Staff Roles (Timezones)

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Ahnxious, Jan 18, 2021.

  1. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Staff Roles: Timezones

    Staff should have a role like Staff PST, Staff EST, and etc. Staff having this role will help members identify what staff member is online/offline. The reason this is needed is because #support gets really dead around 8pm where I am at. So when trying to seek for help it gets a little more complicated then usual.

    example: @staffmember PST 'Player' Fly ssw

    (another quick idea you can also do this for regular members too)
    Yukihira and Nikki_ like this.
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    hey there,
    I actually feel like this could be quite useful, however there are other ways around it. Instead of having to ping these roles, when there are a lot of non-staff reporting hackers, the staff member that seems to be doing all the replies can be the one you tag.

    For example:

    As you can see the main staff members replying are myself, incarnation and fajoszz. These screenshots are mainly from AU timezones because that's when there is the least amount of staff. When you are in this situation, instead of adding roles etc, if you can see a certain staff member is the only one doing all the replies, you can ping them and them only, which technically is more effective.
    Just a compromise seen as it might be easier than adding all of these roles :)
  3. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    This idea will literally take seconds to make. I have my own discord server making roles isn't that hard. You can't really expect new players to understand or catch the rhythm of what staff is online or isn't.

    This idea will not only help people in need of support but also for members who are looking to apply for staff. It can give players motivation to apply due to how undiverse the staff team is. (Which means more staff active throughout the day)
    SplatBerry likes this.
  4. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    While this sounds like a possibly good idea, I think that in practice it wouldn't work. Us staff live in various different time zones, some of which are only an hour or two away from each other. If we were to have a tag for each time zone, there would be quite a lot of them. I have also noticed that people don't usually know where a time zone is located in. For example UTC +1 is usually not realized to be the Netherlands, Belgium etc. With the American time zones it may be easier but we also have South American staff, and that brings another issue as the time zones are not known with the same names there.

    Also if people were to use these tags, it would mean that someone who is potentially online at the time but from a different time zone than the tag, would not get notified. This means that actually less staff get notified about it.

    I don't see any harm in tagging all staff members at the same time. Those who are online and available get tagged, while the ones who are offline simply skip the tag once they log in. Also for example when it's 1 PM in Miami, it's 8 PM my time. Both times are sort of "prime-time" but I bet that people would rather tag EST instead of my UTC +2. People would have to realize that people from other time zones may be just as available as others.
    Swaggle likes this.

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