Survival shouldn't reset in a while

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by CabanNieves, Jan 13, 2021.

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  1. CabanNieves

    Oct 17, 2019
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    This post is sorts of a follow of this: (Also in this one I'm am more detailed on what I'm talking about).

    What I'm saying is that server shouldn't reset again in a long time, I meant looking at the wiki, I see how the survival server wouldn't had any reset from its launch in March 2014 until November 2015 when it would get it reset for the first time, and even though it wasn't playing at MCC at the time, it looks like that world lasted a really long time holy cow I did the count and it lasted 20 months! and then the second world which lasted from November 2015 until March 2017 and it was the world where I played when I joined the server in 2016, this world would seemingly last 18 months which is also a lot as the original world. But now why none of the following worlds haven't lasted as long as the first two worlds? the third world really didn't lasted that long at 10 months, in my opinion and then the fourth world which followed this one was the so short lived only lasting 6 months and at both of those worlds I had worked hard, build a house and settled and all of that for nothing, just for a pointless reset to happen because of this I feel that January 2018 reset should have never happened, instead the staff should of have waited until July 2018 to reset as by then it would be 16 months since March 2017 and it would be enough time for the world to last. And now heading towards the July 2018 world, this world only lasted 8 months so enough time and barely even played at that world because by that reset I was mentally exhausted of the constant resets, I go to survival settle, build at home only for the server to get reset? And now towards the March 2019 world this one only lasted 8 months same as the July 2018 one not even long either and did not even played at it either because like I said I had already gave up on MC Central Survival why did it needed to be reset? when you had literally had a reset earlier in the year? I still don't understand the decision to have 2 reset in 2018 and 2019 and also the November 2019 only lasted 11 months which I don't think its enough time for a world either.

    6 to 10 months is not really enough time for a world to last, 11 to 20 months is actually enough time and although by 20 months it would actually get stale I would 16 to 18 months is more appropriate. But yeah 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 months is not simply enough and the world would actually still feel fresh to me by those 6 to 10 months.

    My suggestion is to at least wait 11 to 16 months for the next reset, because in my opinion having a reset too soon after another simply kills all the excitement and the hype of the next reset, because people would actually like ''what? another reset but we just had a one?!'' and I would agree (as this was the case in 2018 and 2019).

    The January 2018, and the March 2019 or November 2019 resets, shouldn't have happened.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think 11-16 months is way too long for a survival season. The wiki is a great resource; however, you also have to take into consideration that all subserver seasons were longer than what they are now compared to the 1st and 2nd seasons. Not only that, but also survival has in no way been consistent with an eco and has had different types of ecos, kinda resulting in different lengths in seasons and trial and error on how long a season should work. As for this season, season7 was the first introduction of an eco/stats but no spawners based grind and that season being 12 months+ was way too long, I remember begining/middle is when season7 started to die down, so I think 7-8 months is a nice sweetspot for this type of eco. With the introduction of jobs (new way to get money out of eco), I think eco can last a lot longer than last season's making survival less boring for about another month or so compared to last season.

    I know that in your previous post, I was also quite detailed, and you bring up similar points to your last post just in different words. so.. I feel that I stand by the newer points I touched on in your new post and the points I explained in your previous post.

    Who knows what survival season8 has to hold, but I do not think the season will last that long again.
    I'd like to touch specifically on this last statement, the reason for those dates/seasons to happen so frequent was because this was the introduction to spanwers and an economy that's based off balance not diamonds. A completely new economy style with tons of new features like a “/shop” gui. survival was the first sub to get a “/shop” gui (then prison and sb and fac and kit etc followed with a shop gui). it also an introduction to a shop in general since (again) intro to an eco & players were able to buy spawners.
    You mention you were an OG-ish player, but you seem to fail to bring up some of these past details that explain why season3 and 4 were so short, and why season1 and 2 were very long

    Out of curiosity, what is your whole reasoning on why YOu would want survival seasons to be longer, without bringing it up past seasons/reset dates and saying that the resets are "pointless". Do you just not like the grind survival has and you like the chill environment is has or what? ^-^

    I know I didn't touch on every detail, but if I missed or miss interpreted any of your points, please point them out and call em out, would like to correct myself if I got a detail wrong.
    Again, I don't see survival seasons getting longer or lasting as long as season7 did again, so.. -1
    iiSean and 10Controls like this.
  3. CabanNieves

    Oct 17, 2019
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    Who knows what survival season8 has to hold, but I do not think the season will last that long again.
    I hope it lasts long, like why the staff can't add new stuff while keeping the same world or at least keeping people's plots and stuff.

    I'd like to touch specifically on this last statement, the reason for those dates/seasons to happen so frequent was because this was the introduction to spanwers and an economy that's based off balance not diamonds. A completely new economy style with tons of new features like a “/shop” gui. survival was the first sub to get a “/shop” gui (then prison and sb and fac and kit etc followed with a shop gui). it also an introduction to a shop in general since (again) intro to an eco & players were able to buy spawners.
    You mention you were an OG-ish player, but you seem to fail to bring up some of these past details that explain why season3 and 4 were so short, and why season1 and 2 were very long
    The staff could have added all of the new stuff on one reset rather than doing two resets in the same year. Also maybe the reason I fail to bring up certain details is because I'll admit it here, I don't really pay much attention to what they add to the server as my only intention is to just play, settle and build a nice house.

    Out of curiosity, what is your whole reasoning on why YOu would want survival seasons to be longer, without bringing it up past seasons/reset dates and saying that the resets are "pointless". Do you just not like the grind survival has and you like the chill environment is has or what? ^-^
    Because if the March 2014 world and the November 2015 lasted longer, why this one can't last and also yes I like the good environment it has, I'm just not a fan of the frequent resets, thus worlds not lasting a little bit longer, resets may be bring exciting changes but doing them very constantly in the same year really kills the hype as like I pointed out as an example many people would be mad that another reset is happening when one happened recently.

    I know I didn't touch on every detail, but if I missed or miss interpreted any of your points, please point them out and call em out, would like to correct myself if I got a detail wrong.
    Again, I don't see survival seasons getting longer or lasting as long as season7 did again, so.. -1[/QUOTE]
    Nah its all ok, but I think if the staff is planning to do another reset my advice is to plan it carefully make their mind up on that they are adding to the next survival world, you know they should be clear on everything so we prevent two resets happening in the same year.

    Yeah I tried to use quote to quote your comments but I failed so lol.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    this defeats the purpose of resets. as I already touched on in your previous post: "Eventually, players and their factions will become very rich and the grind isn't so much a grind anymore. There is also the fact that factions does not have plots/islands like all the other subservers do, meaning that there really is only so much limited space for factions to make their claims as there is 4 worlds with a boarder (like survival fb)." There are things that are updated like fb seed for overworld

    The eco in season 3 and 4 was a fast paste eco, the reason for resetting it was to make people start from almost 0 and grind their way back up to the top. Adding new stuff ontop of an eco like season3 and 4 would make survival boring and remove the "grind" aspect to it.

    in my opinion, 7-8 months isn't as frequent as factions (every month). I think if you like the more chill aspect, survival is one of the more chill subservers, but you seem to like it more mellow and for that I think maybe other servers or even a single-player survival world would match the more mellow vibes you seem to be after. Most of survival community enjoys the resets and changes and new challenges each season has to offer, hence why the return for multiple seasons on end

    rip, here's a short gif that kinda sums up how i do it (

    nice inputs!
    iiSean and 10Controls like this.
  5. CabanNieves

    Oct 17, 2019
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    [QUOTE="puposaurus, post: 303360, member: 230'']in my opinion, 7-8 months isn't as frequent as factions (every month). I think if you like the more chill aspect, survival is one of the more chill subservers, but you seem to like it more mellow and for that I think maybe other servers or even a single-player survival world would match the more mellow vibes you seem to be after. Most of survival community enjoys the resets and changes and new challenges each season has to offer, hence why the return for multiple seasons on end

    factions shouldn't be resetting as lot as often either, why do factions get so many resets?! and I mean I don't really hate the survival resets I just don't like the timing.

    (Pardon me but I couldn't understand the mini tutorial you showed me about quoting posts, it seemed like a mess that I couldn't understand how).
  6. kvng_steph

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thread locked to prevent further thread bumping!
    DarkBeastPro likes this.
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