Shulker Boxes [Creative]

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by Riikaaz, Jan 11, 2021.

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  1. Riikaaz

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Hello there lovely people :]
    I was wondering why I cannot use shulker boxes in the creative plots. A few minutes ago I watched someone use one on his plot, but when I returned to mine to take one from my saved hotbar, it turned into stone upon entering my hand. It also does this when I try to take one from the creative inventory. I somehow managed to avoid this at one point, but it turned to stone when I placed it. Any ideas as to why this is happening?
    Thank you for your time
  2. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    The saved hot bar head bringing things is supposed to happend, it started happening to me like 2 months before the reset happend and I think it’s intentional. For the shulker boxes- my best guess would be maybe because you are on a higher version then 1.12.2+ - it’s not supposed to do it but any version above 1.12.2 in creative can have lags like that.
  3. deleteduser

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Riikaaz,
    In 1.13+, you are able to grab any shulker box from the normal creative inventory except for the default one because the "default" shulker box was added in 1.13 (you're in 1.16.4). In 1.12.2 the "default" shulker box is what would be considered the purple shulker box in 1.13+

    This is also probably why you can't grab your pre-saved shulker boxes from the saved hotbar, because they're the default shulker box, place the items in a colored shulker box then you'll be able to transfer it over.

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