Let's talk about Fly Hacking.... AGAIN.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Advolton, Jan 11, 2021.


Have you come across a Fly Hacker when trying to play SkyWars??

Poll closed Jan 15, 2021.
  1. Yes.

  2. Yes ALL THE TIME.

  3. No.

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  1. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    I hope you're all well, I'm very sorry to have to bring up yet another thread regarding this annoyance we face when playing on the MCC server. Originally I made a post about this hoping something would come of it, following up with a YouTube video I unlisted on my channel with proof of fly hackers, and talking about how serious of an issue this was, that was posted on Oct 3, 2019.

    We're now at the start of 2021, and this morning I got online to play a few games of Skywars, and to no surprise at all, fly hackers, everywhere. It's a problem when it happens the majority of games on a daily basis. I mean, I join Skywars lobby now and make a snotty comments like "I bet $10,000 someone is fly hacking" sure enough, they are.

    So what's the point in me bringing this up? Well, I was just reading through the newly updated change-logs posted by Alex regarding future additions to the server, thankfully mini-games are finally having a revamp, and needless to say, so should the Anti-Cheat.

    I was going to purchase Immortal today, was really looking forward to it, got on, died instantly on SW to a Fly Hacker, and went back onto Hypixel, where the games are, let's say more secure, and instead of buying Immortal, I purchased MVP+ for the same price as my upgrade over on there server...

    Now that saddens me, because MCC is and will remain my favorite server, the player base I love, the staff team I love, and the server and forums I find to be remarkable, but in-game it's entirely different, its outdated, mini-games are dead, and when you do get a game, hackers are everywhere with no indication that the Anti-Cheat is doing anything...

    Therefore when I want to play games, unless I know the lobby will be secure, I have to sadly play over on Hypixel, and will continue to until something is finally done.

    It's been over a year since I last spoke about the problem, nothing has been done, slowly, people are getting annoyed and players are leaving, because like I say, this is a daily issue, it'll probably be a further year until something can be done, and there isn't enough staff to have someone in mini-games constantly, and therefore the players suffer and can't have fun, and due to dead lobby's, it's normally only the one lobby you get into with the same players, meaning the hackers just keep coming back.

    I'm not making this thread to hate, but please, something needs to be done.
    It needs to be done soon.

    All the best, Mike.
    BlackAngusNoodle likes this.
  2. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    You should just download a recording software, OBS and Bandicam are both good. You can report players here: https://mccentral.org/community/forums/reports/ and there is actually something satisfying about seeing the 'accepted' and knowing they have been banned. No server is perfect and you will always get hackers even on the big servers. Whilst a better anticheat would be nice, a lot of don't understand that developing an anticheat can't just be done overnight, it requires a lot of work. If there is a hacker in a game, then you can say @staffmember _____ hacking in ____ in the #support on the MCC discord: https://discord.com/channels/328579807002624012/328585248197705728
  3. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    All of that I knew already, although I do appreciate the reply bud, I have been playing MCC for a long time too, since Enjin was the forums and everyone cared about how many profile views they had, oh how I miss it... also, as shown in my signature I do have a YouTube, and so I have fully working recording software, and have used it like I stated, I've made videos showcasing this problem before back in 2019, alongside that, you mention it not happening over night, which is fine, but it's been about 2 years in total now, I get there is other things to be doing, but Immortal at $110, and the amount of people who have that rank, alongside Legend, e.g. they have the money to hire developers whilst they work on the server more, deducting from server costs and assuming all the staff don't get paid, then they have more than enough left over, especially if they're hosting themselves. Although the report system is nice, it could be used for teaming in skywars, e.g. and not reporting fly hackers as the anti-cheat should swipe them out prior... that's my point.
    LeafyTiger24 likes this.
  4. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    Just a heads up.
    At 12PM tonight from when the poll was originally created I am going to prevent any further votes.
    Therefore, please vote whilst the poll is still active, and please be completely honest.

    Then we can see how much of a problem this really is.​
  5. Gok2

    Aug 15, 2019
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    I am using geforce experience's recording thing which saves what happened in last 5 mins on my screen and I can tell it is pretty useful because it is not annoying as starting a record everytime to catch hackers which cause you lose a lot of storage quickly. For example you can see someone cheating when you dont expect but they start to hack and when you start recording it they no longer hack or they are already gone so you have no case of proof that the person is cheating. Since the program im using "records" everything as long as I save it there is no chance of me missing a hacker or someone doing any type of thing which is bannable or punishable if I saw it. So its just basically me saving the last 5 minutes of what my screen sees. I got over 100 reports accepted in 4 days and keep reporting but I dont think this problem will ever be solved I mean Im saying this for my timezone. Hacking is not that common during later times of the day for me because more staff members are online so the chances of hackers getting punished is more often during that. But when it is afternoon for me there are almost no staff member around so the only thing I could do is just report and Im keep doing this and doing it but they dont seem that they will ever stop because even though some of them are already IP banned they are changing their IP's in someway and relogging back with the cheap alts they get.Nvm thanks for reading this and have a nice/enjoyable/wonderful day/night!
    Advolton likes this.
  6. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    Well that's awesome that you have that, and like you said, very useful, reporting is fine, and like Leafy said, can be very satisfactory and appealing to know one of your reports was accepted and you have done something, however, reporting shouldn't always be the case, as I stated above, it should be used for teaming in solo games, or reporting excessive use of caps, bypassing, posting phishing links, advertising, backdoors, e.g. not for reporting hackers, although it helps and I completely agree with the report system, it's not really our job, that's why we have staff, and like you rightfully said, staff can't be on all the time, and that's why the anti-cheat is essential and needs to be updated, so when the staff are not online, hackers will still instantly get swiped off, and although they can make alts, they will instantly get shut down too the moment they start doing something not usual, for an example, there is hardly any hacking ever on Hypixel, because they have such a strong anti cheat, and that's what I want for this server so our players don't think it's frustrating and leave, and then we loose people, like me today when I went and donated elsewhere because I was annoyed. It does need fixing, and saying it never will be could be the case, but with the revenue the server makes, surely they could spend some of that to make our community a safer and better place since we're the reason it's still running.
  7. Lexxonist

    Apr 18, 2020
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    MCC will never get an anticheat because they're just quirky like that. If they were going to, they would've gotten it years ago as there are thousands of threads and complaints on the same matter :/
    Departition_ likes this.
  8. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    I just report them. What you gotta do is suicide in the beginning of the game and spectate and get ready to record if you think theres a hacker. All I do to record is the windows key + Alt + R then BAM. So yea, that's what I do and I have over 105 reports so ye
  9. SniffableSugar

    Dec 18, 2020
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    I do heard they are revamping the mini-game, hope we see some improvement in the anti-cheat when its done
  10. Idekbruv

    Nov 22, 2019
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    There’s rarely a game without a hacker nowadays
    Departition_ likes this.
  11. Sloze

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Hey mate! Hope you're having a cracker of a day.

    Whilst some of these points might already be relevant for you maybe they might help out a player experiencing the same issue without the tools and knowledge that they can use to help the community with this issue!

    Now whilst this is an ongoing issue within MCC, the development team for the server do their best to keep up with the constantly updating banned modifications continuing to do the same, until like previously mentioned the server's mini games receive a revamp the best you can do is take 5 minutes out of your time to record said cheater in any minigame not just Sky Wars with a free recording software, there's plenty and they all have settings to best fit you and how powerful your computer is and there isn't a need for any editing, just trim the video to make it easier for when the modification is used and make sure their name is seen clearly in the video. These software's include:

    - OBS
    - Apowersoft Unlimited
    - ScreenCastOMatic
    - AceThinker
    - ScreenFlow
    - Screencastify
    - Bandicam
    - Filmora Scrn
    - (If you're running a Nvidia card use Geforce Experience)

    I would also like to advise you that, and speaking from experience. If you have music that can be copyrighted (Any popular song) the video will be automatically removed by YouTube and your recording becomes useless, so mute that if you have accidently done so. Once you have obtained visuals of said player cheating you can report them to the team at this link:


    Now whilst you may or may not know most cheaters have the Rookie rank and are usually no higher than level 1, this is because they have multiple accounts and once one gets banned they relog using another. Once this player gets banned for the same illegal modifications on the same IP address just using different accounts their IP gets banned from the server permanently preventing anyone on that Wi-Fi router from connecting to the server, and if you're looking to become staff this can be a positive for you giving you more report tickets getting you that step closer to becoming Helper, Moderator, etc.

    Until the revamp comes this is our best shot as a community to remove the cheaters and I hope you have a great day!
  12. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Reporting is useless, it takes like 20 seconds to hop onto another account.
    Lexxonist and Advolton like this.
  13. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    They will eventually rage quit from getting banned all the time
    LeafyTiger24 and SplatBerry like this.
  14. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Reporting is not useless because, if you want to be staff on this server you need 100 reports or forums reports so a lot of hackers is really good because thats a lot of accepted reports you can get if you get the evidence, thats what I did and I now have 109 reports. But if you dont want to be staff then yea I guess it is useless
    Departition_ likes this.
  15. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    They don’t care about getting banned, If a server has a terrible anticheat or doesn’t have one at all then you’ll never run out of fun flying on this server.
  16. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    well, does that really help the server at all? that just makes another person staff but I see how that could be useful. there could be more staff to ban hackers
  17. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    more reports= more staff to be accepted which makes more people to ban
  18. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    to get banned* and also even if this sever had a trash anticheat it would still ban hackers atleast
  19. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Thats one reason why I want to be staff, so I can tease the hackers then ban them LOL
  20. micunmuted

    Oct 21, 2020
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    ah yes, now I see I feel like how they do it is wait for a staff to resign so they can get another staff member so it stays the same numbers and slightly goes up so it wouldn't be that efficent and not everyone can ban 50 hackers in 1 day
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