2020
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    I think the spawners were made to be more expensive this season in response to the growth of last season being drastically too fast.
    It appears to be a bandaid solution to an overall-ignored problem of there not being enough content on skyblock as of the moment. People are going to max out their spawners whether they are cheap or expensive and at the end of the day you are only tacking about 3-4 more weeks of life onto the server for making the spawners more expensive.

    I think a better thing to ask for would be more content for when you don't feel like grinding crops or harvesting farms. Kinda like how Hypixel has stuff to do other than grind. Maybe some form of skyblock minigames? I'm not sure, but that's my take on this =)
  6. Pie


    Jul 22, 2019
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    They didn't change the price of spawners this season at all, it was a change from last season which was kept to this one.

    Other then server lag and a little more growth at the start of the grinder and the space it takes there is no real difference between having spawners costing 1.8m each and giving on average 5$ per mob or having and having spawners costing 90k and giving 0.25$ each, it will only feel for you that you are getting more money because it will be easier for you to buy more but in reality you will get the same back. (and if not balanced right it might even be worse for you as you are going to need more storage space for it)
  7. OneWithTheWind_

    Jan 22, 2021
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    Honestly, I'd rather have them more expensive so it's harder to make money. It's no fun when everybody in the server is rich. Making the spawners cheaper will ruin the whole point of grinding.

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