Unban All

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by To_Ezzy, Jan 21, 2021.

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  1. To_Ezzy

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I already made one post about this and it got locked. But on a real note a unban all would one help your player base and two unban all the falsely banned players *cough half of orbit* it would give the players who were properly banned a second chance as well. And if you were to do a unban all at the same time add a anti cheat that works so it would ban players who cheat. If people get banned for cheating 99% of the time they will evade ( I know from experience) so sitting there spending hours and hours banning them does 0. A unban all will give so many false banned players a second chance. Me,HANGSAINT,Xini, some orbit members and I could go on and on. So many people have been false banned and false IP banned. This will give the entire server a chance to stop dying it is slowly and slowly starting to die and even though I’m banned I hate to see it die because it reality it is sad. Anyways a unban all could possibly save the entire server and everything else. (Don’t close this thread pls).
    TwinBlade likes this.
  2. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    Stop making duplicate threads please. If people were false banned they can appeal, they wouldn't be ip banned if they didn't ban evade, and a better anti cheat may be coming with the mini game revamp. I don't know why you think that making the same thread over and over again will get different results. There is no way that half of one faction would be false banned. Factions is known for its closet cheaters so stop complaining because they got caught.
  3. To_Ezzy

    Mar 27, 2020
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    "mini game revamp" are you aware they have said that for 5+ years and also multiple people have been falsely banned for "ip ban evading" without even having a singular ban in their lives. before you speak know what your saying holy fucking random.
    Skin_ and YouGetMeSoHigh like this.
  4. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    We have already said a million times as to why we aren't unbanning all.


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